
To what extent has different media articles portrayed the candidates of the 2016 US election during the presidential debate

To what extent has different media articles portrayed the candidates of the 2016 US election during the presidential debate

How might it reinforce existing beliefs about themselves or motivate them to see themselves and/or the world differently?

Compare and contrast what you believe the experiences of these two individuals (the insecure LGBTQ youth and the intolerant adult) viewing this message would be.

How might it reinforce existing beliefs about themselves or motivate them to see themselves and/or the world differently?

What additional information would you propose to share with either or both of these individuals to persuade them into such a paradigm shift?

Write a 5-paragraph essay that includes each of the elements listed below in the grading rubric. Be sure to use at least 2 references to support your essay.

Your paper must meet the minimum 650-word count requirements AND use the 5 paragraph structure.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content.

It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.

 How does the asexual form of parasite A multiply? Draw and label a diagram to  illustrate this.

Parasitology Practical Questions (total marks 100)
Using the information in the paragraph below you are expected to answer questions relating to unknown parasite
A. Parasite A is an intracellular organism but can also be found free in the blood and peritoneal
exudate. It can invade a wide array of cells but not red blood cells. Its definitive host is cat.
Mammals and birds are intermediate hosts. Infection can remain in the body for life,
commonly in an inactive form.
In immunocompromised individuals, it can reactivate.
 What is the species name of parasite A? (5 marks)
How is parasite A acquired by humans? (5 marks)
 Draw and label a diagram to show the life cycle of parasite A in definitive and intermediate hosts .
Draw and label a diagram to show the rapidly growing form of parasite A.

 How does the asexual form of parasite A multiply? Draw and label a diagram to  illustrate this.
 Serologic analysis of a serum sample of a pregnant woman infected with
parasite A can potentially generate one of the results summarized in each row

 Name two serological assays that can generate the results in the Table 1.
 Explain the principle behind one of the serological assays indicated in Question 7 above.
Devise step by step instructions for the serological assay indicated in Question


Write an introduction and an outline about marketing strategy following the instructions  attached?

Write an introduction and an outline about marketing strategy following the instructions  attached?
The market strategy is for my Jewelry business of selling earrings online.

Discuss why the organization may use each strategy and at least two problems that they may consider to achieve strategic competitiveness.

Merger and Acquisition Strategies

Using the organization Zoom that you are working with in the course, present a scenario considering merger and acquisition strategies.

Discuss why the organization may use each strategy and at least two problems that they may consider to achieve strategic competitiveness.

Explain how leadership skills can be used to encourage innovation to improve the company.

Benchmark – Extended Executive Summary and Presentation

You will complete an “Extended” Executive Summary of 500-750 words.Complete an “Extended” Executive Summary by providing detailed comments on each element of the Strategic Case Analysis you completed with your CLC group.

Where appropriate among the various elements of the Strategic Case Analysis, address the following points:

Recommend strategic plans to improve the company’s competitive advantage.

Explain how leadership skills can be used to encourage innovation to improve the company.

Recommend specific decisions company leadership can make in order to capitalize on untapped business opportunities.

List the sources you used to inform the development of your strategic case analysis as well as the sources that inform your suggestions in points a-c above.

How would construct validity be applied in this example, and why would it be important to prove that validity?

Suppose a NASA task force is reviewing a final draft of an accident/incident report, and you have been tasked with determining whether the conclusions presented in the final draft are in line with the data/findings presented within the report. Why would construct validity be part of your thought process in completing such a task?

Now consider a specific real world example in which NASA needed to investigate an accident/incident to determine the cause. How would construct validity be applied in this example, and why would it be important to prove that validity?

What do you think about the notion presented by Terris that Lockheed’s ethics program does little to prevent ethical breaches at the highest level of the organization?

In this assignment you will be asked to review Chapter 4, the final chapter of Terris’ book, and to spend some time applying your critical thinking skills in evaluating Lockheed Martin’s efforts.

Address the following in your paper:
1. What do you think about the notion presented by Terris that Lockheed’s ethics program does little to prevent ethical breaches at the highest level of the organization?

2. Are the efforts put forth—such as making sure higher level executives participate in training—enough to help executives navigate what Terris calls the ‘ethical minefield’ faced by leadership in such an organization?

3.What are some things that could be done to address the issue related to ethics at higher executive levels of the organization?

Why would construct validity be part of your thought process in completing such a task?

Suppose a NASA task force is reviewing a final draft of an accident/incident report, and you have been tasked with determining whether the conclusions presented in the final draft are in line with the data/findings presented within the report. Why would construct validity be part of your thought process in completing such a task?

Now consider a specific real world example in which NASA needed to investigate an accident/incident to determine the cause. How would construct validity be applied in this example, and why would it be important to prove that validity?