
Describe some of the most pressing challenges and benefits of each of these innovations?


1. Technology innovations (i.e. Health Information Exchange, Clinical Decision Support, Personal Health Records, Telehealth) are having a profound effect on transforming nurses clinical practice. For example, how we access, use, and communicate about clinical problems with patients. Describe some of the most pressing challenges and benefits of each of these innovations?

2. Two core competencies required for nurse experts to manage technology innovations include application level knowledge of the systems and clinical workflow design. As you think about these core competencies for each of the innovations listed above, how do you propose that we assure nurses have appropriate knowledge about these types of systems. Also, how do you propose that we evaluate workflow to leverage the functionality of these innovations in practice?

What can the story of clothing tells us about the nature of colonial power relations?

Religion and the modern world

Question: What can the story of clothing tells us about the nature of colonial power relations?

The Europeans conquered almost the entire continent of Africa in the nineteenth century. Victorians brought their culture and their faith; hence Africa was swept by Protestant and Catholic missionaries, who often arrived in places before colonial troops. Along the frontiers of what is now South Africa, the Tswana people were converted by Evangelical missionaries. Africans became Christians. But what did that mean?

Among the things that changed was clothing. Europeans were transmitting their tastes to Asians, Africans and everyone else. All around the world, people were wearing trousers, western hats, western suits etc. But not always in an identical fashion.

This question is about the Tswana people in South Africa and their encounters with missionaries. More specifically, we will read that relationship through clothing. We were adopting western clothing but in ways that was disquieting to the missionaries.

In this essay, your task critically analyze the politics of dress in one interesting context.

What did Europeans see a need to ‘fashion’ colonial subjects?

Why did the body matter in the colonial world?

Why did colonial subjects get ‘refashioned’

What were the meanings ascribed to the fashioning process?

Who were the losers?

Discuss the evolution of lactose tolerance in humans.

Discuss the evolution of lactose tolerance in humans.

How might this be a global issue and not necessarily a U.S.phenomenon?

Effects of Global Advertising?

What about international commercials? How might this be a global issue and not necessarily a U.S.phenomenon?

What lesson do you think we should take from this course about media and influence/power, especially regarding politics and international relations?

1) Regarding what you have learned about the history and theories of international communications, what lesson do you think we should take from this course about media and influence/power, especially regarding politics and international relations?
To answer these questions, consider the following:How does studying international communication contribute to our knowledge/perceptions/opinions about our position and place in the world?What are the roles of propaganda, neo(colonialism), and the growth of capitalism on international communications?

2) What have you learned about international communications in relation to understanding cultural and economic power as well as the construction of knowledge? Use this section to address the last four weeks of class.
Consider the following, but you don’t have to limit yourself to these ideas:How do we know what we know? How do we create and absorb knowledge about international affairs, politics, etc.?Consider some of the concepts that we have talked about in the last part of the semester:imperialism, globalization, soft power, scientific racism, etc.What are the relationships between globalization, development, music, television and film?

Discuss your current agencies policies (or give some examples of Criminal Justice policies if you are not currently working in the Criminal Justice field) and if they align to the issue/problem in your field.

Required Text Stanislas, P. (Ed.) (2015). Internationals perspectives on police education and training. Oxford, UK: Routledge

After reading the articles posted in Week 10 module and the textbook Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 discuss the below topics.

Conduct a brief Gap Analysis (what issue/problems need addressed and is the current training addressing these issues/problems) in your field and discuss what areas in your field need reform (issues and problems that need addressed).

Discuss your current agencies policies (or give some examples of Criminal Justice policies if you are not currently working in the Criminal Justice field) and if they align to the issue/problem in your field.

Do your current training policies align to what needs reformed in your field – this should be fairly easy to do, you can provide your opinion (be critical)? Since we are in the criminal justice field, we are all critical of what needs addressed and if the current training provided addresses those problems.

Discuss the role of translational research in advancing equitable access to health care and preventative services and policies based on population health.

Discuss the role of translational research in advancing equitable access to health care and preventative services and policies based on population health.

Provide an example of a local health care policy that has been recently enacted and or is awaiting legislative passage that has been influenced by research. my local state is Tampa Florida please use my local state for the example in this question.

Why did the people of Israel desire a king?

Why did the people of Israel desire a king?

Analyze processes related to women’s and men’s health, infections, and hematologic disorder

Concept of Women’s and Men’s Health, Infections, and Hematologic Disorders

42-year-old man presents to ED with 2-day history of dysuria, low back pain, inability to fully empty his bladder, severe perineal pain along with fevers and chills.

He says the pain is worse when he stands up and is somewhat relieved when he lies down.

Vital signs T 104.0 F, pulse 138, respiration’s 24. PaO2 96% on room air. Digital rectal exam (DRE) reveals the prostate to be enlarged, extremely tender, swollen, and warm to touch.

• Analyze concepts and principles of pathophysiology across the life span

• Analyze processes related to women’s and men’s health, infections, and hematologic disorder

• Identify racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning

• Evaluate the impact of patient characteristics on disorders and altered physiology

Describe the target population in the research. Summarize the findings of the research.

This week’s required readings discussed crime victims’ participation in the criminal justice system and their legal rights and remedies. Evaluate empirical data regarding crime victims by creating an annotated bibliography of three scholarly articles on victimology. Each source on the annotated bibliography must have its own explanatory paragraph (annotation).

Each of the annotations must

Provide the reader with the complete APA reference entry.
Explain who conducted the research. Specify the methods used to conduct the research.
Describe the target population in the research. Summarize the findings of the research.
Explain the contributions of the research.
Visit the Writing Center for a Sample Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.).