
Discuss the reason why the organization used that strategy, and some problems the organization faced using the strategy.


Identify one renowned company that has used a merger or acquisition strategy.

Discuss the reason why the organization used that strategy, and some problems the organization faced using the strategy.

Describe which attributes of the applied acquisition strategy were effective or not.

How reliable and complete are the data you are using? What steps did you take to validate this?

Board Brief Part B – Data Analysis

Data Sources and Reliability

a. What data were the most critical to the analysis of the problem/opportunity you identified in

Assignment 1? Explain.

b. What sources did you use to gather the data?

c. How reliable and complete are the data you are using? What steps did you take to validate this?

d. What data are unknown (or unknowable) at this stage? How does this impact your analysis?

Data Tools and Analysis

a. Drawing from the “Types of Analysis” guide and other resources from the course, what tools

and techniques have you used in your analysis? Why did you select these?

b. Applying the analysis tools to your selected data, what patterns, trends, and anomalies did you uncover?

c. How do these patterns, trends, and anomalies shed light on the problem/opportunity you identified?

d. Leveraging your work in the Discussion Questions and the guidance from our course materials, include charts, tables, and/or other visual supports to ensure that your data tells a clear story that your reader can easily understand.

Conclusion and Action Items

a. What does your analysis tell you about where you should focus your efforts to drive
meaningful improvement?

Discuss application of two specific leadership strategies that promote a culture of excellence, and how they support the Chamberlain Care Model.

Leading a Culture of Excellence

In a three- to four- page paper, address the elements below. Use a minimum of four peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work. See the rubric for specific, required content criteria within each section of the paper.

Provide an introduction to the paper.

Discuss the characteristics of a culture of excellence.

Explain the interrelationships between each element in the concept map. Describe how the mission, vision, and values do or do not support a culture of excellence.

Discuss application of two specific leadership strategies that promote a culture of excellence, and how they support the Chamberlain Care Model.

Compare and contrast and be creative and critically analyze

English Degree

Fully address all the questions and answer this to a high extent

You need to use the books and text provided on the list

If you can’t access them you need to tell me ASAP as it will take time for me too send them too you.

Compare and contrast and be creative and critically analyze

Be less descriptive and more justification at each point

Demonstrate you understand the complexity of the ethical issue by researching the many sides of the topic

Students will write a 6-8-page APA paper on some controversial topic central to ethical decision making in healthcare. The object of this paper is for the student to probe deeper into a particular issue than we would be able to in class. The class readings should be viewed as only a jumping off point for this paper. Include a title page and reference page according to the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual.

The two students will pick a topic and do the following:

1. Demonstrate you understand the complexity of the ethical issue by researching the many sides of the topic.

2. Introduction of the ethical dilemma. Give a background history of the ethical dilemma.

3. The student will argue logically one point of view and back up your claim with evidence-based information and the corresponding citations.

4. The student will argue logically another point of view and back up your claim with evidence-based information and the corresponding citations.

5. Demonstrate an understanding of ethical theories in the construction of your argument that were necessary to support your claim with information from the textbook and other evidence-based resources.

6. State clearly and succinctly your conclusion on this topic.

7. Use standard APA 7th ed. style and formatting.

8. Use headings for each argument and other corresponding headings


What was the blogger’s intended message? Did the discussion achieve what was intended?

Blogs can have an influence on the popularity of a product, both positively and negatively. Organizations can use blogs as a form of Internet advertising to spread the word about their product or service. However, blogs can also do damage to a brand if a blogger posts about having a bad experience with a particular product.

Review pages 282-283 of the course text. Then search for a blog that discusses a particular brand.

Write a 1- to 2-page paper in which you identify the blog and answer the following questions

Does the blogger say positive or negative things about the product or service?

What was the blogger’s intended message? Did the discussion achieve what was intended?

Has the blogger’s message caught on? Did the blogger’s message go “viral”, or spread to other media outlets?

Was there any response or change in policy from the company?

Explain how you will use your findings to further assist the students while working with them in this placement.

After observing and talking with the students and your mentor, summarize and reflect upon your experiences in 250-500 words, including:

Your initial conversation with the mentor teacher, identifying how the student or students were chosen.

Areas where the students seem to struggle.

Summarize the conversation between you and the students discussing the areas that seemed to challenge them. Were they in agreement with you, or did they feel that they did not struggle or did not need support? If so, how did you continue to support them?

Strategies you suggested to the mentor teacher, his or her feedback, and what strategies the two of you ultimately decided you would implement (which may be the same or different from what you originally suggested).

Explain how you will use your findings to further assist the students while working with them in this placement. This will also help prepare you for Clinical Field

Experiences C and D, as well as your own future classroom engagements.

Why do you see a trend in which more women and minorities are being represented?

Representation in Congress

Research the proportion of women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and openly gay or lesbian members of Congress.

Reflect on what these patterns say about the nature of representation.

Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress?

Why do you see a trend in which more women and minorities are being represented?

Do you think the under representation of women and minorities affect Congress’s business?

How might we as a people address this situation and strive towards equal representation?


Was it unusual for women to exercise forms of power in medieval societies?

Was it unusual for women to exercise forms of power in medieval societies?

Critically evaluate this statement in relation to the relative risks in both settings.

Understanding the sex industry

Indoor sex work is safer than street-based sex work. Critically evaluate this statement in relation to the relative risks in both settings.