
Analyze the external environment with emphasis on macro and industry drivers of change based on the current situation.

Each student will choose a company (Australian or otherwise) and independently analyze the external environment with emphasis on macro and industry drivers of change based on the current situation. The paper should 1) identify key drivers in macro environment and 2) assess the impact on the industry and its key players with the goal of 3) identifying one or more strategic issues that the firm needs to address. Essentially, you will conduct a PESTEL

What would you do differently from what you are already doing ? Would your acting differently in this way be an improvement ?

Aristotle : Answer the following questions :
2. What reasons does Aristotle give for thinking that happiness is the highest good?

3. How does Aristotle think one should proceed in order to properly define happiness?

6. What does Aristotle mean by calling virtue ” a mean between extremes”? What extremes?and How does one tell what ought to be regarded as an extreme?

7.What advice does Aristotle give a person for discovering the mean in a given activity.

8. if you were to adopt Aristotle’s ethics as your guide to life, how much help would it be?

What would you do differently from what you are already doing ? Would your acting differently in this way be an improvement ?

Research, analyze and summarize information on resources and services and prepare summary reports with recommendations.

Essential Employ-ability Skills and Vocational Learning Outcomes Evaluated:

-Locate, select, organize and document information using appropriate technology and information systems.

-Analyze, evaluate and apply relevant information from a variety of sources

-Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects

-Research, analyze and summarize information on resources and services and prepare summary reports with recommendations.

What do you think are the challenges in gaining support from your team?

Eliminating Non-Value-Added Work

Within your place of work, identify areas where you can find opportunities to eliminate wasteful work. Examples of wasteful work include inefficient hand-offs in which information is incomplete, searching for information or reports, waiting for others to complete their work, fixing equipment, etc. Identify two areas and address these issues:

1. In examining a recent experience, what areas (2) of waste can you identify? How much time is involved?

2. How do you plan to communicate them to other members of the team?

3. What do you think are the challenges in gaining support from your team?

Compare your allocated company with the two similar companies and determine which of the two is the most similar.

This is the first task your manager has asked you to complete independently, and you want to make sure you impress! You know from your peers that Lucy is very busy and will not read any report that is greater than four pages long. Luckily, you took notes when the task was assigned to you, which should be strictly followed to prepare the report. These are as follows:

1. A description of the business and the nature of its operations. This should focus on providing a short explanation of the business’s history, how it generates revenue, and who forms its customer base (5 Marks);

2. An analysis of the financial performance and financial position of the company (35 Marks);

3. Identify two risks from reading the reports prepared by key management personnel (i.e. Board Chair and/or CEO) in the 2020 annual report that may impact the company’s future financial performance and/or financial position. You should explain clearly how the risks you identify may impact on the ratios discussed
in part 2 above (10 Marks);

4. Using two EV Multiples and two Equity Multiples of two similar companies to your assigned company:

a) Provide a market valuation range and mid-point of your allocated company’s outstanding equity. Provide the evidence of data collected with proper referencing and the calculations to substantiate your valuation. (10 marks)

b) Compare your allocated company with the two similar companies and determine which of the two is the most similar. Provide evidence of the comparison. (10 marks)

c) Based on this comparison, narrow the valuation range and mid-point found in part

(a) to something more reasonable. Show how you go about implementing this adjustment. (5 marks)
5. A short description on whether you would recommend Felicity Trust continuing its involvement in the syndicate loan. (5 marks)

identify a problem that exists on campus, at your place of work, or within your community.

You will be writing a proposal. In this proposal, you will identify a problem that exists on campus, at your place of work, or within your community. You will then offer a detailed solution, including a discussion of costs and benefits, to a reader who would realistically be able to implement your solution. Your proposal needs to:

Be single-spaced with short, concise paragraphs, an appropriate header, and descriptive headings and subheadings, be 4 pages long, not including your references, include at least four outside sources that are cited using APA style of documentation (in-text citations and references are required), feature two original graphs/tables created by YOU.  follow all directions in this box as well as the attachment.

Discuss one of the reasons why the structure of U.S. elections has resulted in a two-party system.

1. Local government and politics need visibility. City and county governments hold meetings on a regular basis and students rarely attend. Yet issues relevant to students are often discussed at these meetings, like increases in street parking fines, zoning for off-campus housing, and tax incentives for new businesses that employ part-time student labor. Another area of governance that affect students are the university or college’s Board of Trustee meetings. These cover topics like tuition increases, class cuts, and changes to student conduct policies. You might be the one to notify your peers of changes that affect them. College students need a voice. Why not become a citizen journalist? What local meetings could you cover? What issues are important to you and your peers?

2. Explain the development of political parties in the United States. Be sure to begin with the Revolutionary War until present.

3. Discuss one of the reasons why the structure of U.S. elections has resulted in a two-party system.

4. Based on what you’ve learned about each party in this chapter, which party do you think you align with more and why? Next, click here ( ) to take a political ideology quiz. What were your results? Are you surprised? Did the results and your alignment match?

Describe how a tariff affects the market for a good the United States produces but is a net importer of (for example, steel).

Economics – trade policy on imports

Tariffs have become a hot topic. In a paper:

Describe how a tariff affects the market for a good the United States produces but is a net importer of (for example, steel).

Identify winners and losers from world trade and winners and losers from the tariff (be sure to include domestic consumers, domestic producers, foreign consumers, foreign producers, and government in your discussion).

Evaluate two of the arguments for tariffs from the textbook.


Do you support or oppose NGOs, and why?

NGOs (Non-Government Organizations)

Do you support or oppose NGOs, and why?

Include ONE additional link, article, video that you have chosen to help reinforce your stand. You must also include three points to support your position.

Evaluate the factors that should be considered when successfully implementing performance management within an organization.

Performance Management Issues

You have been asked to return to your Alma mater and speak to current students about performance management issues. To make the most of this experience for yourself and the students, write a three-to-five page paper (not including the title and reference pages) to help you prepare. Your paper should be written in a scholarly third-person tone; it should be in APA format. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, your paper should address the following:

Explain the concept of “performance management.”

Identify the most prominent types of performance management plans.

Compare the plans’ impact on the employee and the organization.

Discuss the relationship between performance management and compensation.

Evaluate the factors that should be considered when successfully implementing performance management within an organization.

In addition to the text, cite at least two scholarly references to support your discussion.