
How does their artwork intent to express cultural or physical Deaf experience?

Select of piece of Artwork from the artist and discuss the following: see attachment.

How does their artwork intent to express cultural or physical Deaf experience?

How does it centralize focus on facial features or on the hands?

How does it incorporate contrasting or intense colors and values?

Evaluate the extent to which different methods and theoretical approaches to resolving conflict are useful to reduce direct and structural violence and build sustainable peace.

Human Rights

Evaluate the extent to which different methods and theoretical approaches to resolving conflict are useful to reduce direct and structural violence and build sustainable peace. Illustrate your answer with relevant examples.

Clearly identify the potential key stakeholders and propose a plan for engagement.

Assigned Case (based on American healthcare law and policy)

Healthcare reform can take place at multiple levels of government and in the context of professional regulation.

Pretend that you are a policy aide to a governor.

How would you engage with key stakeholders to determine which reform efforts (in the areas of payment reform, medical malpractice, and patient access to preventive services) should be prioritized in your state?

Clearly identify the potential key stakeholders and propose a plan for engagement.

What are the differences between leaders and managers? What characteristics are similar and what are different?

Leadership and Managing

This week you reflected upon the difference between a “manager” and a “leader” and discussed this concept with your classmates and professor in the discussion board. In a written essay please answer the following questions:

What are the differences between leaders and managers? What characteristics are similar and what are different?
Provide a total of three examples. First, of someone who has great managerial skills. Second, another individual with great leadership skills. Third, another person with poor managerial skills. These can be made up individuals or examples you have seen without any identifying information. Discuss how the staff of each individual would be affected by the skills of the leader/manager.

Identify what screening tools you would use to assess nutritional and exercise knowledge, and why?

Write a 500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper.

Support your ideas with at least two (2) sources in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay.

The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

A 68-year-old client lives alone and is independent with all ADLs, has no restrictions for mobility, and is competent, and oriented x4.

The client is on a fixed income, but has enough to manage a modest lifestyle. The client has family and social supports but is very independent and is proud of her self-reliance.

Answer the following:

What is the client’s BMI?

Identify what screening tools you would use to assess nutritional and exercise knowledge, and why?

Identify one outcome/goal that is reasonable, measurable and realistic. Identify 1 nursing intervention for the outcome and give rationale for the intervention.

Identify what weakness in the client’s life may be impacting the client’s activity and diet?

What referrals would you make and why?

How will studying or interning abroad help you achieve your future academic or professional goals?

The Statement of Purpose essay is an important factor in the selection of Gilman Scholarship recipients. We strongly encourage you to read the Gilman Selection Criteria, carefully review your essay, and ask an advisor, faculty member, or others to proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and content prior to submission.

In your essay, be specific in describing your individual reasons for studying abroad, keeping in mind that this is a scholarship for academic study abroad or credit bearing international internships. P

How will studying or interning abroad help you achieve your future academic or professional goals?

Why did you select your specific program and host country?

How are you academically prepared to be a successful scholar abroad? If you have faced significant academic difficulties, tell us about those and how you are overcoming them.

What examples of knowledge, skills, and experiences will you draw on to meet the challenges of going abroad?

How do the authors use that awareness? How does this affect the story? What do we gain from it? Why would an author choose to do this?

Nimona and Postmodernism

You must have received feedback from your tutor marker and a fellow student in your class on the outline you submitted. Use the feedback to complete essay 2.

For your second essay we would like you to develop a paper on ONE of the remaining texts, Anne of Green Gables, NW, Essex County, or Nimona. Use MLA formatting and do not plagiarize. You will be marked on the cogency of your argument and the clarity of your structure. You should make sure you use close reading. No outside research will be required, but you can do it if you want—just make sure to properly cite your sources.

Develop an argument about one of our remaining texts’ use of metacommentary. A lot of our later texts are deliberately self-aware. How do the authors use that awareness? How does this affect the story? What do we gain from it? Why would an author choose to do this?

Consider the bildungsroman format. How has one of our later authors used and played with this form? Why? What does playing with this format add to the text? What is the author trying to say about the format?


Discuss the extent you agree-Urban life in Amores Perros is both pessemistic and redemptive.

Discuss the extent you agree-Urban life in Amores Perros is both pessemistic and redemptive.

Discuss the implications (negative and positive) of a state having a Death with Dignity Act.

You will become the legal expert of Georgia (USA) and its’ interest in maintaining humans’ right to life and the autonomy which accompanies these rights.

To begin, read the following article:

Chekhovska, I. V., Balynska, O. M., Blahuta, R. I., Sereda, V. V., & Mosondz, S. O. (2019). Euthanasia or palliative care: Legal principles of the implementation in the context of the realization of human rights to life. Wiadomosci Lekarskie, 72(4), 677–681.

Provide an historical overview of humans’ right to life in the United States including a discussion of how interest has changed from abortion to euthanasia.

Discuss which states currently have Death with Dignity Acts.

Discuss the implications (negative and positive) of a state having a Death with Dignity Act.

After reading the Death with Dignity Act laws from a participating state, discuss the general requirements for euthanasia eligibility. Be sure to cite the actual regulations of the laws that you researched.

Support the implication to develop a national Death with Dignity Act.


What is the main character like? How does the main character’s personality impact the story?

For the first part of the text, you should analyze the main character. Some novels have more than one main character; in that case you should pick one.

Keep in mind that there is a difference between an analysis and a description. You should not simply describe the character, but discuss why you think the character acts the way they do.

You should use two quotes which you think show important aspects of the character. This can be about the character’s progression throughout the novel, certain traits (karaktärsdrag) that the character has, etc. Some questions you can ask yourself when reading:

– What is the main character like? How does the main character’s personality impact the story?

– What is the main character’s motivation?

– Does the main character change during the novel? If so, how and why?

– What role does the main character have in the story?