
How well did your group work? Why? What was hard about writing the program? What would you do differently if you started again? Did the game end up doing what you wanted to do? Did your game only work well some of the time?

Writing Question


Your project report should consist of the following sections, correctly identified. You have to write a maximum of 3000 words, and include a few images and code snippets. Please note that:

  1. There is no merit in longer write-ups: we value quality over quantity.
  2. This report should be your own, but you should include some of your group’s code.
  3. Describe the online resources you have used. You are allowed to use or adapt code from online tutorials, but make sure you clearly explain what you have changed.

1 – General content (Total: 45)


Is the conclusion self-reflective? Do not just talk about how the game could be improved. Think about group dynamics, etc.

Does the introduction help me read the report? You should introduce the report, not just the game.


Describe the scenario/story of the game world. Describe the goals of the player and the challenges they might face.

Include a user manual that explains all the features of your game (otherwise we might not notice them). This section should include instructions on how to run the program and some screenshots. Be concise and precise.


Your report must give a brief summary (and possible some history) of how simplegui can be used to build interfaces and games.

You should briefly describe sprites, collisions, and the Vector class.


Is there any evidence of consideration of the whole process?

You might choose to include any of the following:

  • How well did your group work? Why?
  • What was hard about writing the program?
  • What would you do differently if you started again?
  • Did the game end up doing what you wanted to do?
  • Did your game only work well some of the time?

What resonance can you find between what Foucault describes and contemporary experience with media and technology? What panoptic structures do you encounter in your day-to-day life and how do they impact your behavior or your feelings?

Read the pdf article and then answer the question


Write at least 300 words. Please read the attached file first. Please read carefully and answer the response question with no plagiarism. Please only cite from this article only. Do not site other sources. Only use your own words and with citation from this article only. Having read Foucault chapter on “Panopticism” from his 1975 book Discipline & Punish, it initially seem like a discussion of the plague and 18th century prison design is far removed from our issues today (besides our recent “plague,” perhaps…). His intention, however, is to relate these structures to the present. What resonance can you find between what Foucault describes and contemporary experience with media and technology? What panoptic structures do you encounter in your day-to-day life and how do they impact your behavior or your feelings?

Identify social policy at the local, state, and federal level that impacts well-being, service delivery, and access to social services. Assess how social welfare and economic policies impact the delivery of and access to social services.

Write a letter to an influencer

Watch a video to help you understand this concept and this assignment: Letter to Influencer Video

Links to an external site.. I want you to write this letter to an influencer within the context of the CSWE requirements, the assignment requirements, and consistent with what you find on the internet related to letters to politicians.

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) requires that social work educational institutions focus on nine (9) key competencies as it relates to the curriculum. The fifth competency requires that students learn to engage in policy practice.

CSWE Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards Link

Links to an external site.

Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice

Social workers understand that human rights and social justice, as well as social welfare and services, are mediated by policy and its implementation at the federal, state, and local levels. Social workers understand the history and current structures of social policies and services, the role of policy in service delivery, and the role of practice in policy development. Social workers understand their role in policy development and implementation within their practice settings at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels and they actively engage in policy practice to effect change within those settings. Social workers recognize and understand the historical, social, cultural, economic, organizational, environmental, and global influences that affect social policy. They are also knowledgeable about policy formulation, analysis, implementation, and evaluation.

Social workers:

  • Identify social policy at the local, state, and federal level that impacts well-being, service delivery, and access to social services;
  • Assess how social welfare and economic policies impact the delivery of and access to social services;
  • Apply critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.

This course helps students to work towards this competency by understanding governmental roles and responsibilities as well as social welfare policies and services.

To effectively use this information and to advocate for our clients and our professional perspectives and concerns, social workers should be able to effectively communicate with elected officials or governmental personnel. If we want to advocate for change, we must raise our voices in an effective manner.

You will write a letter to a person you want to influence – either an elected official or an administrative person responsible for influencing actions. Make sure that you are using the appropriate language as well as addressing the correct person who can be influenced on your issue of concern.

This should be brief, but factual. Concise yet detailed. It should be written in a professional format using appropriate language. Be specific in your requests as well as persuasive in your arguments. Grammar matters if you want to be taken seriously. Make a strong argument. Use various reference articles and use citations. An “A” paper is one that would be persuasive to your reader as well as easily managed in a political situation.

