
 Describe the top two options that you would prefer, go into detail as to why those are your top two.

There are several different housing options for the elderly based on a combination of factors at the time of retirement.

Describe the top two options that you would prefer, go into detail as to why those are your top two

Describe what you would need to do in order to achieve those options.

Compare and contrast these characters, addressing issues of race, gender, and class as applicable.

Several of the works in this course include characters struggling to either live by a set of standards created for them by society or by their own internal guidelines.

Choose two characters from the works on the mandatory reading list for this course (they must come from different works).

Compare and contrast these characters, addressing issues of race, gender, and class as applicable. Explore how these characters embody what it means to be an American.

Describes the nursing theorist, major concepts, definitions, assumptions and propositions found in the theory.

Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Treatment

Provide an introduction (begins with: The purpose of this paper is to, and then outlines the main points of the paper) and conclusion

Describes the nursing theorist, major concepts, definitions, assumptions and propositions found in the theory. Incorporates how the theory fits the project purpose. Uses a primary source (theorist’s own writing).

Primary: original, first-hand; the author of the source generated the research data they are using. Secondary Research:

This is when an author of the source you are using gathers existing data, usually produced by someone else, and they then report, analyze, or interpret that other person’s data

All metaparadigm concepts (person, health, environment and nursing) are defined according to the theorist and student develops their own definition (operational) for concepts

Describe 3 problems that a patient with cystic fibrosis may have-choose 1 problem from 3 different body systems.

A 2-week-old has an abnormality on her universal newborn screening lab test that indicates she may have cystic fibrosis. She is currently doing well. Her parents report that in the hospital she did not pass her first bowel movement until the 3rd day of life and that the staff was concerned about that. Her parents have noted that she “tastes salty” when they kiss her.

Answer the following questions based on the scenario and article above and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.

Define genotype.

Define phenotype.

What gene mutation is associated with cystic fibrosis? How does this affect mucus production?

How is cystic fibrosis inherited?

Describe 3 problems that a patient with cystic fibrosis may have-choose 1 problem from 3 different body systems.

Examine the stylistic changes during ancient Mediterranean times.

Ceramics in Antiquity

Examine the history of ceramics during antiquity. It will focus on how artists developed methods in the ceramic arts, more specifically investigating the materials such as clay and how artists used their knowledge of tools such as kilns and how this knowledge led to more diverse methods.  Examine the stylistic changes during ancient Mediterranean times.

It will conclude with a discussion on ceramic arts that have remained prominent since antiquity and compare the methods to today ceramic arts such as pottery in the modern age.

In what way, if any, should the revelation that morality has evolved threaten our commitment to its demands?

In what way, if any, should the revelation that morality has evolved threaten our commitment to its demands?

Explain how the extension activity or homework assignment supports the learning targets/objectives.

Extension Activity and/or Homework
Identify and describe any extension activities or homework tasks as appropriate.

Explain how the extension activity or homework assignment supports the learning targets/objectives.

As required by your instructor, attach any copies of homework at the end of this template.

What is the rationale behind the Marines’ efforts to change the level of combat stress intervention?

Psychological Combat Stress

After reading the Wall St. Journal article, “Comradeship: Rx for Combat Stress,” please comment on the following in a 3 paragraph essay:

1. What is the rationale behind the Marines’ efforts to change the level of combat stress intervention?

2. Do you think it worked in this story? Why or why not?

3. What are your personal reactions to this story?

How are you utilizing pharmacology and nutritional information to better care for patients?

As a nursing leader, you will use many new ideas and techniques in practice. Name one new technique you may use. How will the economic situation affect you? Do you feel you will encounter ethical dilemmas as a leader?

Nurses need a strong background in pathophysiology and assessment when caring for patients and families. What is different about your skills in these areas now? How are you utilizing pharmacology and nutritional information to better care for patients?

Discuss 2 of the key concepts below and their impact on midwifery care provision within a developing country of your choice

National and International Perspectives of Maternity Care

The World Health Organization (2011) has defined key midwifery concepts to promote the health of women and childbearing families.

Discuss 2 of the key concepts below and their impact on midwifery care provision within a developing country of your choice:

Respect for human dignity and treating women as persons accorded full human rights.

Advocacy for women whose voices have been silenced.

Cultural sensitivity, and working with women and health care providers to overcome cultural practices that harm women.

A focus on health promotion and disease prevention.

Viewing pregnancy as a normal life event.

You also need to provide an overview of the current situation in terms of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity within your chosen country including:

-The maternal and neonatal mortality rates in the country.

-The main causes of maternal and neonatal deaths.

-Proportion of deliveries attended by skilled birth attendants within that country