
critically analyze the rise of victimology and at least one remedy stemming from the criminal justice system’s response to victimization.

This week’s required readings discuss the legal rights and remedies of crime victims. Victimization can be devastating to an individual, to families, to communities, and to society.

With contemporary understanding of the immediate and residual effects of victimization came the development of certain rights to redress and remedies to attempt to address the wrongs perpetrated against victims.

Address the following in your initial post:

In what ways can victimization be addressed?
In your response, critically analyze the rise of victimology and at least one remedy stemming from the criminal justice system’s response to victimization.

Explain its pros and cons and suggest holistic plans to address any issues with the methods used to remedy victimization.

Analyze the evolution of the media’s role in assisting and hindering investigation of victimization.

Media and Victimization

Analyze the evolution of the media’s role in assisting and hindering investigation of victimization.
Critique the criminal justice system’s response to victimization and to media coverage of crime.
Your initial post must contain approximately 400 words and reference at least two scholarly sources in proper APA format.

What calculations and other mathematical procedures do you need to do? e.g. drawing and/or data display constructions

What calculations and other mathematical procedures do you need to do?
e.g. drawing and/or data display constructions

You might like to complete some of them in this space.

What is your solution to the problem?

Have you checked your calculations and other working are accurate?

You might like to complete some of them in this space.

Have you used both simple and complex subject matter to solve the problem?

Stage 3: Evaluate and verify

Prompting questions Your answers

What was the original issue, statement or question on the assessment task sheet?

Does your solution address all aspects of the task?

How do you know if your solution is reasonable?
(i.e. does it make sense?)

How have the assumptions and observations that you used affected your results?

Thinking about your assumptions and observations, what are the:
strengths (useful features) of your solution and/or model? (Why?) limitations (weaknesses) of your solution and/or model? (Why?)

Could your solution and/or model be improved? If so, how (think about the limitations)?

Prompting questions Your answers

How will you structure your response and communicate your findings?

You might like to use this space to plan and outline your response.What resources did you use?

Where did you source your data and any other information (observations) for your task?

What is actually responsible for problems often linked to drugs?

High Price Part Two

What many Americans, including many scientists, think they know about drugs is turning out to be totally wrong. For decades, drug war propaganda has brainwashed Americans into blaming drugs for problems ranging from crime to economic deprivation. In High Price: A Neuroscientist’s Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society (Links to an external site.), Carl Hart explains this how? Clearly list 3 distinct examples and then go on to explain each of them.

Regardless of the option you select address the following in the conclusion of your essay:

What is actually responsible for problems often linked to drugs?

Is Hart’s position to keep drugs illegal, decriminalize or legalize illicit drugs?

How can your learning from your coursework , help you enhance your strengths and develop your opportunities

Write a 11-page paper (not counting title page and references) that analyzes your feedback from the assessment and reflects upon the experiences and growth in your graduate courses.

· What did the results of the assessments tell you about you as a leader and a follower?

· What were the similarities and differences in your self-assessment to that of your observers? Did that surprise you? What do you attribute these differences?

· What are your weaknesses? How do you plan to address them? Use the guidebooks that you have received with your feedback to help you prepare specific goals and milestones.

· What are your strengths? How can you leverage them in your career? Use the guidebook to develop goals to reinforce your strengths.

· How can your learning from your coursework , help you enhance your strengths and develop your opportunities


Evaluate the basic foundations of public law and administration in this U.S. Supreme Court Case.

1. Analyze the formal administrative process in this case, including agency rule making, administrative adjudications, and judicial review.

Research paper reflects an outstanding understanding of the formal administrative process.

Research paper reflects a very good understanding of the formal administrative process.

Research paper reflects a good understanding of the formal administrative process.

Research paper reflects an understanding of the formal administrative process, but needs revisions.

Research paper reflects very little understanding of the formal administrative process.

2. Evaluate the basic foundations of public law and administration in this U.S. Supreme Court Case.

Research paper reflects an outstanding understanding of the basic foundations of public law and administration.

Research paper reflects a very good understanding of the basic foundations of public law and administration.

Research paper reflects a good understanding of the basic foundations of public law and administration.

Research paper reflects an understanding of the basic foundations of public law and administration, but it needs revisions.

Research paper reflects very little understanding of the basic foundations of public law and administration.

3. Analyze the rule of law in public administrative procedures.

Research paper reflects an outstanding understanding of analyzing the rule of law in public administrative procedures.