Remember about the concepts of standardized communication such as SBAR and EPIC, and write your letter powerfully, focused, and in a succinct manner.

There are numerous sources of information to guide you on how to write these letters on the internet including this video.

write 2-3 Full Page Paper (excluding title page and references page) about a contemporary topic that affects nursing or nursing students.

Reflection Paper #2

Students will write 2-3 Full Page Paper (excluding title page and references page) about a contemporary topic that affects nursing or nursing students.

Suggested Topics

  1. Climate change as a health care priority
  2. Social determinants of health
  3. What can nurses do to positively influence healthcare policies?
  4. Access to health care in medically underserved communities
  5. Dress code or not for professional nurses
  6. Evaluating the legitimacy of heatlcare information on social media
  7. Nursing as represented in the media
  8. Is healthcare a right or a privilege?
  9. Preparing for the next pandemic. Are we ready?
  10. Reflection about the book chosen by the Mercy College IPE committee this semester
  11. Other topics with prior approval by professor

How do nurses promote safety and caring in the nursing profession and why is it important?

Clinical Journalism #2- APA format Safety and Caring

How do nurses promote safety and caring in the nursing profession and why is it important? (Minimum of 2 pages.)

Create a code to solve the following problem in EES. Use property calls to get enthalpies or other data that would usually be looked up in the tables.

Engineering Equation Solver (EES) code to solve problem

1. Create a code to solve the following problem in EES. Use property calls to get enthalpies or other data that would usually be looked up in the tables.
Problem Statement: A simple ideal Rankine cycle with water as the working fluid operates between the pressure limits of 15 MPa in the boiler and 100 kPa in the condenser. Saturated steam enters the turbine.


  • a) The work produced by the turbine.
  • b) The heat transferred in the condenser.
  • c) The work consumed by the pump.
  • d) The heat transferred in the boiler.
  • e) The thermal efficiency of the cycle.
  • f) The back-work ratio

2. Create a parametric table by changing the pressure across the boiler from 20 MPa to 1 MPa. (There will be 20 runs)

a. In the table should be the six values that you found above.

b. As a comment in the code, analyze the table. Below are some questions to think about.

  • i. What trends do you see?
  • ii. Why do you think those are happening?

3. Plot the cycle on a T-s diagram

  • a. Using a look-up table plot the points on the
  • b. As a comment in the code, describe what you see in the plot. Does it match the Ideal Rankine cycle we talked about in class?

Make sure EES is set to the correct unit system for the problem. Recommended approach:

  1. Create variables for all your given information.
  2. Write the governing equations to solve the processes in EES.
  3. Identify what is unknown and create property calls or additional equations to get that information.

Create a load displacement curve for the pile, either by applying incremental displacement up to 0.1D or by applying incremental loading (e.g. every 1 Qu) for an purely elastic analysis, and compare with the results of the elastic solution by Randolph and Wroth.

Computational Geotechnics; Elastic and Elastic-plastic deformation of piles and pile groups

Marking scheme:

  • Research & referencing (15%)
  • Analysis (25%)
  • Computer modelling (25%)
  • Results & discussion (25%)
  • Presentation (10%)


Coursework brief:

Model 1) You are asked to analyse the pile shown in Figure 1, for the parameters shown in Table q, according to the last digit of your student ID. Steps to follow:

  • Calculate the bearing capacity of the pile, using an undrained analysis. For the interface parameters, use any relevant source from the
  • Model the pile using an axisymmetric model in Plaxis 2D and
    1. Create a load displacement curve for the pile, either by applying incremental displacement up to 0.1D or by applying incremental loading (e.g. every 1 Qu) for an purely elastic analysis, and compare with the results of the elastic solution by Randolph and Wroth.
    2. Compare the previous 2 curves with the load displacement curve for the pile, for an elastic-plastic MC analysis and compare the bearing capacity
  • Apply a safe design load on your pile (FS=3) and get the axial load, displacement and interface shear force distributions along the pile, compare with the elastic solution by Randolph and Wroth

For your model, it would be easier to consider the pile weightless, otherwise you will have to subtract the pile weight from the calculation. Comment of the advantages and the implications of that.

