
After analyzing SV2030 consider how to measure success. Which two of the six performance measures do you think are the most useful indicators of how the transformation is measured? Is the transformation successful?

Module 02: Strategy Planning

Review SV2030 and relate the strategic plan to the four common elements in successful strategy planning. For each element, analyze if the element meets the criteria.

  1.  Clear, consistent long-term goals
  2.  Profound understanding of the competitive environment
  3.  Objective appraisal of resources
  4.  Effective Implementation

After analyzing SV2030 consider how to measure success. Which two of the six performance measures do you think are the most useful indicators of how the transformation is measured? Is the transformation successful?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 4 to 5 pages in length, which does not include the required title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.

It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check before submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check—Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

What is the title of the photograph? Why did you choose it? How was it photographed? Describe any techniques that were used?


Make a power point, with 15 images based on photographs on websites provided.

One important aspect of learning about photography, is to explore what other photographers are doing and what kinds of photographs they are making, why they are making them and how they make photographs yhat are compelling cohesive statements.

This assignment requires you to virtually visit individual photographers that participated in a recent exhibition entitled: ” Reimagined Landscapes”, and to critique, review and comment about the images (using your own words), that were compelling to you. I have listed these photographers below with links to their websites and indicted which work that I wanted you to comment on. Please review ALL of the photographers listed:

Your assignment is:

1. Make a virtual visit to the photographers listed with the links that I provided.

2. View the virtual examples of the photographers’ work indicated with the titles listed on their specific websites.

3. Choose 15 images total from the virtual websites, that are compelling to you. (Please view ALL of the artists listed websites.) You must review ALL of them, even if you may not respond to their ideas.

4. Also, Pick ONE favorite photograph and share why it is your favorite.

5. Make a PowerPoint with those 15 images, (including the favorite), with the examples. Comment about each image and what your review/response is about each individual photograph. Please put your comments into the PowerPoint, next to or underneath each example. Use your own words. This is YOUR response to the photographs.

Some helpful guidelines when reviewing;(in your PowerPoint):

  • What is the title of the photograph?
  • Why did you choose it?
  • How was it photographed?
  • Describe any techniques that were used? (You know plenty of techniques now- show it in your review)
  • What is the content of each photograph?
  • How are the photographs cohesive? (How do they work together or alone?)
  • What was your experience viewing and responding/reviewing each of the photographer’s work?

Complete the RESPONSE PowerPoint, include the specifics mentioned above with images of the examples chosen to illustrate your points.

What are the issues? What are the techniques/approaches used until now to attack the problems identified in part (1)?

Machine Learning Question

  • (1) What are the issues?
  • (2) What are the techniques/approaches used until now to attack the problems identified in part (1)?
  • (3) Your critics of the current approaches (or shortcomings of the current solutions).
  • (4) Summary and conclusions.

You need to include possible future work in this area.Your report/paper must be at least 3000 words excluding references, tables, figures.Please submit a pdf file for the paper/report


Discuss the concepts related to data and data classification as they relate to the security concept of “Need to Know.” How can this access control guideline impact the sharing of information within an organization’s disparate business units?

Data and data classification

Discuss the concepts related to data and data classification as they relate to the security concept of “Need to Know.” How can this access control guideline impact the sharing of information within an organization’s disparate business units?


  • include at least one source from professional or academic literature.
  • formatted to APA 7th edition.
  • Avoid plagiarism.
  • Word format only

What absolute or relative changes stand out in the horizontal analysis? What are some important ideas from the vertical analysis? Based on both the horizontal and vertical analyses, how has the company done in terms of Gross Revenue and Gross Profit?

Developing financial analysis

This project will require you to show your ability to create and understand the following financial analyses:

  1. Comparative Horizontal
  2. Common-Size Vertical
  3. Averages
  4. Trend
  5. The data required for the assignment is here: Link to DatDownload Link to Data

The data is Lyft Inc.’s financial statements and key company metrics that were made public prior to their IPO. It is organized across four different worksheets that include four different sets of financial data: a P&Ls for 2017 and 2018, Balance Sheets for 2017 and 2018, Statement of Cash Flows for 2017 and 2018, and three different company specific metrics.

