
Explain how two students with this exceptionality may perform differently and what accommodations will allow them to perform successfully.

Define the category using your own words.
Imagine a child with the category of exceptionality you selected.

Discuss the benefits and challenges for the student, family, and teachers of teaching this child in an inclusive setting.

Explain how two students with this exceptionality may perform differently and what accommodations will allow them to perform successfully.

Search online for an organization that supports teachers and families of students with this exceptionality. Include the URL for that organization in your initial post.

What was leadership role in the change? Could it have been improved? If so, how?

Describe the change.
The change was a virtual assistant, this was built to make accessing the members benefits easier, we should have been able to type in a word and the benefits for it would pull up this would cut the time down for us waiting for the ibaag to upload then searching the plan for the benefit.

How did the organization prepare for the change? What went right? What went wrong?

In the test kitchen everything went well the demo was helpful but once it was rolled out for mass usage other problem occurred that we never experienced.

This mad solving the issue on the spot harder because they didn’t have any record for those errors before. So, the managers push their teams to be more parsimonious, to write more-detailed plans, and to minimize schedule variations and waste (Six myths of product development 2015).

What was leadership role in the change? Could it have been improved? If so, how?
Leadership pretty much rushed the process on pushing they assistant out for mass production.

They pretty much developed a small group to help tech everyone on the floor how to use the assistant and if any issue came up we had to fix it on the spot and it the preset help tips did not work (restarting the manager, deleting it and reinstalling it) the we were to write in detail what the issues are and send it in right away and tell that person to discontinue from using it until we could fix it.




Apply and discuss the principles of appropriate accounting standards including the regulatory framework

The learning outcomes assessed in this coursework include:

Apply and discuss the principles of appropriate accounting standards including the regulatory framework

Identify all the health, safety, and environmental issues associated with their use and describe a green alternative for each element.

CHM2211L is certified as a Global Citizens course and may be used to fulfill partial requirements of the Global Citizen Award upon successful completion of the course (final grade of B or higher). The GCP project is on green chemistry. At the end of the semester, you are required to prepare singled spaced 4 pages or a 2000 ̶2200 word essay for the GCP assignment. Students will use the following 3 elements that represent a potential target for replacement by a greener alternative: Reaction conditions, products, and byproducts. Your task is to focus on these three elements and identify all the health, safety, and environmental issues associated with their use and describe a green alternative for each element.

Describe the challenges of applying a process for problem-solving in a practice aviation or aerospace organization.

Problem-Solving Process

Reflect on your own personal experiences and discuss the following:

Present a practical example of a time when you applied a process for problem solving. How did that process differ from the Problem-Solving Process described in the primer?(attached Document)

Describe the challenges of applying a process for problem-solving in a practice aviation or aerospace organization.

Finally, reflect on the task you completed for this week. How difficult was it to identify the problem, purpose, and research question from your article? What lessons learned do you have from the task that could improve the efficiency of reviewing research articles?

What concerns about media and electronic social networking do you need to consider? Why?

Given the power of the media, discuss how you would use an opinion editorial, a personal interview, websites, texting, Facebook, Twitter, and/or blogs to influence public opinion relative to your policy priority. What concerns about media and electronic social networking do you need to consider? Why?

Discuss the evolution of lactose tolerance in humans.

Discuss the evolution of lactose tolerance in humans.

Discuss how Kotter’s Change Model would be applied in your recommended change initiative and its intended potential impact.

Describe a potential case scenario involving a MSN-prepared nurse in your selected area of practice. Identify a specific problem which needs to be addressed. Examples might include a new curriculum, change in the EHR, decreasing patient satisfaction rates, safety risks, or another situation which impacts your future MSN role.

Discuss how Kotter’s Change Model would be applied in your recommended change initiative and its intended potential impact.

Identify one specific leadership strategy to facilitate change, and describe how it is congruent with Kotter’s Change Model and may affect your future role.