
Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against internal or external benchmarks

Activity 1

Prepare a presentation to share with colleagues during staff development week on assessment for learning.

This presentation should:

• Analyze the role of the support worker in relation to assessing learner achievement

• Summarize the difference between formative and summative assessment

• Explain the characteristics of assessment for learning

Activity 2
Be able to reflect on organizational practice.

For this activity answer the following criteria critically analyzing your role and how your own values impact on your practice.

Provide suitable examples.

Explain how reflection supports improving the quality of the learning environment
Demonstrate the ability to reflect on practice

Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice

Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against internal or external benchmarks

Analyze the syllabus below in terms of goals, and content.

Follow  the instruction in the picture below. the assignment option A.
Analyze the syllabus below in terms of goals, and content. use the slides below to help.

Evaluate the evidence on the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on biological stress markers.

Evaluate the evidence on the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on biological stress markers.

Evaluate the potential impact (social, environmental) of your business on different types of stakeholders.

 Develop a business plan for a social enterprise.
Produce a PowerPoint presentation of maximum 8 slides outlining the following:

1. Clear and concise presentation of the social problem (justifying the need for a social enterprise).

2. Clear presentation of your business idea, social purpose, business model and description of product(s)/service(s).

3. Present potential sources of start-up finance and subsequent revenue streams.

4. Evaluate the potential impact (social, environmental) of your business on different types of stakeholders.

Identify, assess, and offer recommendations for a range of current “health care consumerism” issues.

Identify, assess, and offer recommendations for a range of current “health care consumerism” issues.

What factors are contributing to the widespread adoption and use of health information technology?

Health information technology

What factors are contributing to the widespread adoption and use of health information technology?

What are some implementation challenges in adopting new health information technology?

Be specific, wide-ranging, analytical, and recommendations-oriented in this discussion.

What lessons and readings did you find most useful and/or interesting? Why did you find them to be useful/interesting?

This assignment is worth 10 points.
This assignment has two goals: (1) to reflect on what you gained from the class and (2) to provide an avenue for constructive criticism to improve the class in future years. Your honest and productive feedback is greatly appreciated.
For this assignment, you can submit more than one page.  We value as much feedback as you would like to give us!

Answer the following questions:

(1) What were the two most important things you feel you learned from the course?

(2) What lessons and readings did you find most useful and/or interesting? Why did you find them to be useful/interesting?

(3) What lessons and readings did you find least useful and/or interesting? Why did you find them to be useful/interesting?

(4) What is the most important way that the class could be improved? Why would this be an improvement?

How did Michael Callen and Richard Berkowitz go about warning the gay community of the risks and the best method of prevention of HIV?

Answer the following questions either in a word document or in the text box.

What special or unusual thing was done to the rats to be able to carry out the research?

How did Michael Callen and Richard Berkowitz go about warning the gay community of the risks and the best method of prevention of HIV?

What changes have recently happened in the gay community to cause an increase in HIV infection rates? What are one or two reasons this may be happening?

What is “sero-sorting?” Do experts believe it is effective? What are the risks?

What is post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) AND what is pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)? Were either effective? What was the evidence?

Discuss how the specific film you picked shows the characteristics of the category it is in.

The purpose of the film journal is to allow students the opportunity to view and discuss films that coincide with class discussions. The journal itself will consist of entries of at least 200 words on a films picked from the following categorical list.

A student may pick any film from each category to view and discuss The entry will consist of a general response to the film and an in-depth discussion on how the film relates to in-class lectures.  Discuss how the specific film you picked shows the characteristics of the category it is in.

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of a merger?

As part of the financial planning process, a common practice in the corporate finance world is restructuring through the process of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). It seems that on a regular basis, investment bankers arrange M&A transactions, forming one company from separate companies.

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of a merger? In your response, provide an example of either – a merger that was successful, or one that was unsuccessful.