
Recognize, understand and discuss the interaction between functional elements and understand the key drivers of operational management and understand the use of analysis, data and information in operational performance of organizations

Foundations of Business Management (BBS013-1)
Assessment 1: Project Business Case Report

Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
Recognize, understand and discuss the interaction between functional elements and understand the key drivers of operational management and understand the use of analysis, data and information in operational performance of organizations

Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Work with others to achieve shared goals and apply problem solving techniques appropriately and with an appreciation of how communication, information technology and numeracy skills can help in the world of business.


What is your opinion regarding the Texas Constitution?

What is your opinion regarding the Texas Constitution?

Explain the nature of an IPP sentence. Why was it formed? How was it introduced?

Critically evaluate the ongoing impact of the IPP sentence (ROUGH PLAN).


Define the term IPP sentence (Indeterminate sentence for public protection).
What are the ongoing impacts? – Mental illness, prison population, recall, household income, community + families/children.
Outline the points of the argument. Do the impacts of the punishment fit the crime?
What will this assignment discuss? ongoing impacts on IPP prisoners’ families/children.

IPP sentence .

Explain the nature of an IPP sentence. Why was it formed? How was it introduced? When was it abolished? What happens to the IPP prisoners? (Criminal justice and immigration act 2008+ European Court of Human Rights) (Rose, 2012, p. 303).

Recent statistics on IPP prisoners. How many individuals are still in prison for IPP?

Define what a dangerous person is. How is risk measured? (They are seen as a danger to the public, under the tariff they will not be released).

How can an individual prove they are not a threat to the general public? (Prison Reform Trust, 2019).
The role of proportionality and dis-proportionality sentencing in the criminal justice system. The punishment basically must fit the crime. Therefore, a sentence should be proportional to the crime committed until you can provide you are not dangerous this is a disproportionate sentence (retribution) (Smit et al., 2004).
Why do we punish individuals?

A philosophical approach from David Garland (2012) discuss that IPP sentence forces more on the rights of the victims rather than the offender.

Introduce the ongoing impacts for families and children that have relatives serving an IPP sentence. What will each section discuss? (Relationship, health, and time commitment). How have they been affected?

Select and discuss a medication used in evidence-based treatment guidelines for the condition chosen in the first discussion question.


Select and discuss a medication used in evidence-based treatment guidelines for the condition chosen in the first discussion question. Share the mechanism of action of this medication and hints for monitoring, side effects, and drug interactions of which one should be aware.

What evidence can historians use to argue that a sense of self and individuality developed in early modern Europe?

What evidence can historians use to argue that a sense of self and individuality developed in early modern Europe?

Discuss why health and welfare checks are important to you as soldier and how it affects other soldiers in the barracks you also relate to this information as how it applies to at least 2 topics or army values.

Discuss why health and welfare checks are important to you as soldier and how it affects other soldiers in the barracks you also relate to this information as how it applies to at least 2 topics or army values(loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage).

Explain the Effects of Leadership Styles and Use of Performance Measures on Managerial Work-Related Attitudes.

Explain the Effects of Leadership Styles and Use of Performance Measures on Managerial Work-Related Attitudes

Discuss the role of beta alanine and sodium bicarbonate in acid/base buffering during exercise.

Discuss the role of beta alanine and sodium bicarbonate in acid/base buffering during exercise.