Assignment Instructions

  • Start by conducting the following analyses in the excel workbook. You will turn this in!
    • Comparative horizontal analyses of the P&L, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flows from 2017 to 2018 including both absolute and relative changes for each line item. For all of these analyses, you can include them on the same worksheet that the data is located. Be sure to label and give titles to be clear what you are presenting. Be sure all numbers are formatted correctly!
    • Common-size vertical analysis of the P&L, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flows for both 2017 and 2018. Use Net Revenue for the P&L common-size, Total Assets for the Balance Sheet common-size, and Beginning of Year Total Cash for the Cash Flows. For all of these analyses, you can include them on the same worksheet that the data is located. Be sure to label and give titles to be clear what you are presenting. Be sure all numbers are formatted correctly!
    • In the fourth worksheet “Company Specific Metrics”, calculate the average number of rides per active rider for each of the three month periods. In addition, conduct trend analyses (both absolute and relative) for all four of these metrics (the three originally provided and the fourth you just created). For all of these analyses, you can include them on the same worksheet that the data is located. Be sure to label and give titles to be clear what you are presenting. Be sure all numbers are formatted correctly!
  • In a separate word document, answer the following questions:
    • For the P&L:
      • What absolute or relative changes stand out in the horizontal analysis?
      • What are some important ideas from the vertical analysis?
      • Based on both the horizontal and vertical analyses, how has the company done in terms of Gross Revenue and Gross Profit? Cite the analyses to back up your ideas.
    • For the Balance Sheet:
      • What absolute or relative changes stand out in the horizontal analysis?
      • What are some important ideas from the vertical analysis?
      • Based on both the horizontal and vertical analyses, make sense of the total assets, total liabilities, and total equity of the company. How exactly has the company been increasing its assets with the accumulated losses (deficits)? Cite the analyses to back up your ideas.
    • For the Cash Flows:
      • What absolute or relative changes stand out in the horizontal analysis?
      • What are some important ideas from the vertical analysis?
      • Evaluate the beginning and end of year cash for both years. Are these changes good or bad? Point to other line items and cite the analyses to back up your ideas.
    • For the Company Specific Metrics:
      • Explain what the metric you created means, how might the company use it?
      • For all four metrics, explain if the trend of the metric is good or bad.

Use this excel template Download template to create a cash flow statement from the list of transactions below.

Cash Flow

Use this excel template Download template to create a cash flow statement from the list of transactions below. Your beginning of year cash (before any transactions are done) is $0, and your end of year cash is $940.


  1. Investor puts $1,500 cash into business for 50% equity
  2. Buy $200 of inventory
  3. Pay utilities of $250
  4. Buy equipment for $150. Will pay in Q2.


  1. Sell $100 in coffee mugs (COGS is 20% of revenue). Customer (Tim) will pay in Q3.
  2. Obtain bank loan for $750
  3. Pay bill for equipment of $150
  4. Buy $75 in advertising from Facebook


  1. Sell $150 worth of coffee (COGS is 40% of revenue). Customer pays in cash
  2. Pay utilities $250
  3. Receive $100 payment from Tim
  4. Buy $50 in inventory


  1. Depreciate equipment expense $25
  2. Buy company scooter for $2,000. Paid $500 in cash and got a 2-year loan for $1,500
  3. Pay $75 off of scooter loan principle
  4. Pay $10 off of scooter loan interest

Define and discuss the benefits of activation exercises. Why are they important and when should they be performed?

Benefits of activation exercises

Define and discuss the benefits of activation exercises. Why are they important and when should they be performed?

Explain the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in the work setting. Analyse how policies, procedures and practices in own setting meet health, safety and risk management requirements.


