
Demonstrate application of your knowledge and understanding to critically analyze a specific patient assessment.

In a 4500 word case study

Demonstrate application of your knowledge and understanding to critically analyze a specific patient assessment

Provide a 500 word critical reflection on your development of advanced clinical assessment skills

Analyze the computation, application, strengths, and limitations of various statistical tests.


Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze the computation, application, strengths, and limitations of various statistical tests.
Analyze statistical assumptions.

Competency 2: Analyze the decision-making process of data analysis.
Articulate the data analysis plan.

Competency 3: Apply knowledge of hypothesis testing.
Interpret statistical results and hypotheses.

Competency 4: Interpret the results of statistical analyses.
Explain statistical conclusions, the limitations of the test, and possible alternative explanations.

Competency 6: Apply the results of statistical analyses (your own or others) to your field of interest or career.
Analyze the potential applications of the test in the field and their implications.

Competency 7: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members in the identified field of study.

Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and adheres to APA style and formatting.

Explain how the ethical theories and decision-making constructs of this philosophy contribute to your own ethical code and to the potential development of a 21st century global ethical standard.

Pick two ethical theories or philosophers.

Identify the similarities, differences, strengths and weaknesses of the basic tenants and arguments of each theory or philosopher.

Demonstrate the application of each theory or philosopher with real world examples of ethical dilemmas and how they could be resolved.

Pick one of the theories or philosophers with which you agree most and explain why you prefer that ethical view over the other

Explain how the ethical theories and decision-making constructs of this philosophy contribute to your own ethical code and to the potential development of a 21st century global ethical standard.

Remember to apply relevant concepts and terminology in your analysis and explanations. Your goal is to make an argument and support it with clear, original and thorough analysis of the themes, arguments, vocabulary, terms and information presented in the course readings and lectures.

Write an essay/paper and discuss the epidemiological data, health access, diversity, the determinants of health, health literacy, religion and health promotion for the disease and ethnic group selected.

Select a specific disease (diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, thyroid disease, cancer, etc.) and a specific ethnic group. Write an essay/paper and discuss the epidemiological data, health access, diversity, the determinants of health, health literacy, religion and health promotion for the disease and ethnic group selected.

Describe two challenges associated with discussing and reflecting on diversity related content.

Diversity Awareness & Self Reflection

In the profession of social work, there is an expectation that all service providers and professionals provide culturally responsive interventions and considerations to diverse individuals, groups, and communities. At the same time, the topic of diversity has the potential to create discomfort. How do social workers continue to not only engage in difficult conversations, but to also acknowledge and confront the layers of discomfort?

Learning about local diversity and attending cultural events is one way to challenge one’s perspective and engage with diverse others. For the purposes of this assignment choose a cultural event that you may attend and why you would choose to attend this particular event if it were an option.

Ensure that this event would be encompassing of culture and that it would be realistically open to the public. Examples may be something related to gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity, class, religion, ability, sexual orientation, national origin, or age.

Address the following prompts:

Describe the cultural event in which you may choose to participate.

Explain how this experience may influence your perceptions of diversity and difference.

Analyze at least 3 key concepts in relation to this experience.

Define what it means to you to engage with diversity and difference in practice.

Describe two challenges associated with discussing and reflecting on diversity related content.

Describe one strategy to address these challenges.

Identify one positive emotion and one negative emotion that surfaced during this research

Describe one strategy to address the negative emotion in order to continue developing cultural awareness.

Explain specific steps that you will take to advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice based on what you have learned

Describe the public health issue in your selected scenario and its importance and relevance to the world.

Final Project Milestone One

You will select a case scenario focused on a biologic agent and perform a case analysis. You will analyze the influences on the agent, the impact of the agent on
society, and determine an appropriate strategy to combat the agent.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: In this section you will set the stage for your analysis by describing the public health issue, its development, and its concern to public

A. Describe the public health issue in your selected scenario and its importance and relevance to the world.

B. Outline how the issue has developed, providing specifics around the biological and molecular components.

C. Explain why, based on its biological and molecular components, this pathogen is of concern to public health.

D. Analyze how biology assists public health in planning, implementing, and evaluating local or global public health programs and interventions. In
other words, analyze the relationship between biology and public health’s attempts to mitigate diseases.

In what ways and to what extent was 1945 to 1974 ‘the golden age of the British Welfare State’ ?

Welfare and Politics

In what ways and to what extent was 1945 to 1974 ‘the golden age of the British Welfare State’ ?

Why are professional dispositions of learners important in the educational settings? Provide examples from your past educational experience.

Write a 500-750 word essay that addresses the following:

• Why are professional dispositions of learners important in the educational settings? Provide examples from your past educational experience.

• from your past educational experience, how have the model code of ethics for educators been applied to classroom practice!

• what skills, traits, or attributes have you seen demonstrated by effectives teachers from your past educational experience? What skills, traits, or attributes do you believe you need to develop to be an effective teacher?
Support your writing with 1-2 resources.

What do our current Medicaid and Medicare cover to help with the treatment of these diseases?

Read about the psychological wellness, mental abilities, memory, and mental diseases that can develop as we age.

Feel free to find additional resources. This must be at the very least a full page in length.

Which ability loss or disease are you most concerned about as you age and why? What do our current Medicaid and Medicare cover to help with the treatment of these diseases? Is there any supplemental insurance available, and what is the average cost?