Research paper reflects a very good understanding of analyzing the rule of law in public administrative procedures.

Research paper reflects a good understanding of analyzing the rule of law in public administrative procedures.

Research paper reflects an understanding of analyzing the rule of law in public administrative procedures, but it needs revisions.

Research paper reflects very little understanding of analyzing the rule of law in public administrative procedures.

4. Demonstrates graduate level writing, including correct grammar, punctuation and usage, and is in APA format.

Exceptionally well written paper exhibiting flawless English grammar, punctuation and usage, and APA formatting.

Very well written paper exhibiting facility with English grammar, punctuation and usage, and APA formatting.

Readable paper exhibiting good English grammar, punctuation and usage, and APA formatting.

Barely acceptable style. Paper exhibits many mistakes with English grammar, punctuation and usage, and APA formatting.

Poorly written paper exhibiting weak English grammar, punctuation and usage, and APA formatting.

Case Studies: Research & summarize a US Supreme Court, administrative law case noted in the textbook.

Before you begin writing, the instructor must approve the case selection.

You must read the entire case. US Supreme Court cases may be found at

In your final report, include:

The name of the petitioner and respondent,
the citation and year,
the Constitutional question raised,
your summary of the facts of the case (do not copy and paste), the decision, your summary of the opinion, and any relevant dissenting issues. Include your individual analysis/opinion.

Case name and citation
Facts of the case (summarize the story behind the case… you are telling a story)
Lower court verdict

What court or courts heard this case before the U.S. Supreme Court (name each court and verdict)

Petition before the Supreme Court: What were the arguments for the plaintiff?

What were the arguments for the defendant?

What the plaintiff really wants is…in plain English what does the plaintiff desire?

Majority decision of the Court: what was the decision?

What was the Supreme Court vote in the majority? What date for the majority decision?

Which justices voted for the majority? Who wrote the majority decision? Describe the majority opinion…

Were there any concurrent opinions written? by whom?

How are the concurrent opinions different from the majority opinion?

What was the Supreme Court vote in the dissent? Which justice wrote the opinion for the dissent? Describe the dissenting opinions

Were there any concurrent opinions written? By whom?

How are the concurrent opinions different from the dissenting opinion?
Importance/significance of this case

Did this case change/add to/take from the Constitution or any of the Amendments? If so, how?Explain fully.

Does this case remain relevant or has it been superseded by another case?

If it has been superseded, name the case and tell how your case changed the preceding case?

Analyze the major professional roles played by physicians and nurses as they apply to physicians’ conduct in the medical arena and to nurses in the role of adjuncts to physicians.

Relationships Between Nurses and Physicians Matter.

Analyze the major professional roles played by physicians and nurses as they apply to physicians’ conduct in the medical arena and to nurses in the role of adjuncts to physicians.

You were also asked to evaluate the degree and quality of care that physicians, nurses, and medical technologists provide in their primary roles, including, but not limited to, patient safety and satisfaction as required in 21st-century U.S. hospitals. Provide your evaluation and analysis in the discussion.

Evaluate the two alternatives with pros and cons, and make a recommendation and state why this is the best course of action and how this should be implemented.

Minnesota Copper Mining Case Study
Assignment Overview
The Midwest Copper Mining Case Study assignment is an exercise in critical thinking and problem solving. With a focus on solving a strategic business problem by analyzing relevant external and internal issues, generating two alternative solutions to solve the problem, evaluate the two alternatives with pros and cons, and make a recommendation and state why this is the best course of action and how this should be implemented.

List and explain the three (3) major components of an operating system, then develop and describe a brief overview of your small business’s operating system.

List and explain the three (3) major components of an operating system, then develop and describe a brief overview of your small business’s operating system.

Explain the factors in your selection of that operating system

Identify 2-3 resources for students who show characteristics of dyslexia and explain why these resources are relevant.

Write a 1-2 page paper that addresses the following:

Explain the nature and symptoms of dyslexia. How can dyslexia impact instruction in reading and writing for students?

Identify 2-3 resources for students who show characteristics of dyslexia and explain why these resources are relevant.

Discuss at least 2 evidence-based instructional strategies for students who show characteristics of dyslexia and 1 evidence-based strategy for a structured literacy approach.

Explain the positive outcomes of intervention and the outcomes where a lack of intervention occurs.