Understand the current legislative framework and organisational health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices that are relevant to health and social care or children and young people’s settings

1.1 Explain the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in the work setting.

1.2 Analyse how policies, procedures and practices in own setting meet health, safety and risk management requirements.

Identify one of the rules of inference that you used in your arguments. Explain how the rule of inference was used to reach your conclusion.

Critical Thinking Final Touchstone

In this assignment, you will make two contrasting normative arguments about what one ought to do. Both arguments will be about the same topic, and so at least one of the arguments is likely to be something you don’t actually agree with. You will compose the arguments in standard form—that is, as a series of statements that end with your conclusion. Reminder: Do not write as an essay!

Part I. Select your topic and arguments.

  1. Choose a topic from the following list:


  • Should people eat meat?
  • Should marijuana be legal?
  • Should pet cats be kept indoors?
  • Should zoos exist?
  • Should customers leave a tip in a coffee shop?
  • Should seat belt wearing be mandatory?
  • Should children be required to take gym/PE classes?
  • Should public roads be used for private car parking?



  1. Write two logically contradictory normative conclusions for the topic. You do not need to agree with both (or either!) conclusions, but you should be able to logically support both of them.

The conclusions need not be phrased exactly the same as they are phrased in the topic list, but they do need to be logically contradictory to one another. For example, if you selected the topic “Should people eat meat?”, your conclusions might be:


  • People should not eat meat.
  • People should eat meat.


But it would also be acceptable to choose:


  • People should reduce their meat consumption.
  • People need not reduce their meat consumption.


Conclusion #1: Enter your first conclusion here.
Conclusion #2: Enter your second conclusion here.

Part II. Write your arguments in standard form.

  1. What are the premises of your argument? There should be at least one normative statement and at least one descriptive statement, but ideally there will be 5-7 premises.
  2. If any of your premises make factual statements that are not common knowledge and widely accepted, include a source supporting your reference. This can be an APA citation or just a link to a reputable website or publication. Here is a helpful resource for APA references.
  3. Place an asterisk (*) by the normative premise(s) that support the conclusion.
  4. There may be a subargument within your argument, a conclusion reached by premises that then becomes a conclusion that supports your premise. If there is a subargument, underline the subconclusion.
  5. The conclusion should be the final statement in your argument and begin with the word “therefore.” These should correspond to the conclusions from Part 1.



Argument #1


Insert your first argument here.

Argument #2


Insert your second argument here.




Part III. Check your work.


  • Is each argument in standard form, not paragraph form?
  • Do your two arguments have substantially different conclusions?
  • Is each argument at least seven declarative sentences, ending in a conclusion?
  • Does each argument have a normative conclusion (saying what people ought to do)?
  • Is there at least one normative premise that supports each conclusion?
  • Did you place an asterisk (*) on the normative premise(s) that support your conclusion?
  • Did you underline any subconclusions in your argument?
  • Are there sources for any assertions that are fact-based and not well known/accepted?


Part IV. Reflection


  1. Are your arguments deductive or inductive? Explain why. (2 sentences)
Enter answer here.
  1. Identify one of the rules of inference that you used in your arguments. Explain how the rule of inference was used to reach your conclusion. (2-3 sentences)
Enter answer here.
  1. What moral framework do you use to justify your normative conclusions (utilitarian, deontological, or virtue ethics)? Explain how adopting that perspective leads to your conclusion. The two arguments do not need to follow the same moral theory. (4-6 sentences)
Enter answer here.
  1. What assumptions are you making that may compromise your arguments? These may be cognitive or unconscious biases. (4-6 sentences)
Enter answer here.
  1. What challenges to critical thinking did you encounter when arguing for a conclusion you didn’t agree with? How did logic and critical thinking help you to think about your topic from two different angles? (4-6 sentences)
Enter answer here.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting your own small business?

Week 2 discussion

What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting your own small business?