
Identify a minimum of 5 relevant research articles and provide the required information for each using the BHMC 346 Literature Review Matrix Template.

Literature Research Paper
A screenshot of the first page of your search results.
Here is a link if you need help with a Screenshot:

Part 2– Problem Statement
Re-state your problem statement. If you revised your problem statement from Week  identify the original problem statement, followed by the revised version.

Part 3 – Literature Matrix
Identify a minimum of 5 relevant research articles and provide the required information for each using the BHMC 346 Literature Review Matrix Template.

APA reference for the article.
Purpose statement – what was the purpose of the study?

Sample – who were the subjects in the study?

Research Design/Methodology – Identify the type of research design used in the study (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods)

Provide a brief justification (single paragraph) for including the research article in support of your problem statement.

You should group “like articles” together. For example, if you have two articles about the same topic, put those together or label them somehow as being related.

APA formatting for this assignment is not required except where noted. No additional resources are required.

Assignment Objectives:
Employ principles of an inquiry relevant to your problem statement.

Perform an efficient and effective literature search resulting in a specified number of relevant articles.

Demonstrate professionalism and accountability through timely completion and submission of the assignment.

Review the demos on conducting an Efficient Literature Search and the EBSCO

Tutorial, and then perform a literature search using the Bellevue University Library.

HINT: When conducting a literature search, make sure you click on the first 2 boxes in the top left of the search page under Refine Your Search.
Items with full text online.



Discuss the human dynamics and communications aspects of the blame game and the resolution stages you plan to implement in your crisis communication plan.

Submit a three-page (minimum 750 words) crisis communication plan outline. The plan can be for an organization of your choice. This is an outline for a crisis communication plan and not a crisis plan. (You will use this outline to complete a plan in Unit VII.) The plan outline should, at a minimum, include the following items:

The introduction should engage the reader in the crisis communication plan and clearly present a summary of the main points.

Explain the purpose, scope and goal of the plan.

Include assumptions or assumed situations, which is a result of assessing risk for your organization.

Define expected audiences—both internal and external.

Include a communication strategy.

Include a concept of operations for communications.

Discuss the human dynamics and communications aspects of the blame game and the resolution stages you plan to implement in your crisis communication plan.

Explain the significance of research, clinical/administrative expertise, and patient preferences in relation to your example.

How is the concept of “evidence-based” pertinent to healthcare? Provide an example of evidence-based management.

Explain the significance of research, clinical/administrative expertise, and patient preferences in relation to your example.

In keeping with the nature of this course, make sure you include at least one substantive research article

What were the results of the study? What relationships, if any, were identified?

Article Critique

List all authors, the year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number and page numbers.

Literature review. Include main premises, themes, lines of thinking, theories, models or key research threads that the author(s) used to support the purpose of the study.

What variable(s) were examined in the study?

Describe the sample for the population. Include the sample size.

Describe the population for this study.

Was this a qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods study?

Describe the methods used to collect data.

What were the results of the study? What relationships, if any, were identified?

In the discussion section, what key outcomes were reported from the study?

Were there any limitations listed for the study?

What, if any, were the recommendations for further research?

Demonstrate professionalism and accountability through timely completion and submission of the assignment.

Article Critique
Identify important components of a research study.

Evaluate a research article for relevance to the problem statement.

Demonstrate professionalism and accountability through timely completion and submission of the assignment.

As healthcare managers, we need to be able to critically analyze the critical components of information included in a research article.

This is important when considering the application of the findings to initiate a change in practice based on the evidence.

What might your choice of stories reveal about the nature of short fiction or the particular approach to the genre you wish to discuss in the critical introduction?

Critical Introduction to an Anthology

In your Critical Introduction you MUST:

Justify your choice of stories

Why have you chosen these particular stories?

What unifies them?

What might your choice of stories reveal about the nature of short fiction or the particular approach to the genre you wish to discuss in the critical introduction?

Structure the discussion around a series of cogent arguments relevant to your anthology theme.

Make sure the critical introduction is purposive in its discussion.

Use close textual analyses of the texts to support and develop the discussion.

What larger questions about the nature of short fiction can your analyses of these stories answer?

Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of a substantial range of texts from the genre of short fiction

Module learning opportunities assessed through this

Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of a substantial range of texts from the genre of
short fiction

Develop their knowledge and understanding of a range of literary theoretical
approaches to short fiction

Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and understanding of the distinctive formal
characteristics of the genre of short fiction

Apply a range of critical approaches to their analysis of short fiction

Develop an understanding of some of the contexts (historical, cultural geographical,
economic, political and social) which can determine the form and interpretation of texts

Develop advanced literacy and communication skills and the ability to apply these in
specific written and oral contexts

Explain and justify how your insights generated from your critical reading enhance your understanding of leadership.

You are to explore in depth one perspective in educational leadership addressed in EDLE 680.
You do this by critically reading an appropriate book of substance.
Explain and justify how your insights generated from your critical reading enhance your understanding of leadership.

Discuss anatomical and Behavioral changes in animals held in captivity.

Discuss anatomical and Behavioral changes in animals held in captivity.

What Determines Voting Behavior in the U.S Political System

What Determines Voting Behavior in the U.S Political System