
What was the purpose of the account of the Ten Plagues of Egypt, and how did the author or authors of the narrative achieve this?

Disease and Culture
What was the purpose of the account of the Ten Plagues of Egypt, and how did the author or authors of the narrative achieve this?

Does it matter whether the narrative is historical/scientific, or metaphorical/allegorical? In other words, does it matter if these plagues REALLY happened, or did the account serve a purpose regardless of its “factual” reality.

Whichever way you approach this question, be sure to explain why it matters or does not matter.

You may write about an artistic representation of the Plagues of Egypt. One of the links (Links to an external site.) provided on the Contexts page lists paintings, etchings, and other portrayals.


What needs to be done to decrease unemployment in US.

What needs to be done to decrease unemployment in US.

What impact does antibiotic therapy versus no antibiotic therapy have on skin infection in diabetes?

What impact does antibiotic therapy versus no antibiotic therapy have on skin infection in diabetes?

How do you know that the sun will rise tomorrow?

For your final assignment for the course a three-part question. You may divide your answer into sections if you wish:

1) How do you know that the sun will rise tomorrow?

2) David Hume provides an account of the confidence we can have of the claim that that the sun will rise tomorrow. What is this account (please provide direct textual support (quotations) from the reading in your answer. See: Hume: An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding.

3) Do you agree or disagree with David Hume? Give reasons.

Analyze, discuss, and apply the following- The inter-agency (local, state, and federal governments, NGOs, volunteer organizations, etc.) response to the 1900 Galveston flood.

Overview: Begin the assignment by going through the material in the Lessons. Review any feedback or templates that has been provided to you by the instructor. Review the APA manual or other APA Resource material as the indicated by the instructor. Ensure that you do not make any repeat errors in your papers.

Visit Reserve to read the assignment material for the week, and conduct additional research.

Assignment: Provide an approximate 1500-word document analyzing important concepts in the readings. Ensure your apply the discussion points below and assume you are writing for an uninformed reader that knows nothing about the topic and has not read what you read. Provide an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Analyze, discuss, and apply the following:

The inter-agency (local, state, and federal governments, NGOs, volunteer organizations, etc.) response to the 1900 Galveston flood. Include a discussion regarding lessons learned and the contribution to the interagency emergency management.

The inter-agency (local, state, and federal governments, NGOs, volunteer organizations, etc.) response to the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fires. Include a discussion regarding lessons learned and the contribution to the interagency emergency management.

The inter-agency (local, state, and federal governments, NGOs, volunteer organizations, etc.) response to the 1918 Great Influenza Pandemic. Include a discussion regarding lessons learned and the contribution to the interagency emergency management.

Select one “paid” leave program and identify how much leave you would give an employee and how would you award this to the employee?

Human Resource Management

There are laws that govern leave, both at the federal and state. You can find the links to state-specific laws here: Leave Laws

If you were asked to make some recommendations to the organization on the leave plans, both paid and non-paid, what would be the “must haves” and why?

Select one “paid” leave program and identify how much leave you would give an employee and how would you award this to the employee? For example, would you award leave based on the hours they worked, years of service, different rate for different groups of employees, etc.

Describe the implementation of teacher directed violent policies and models in Maryland with respect to the ecosystem.

Violence against teachers and the implementing school policy

The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study is to explore how public high school administrators, teachers and non-teaching staff. Describe the implementation of teacher directed violent policies and models in Maryland with respect to the ecosystem.

2. The word document attached with the feedback that was recommended. Some articles are attached that will be used for these two pages.

What is your treatment recommendation and education for the patient and family? Why?

Answer the following questions based on the attached PDF document.

• Which essential questions will you ask this pediatric patient or his/her caregiver during this well-child check? Why are these questions important? What lab tests or diagnostic studies will you order and why?

• What diagnoses would you give the patient in this case? Include the findings that support the diagnoses.

• What is your treatment recommendation and education for the patient and family? Why? Include anticipatory guidance.