Model 2) Your pile above, is now a part of a 3-by-3 pile group, at a spacing s/d given in Table 1. Steps to follow:

  • Calculate the theoretical efficiency ratio and the bearing capacity of the pile group, as well as the settlement and the distribution of the axial loads of the piles for the safe load on the group (FS=3).
  • Create a plane strain elastic model using an “Embedded Beam Row” element for your piles and a plate element for the pile cap, as shown in Figure 2 and
    1. First de-activate the pile cap and try to get an idea of the pile stiffnesses and interaction factors from Plaxis, by applying loads on piles independently, following an elastic
    2. Activate the pile cap and apply the safe load on the pile group and compare the settlement and axial forces on the piles, with your theoretical
  • Add some moment increments, no greater than the one which can cause an axial bearing capacity failure to a pile of the group and compare the rotational stiffness and rotation with your theoretical Also try to identify how the interaction affects the displacements of the extreme piles of the group.

Again, for your convenience, assume piles and pile caps weightless, but comment on the benefits and drawbacks of doing that.


Table 1. Modelling parameters

Last digit of student ID L












Cu2 kPa s/d
0 16 1 60 6 200 3
1 18 0.8 140 8 400 4
2 20 0.5 100 7 300 5
3 22 0.6 80 10 250 6
4 25 0.8 250 5 600 7
5 15 1.2 40 6 500 8
6 17 0.6 70 5 150 9
7 21 0.7 200 7 450 10
8 23 0.8 80 8 320 6
9 24 1 50 10 180 5


Figure 1. Single pile to be analysed with an axisymmetric model




Figure 2. Pile group to be analysed with a plane strain model

In your own words, explain Jerry Harvey’s Definition of Cheating as it relates to leadership, including the main concepts he mentions. Based on this article, should you cheat in this class? Why? What moral lessons do you face when you choose to cheat or not to cheat? What is “cheating” anyways?


Question 1, Jerry Harvey’s Definition of Cheating                                                           

In your own words, explain Jerry Harvey’s Definition of Cheating as it relates to leadership, including the main concepts he mentions. Based on this article, should you cheat in this class? Why? What moral lessons do you face when you choose to cheat or not to cheat? What is “cheating” anyways?

 Jerry Harvey’s Definition of Cheating:     click to access


Question 2, Dixon’s Theory of Leadership                                                   

Having read this leadership case study, describe the leadership characteristics of the leader, comparing them only to yourself. What lessons could you draw from this case study as applied only to yourself, and why?

Dixon – chapter 3 – Leadership Case Study – The Crimean War:       click to access


Question 3, The Concept of the Leader                                                         

Based on the course lectures and having read the article below, please explain who and what the leader is. Provide examples of leaders and non-leaders. How would you be able to tell who is and who is not a leader? Are managers leaders? Are you a leader in this leadership class?

Who is a Leader – article:                              click to access


Extra Credit Only. Management, Leadership, and Authoritydiscretionary points

Explain and articulate your understanding of chapters 1 – 6 only as they apply to you, our class, and university. What conclusions could you draw between your observations and UDC today? Are the ideas still valid today as they applies to our class only?

Obedience to Authority book:    click to access

Review the additional resource materials for Chapter 9. Write a 3 page essay about what the main concepts in the material in this chapter.

Peers and Gangs in Context

Read Chapter 9

Review the additional resource materials for Chapter 9.

Write a 3 page essay about what the main concepts in the material in this chapter are;

Add a personal statement of what you think of what you learned.

Describe and discuss the medical management, communication/teaching for patients and families, cultural considerations, and provide three relevant priority nursing interventions with rationales.

Neurologic Alterations

With this assignment, you will learn about and discuss various neurological alterations. For this paper, you will need to describe and discuss the medical management, communication/teaching for patients and families, cultural considerations, and provide three relevant priority nursing interventions with rationales for the following conditions:

  • Increased intracranial pressure
  • Skull fractures
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Cerebrovascular disease
  • Status epilepticus.

This paper is a minimum of 4 pages with no more than 10 pages, not including the title and reference page (6-12 total) and APA formatted, with a minimum of 2 scholarly sources. However, to earn exemplary in the decision making and clinical reasoning category 3 or more scholarly sources are required. Sources need to be less than 5 years old.