
Explore and discuss theoretical framework for understanding the gender dimensions of poverty

Gender inequality and policies

1)Use empirical research evidence to support what you are mentioning

2)international policies for example MDG/SDGs, Policies from different countries and UN etc ( if possible to be half of the essay)

3)engage with international policy in gender inequalities

4)explore and discuss theoretical framework for understanding the gender dimensions of poverty

What is your opinion on the desirability of the intersection between contemporary political and ideological struggles and works of art or literature?

What is your opinion on the desirability of the intersection between contemporary political and ideological struggles and works of art or literature?

Feel free to draw upon prior experiences with art and literature as evidence to support your stance; however, you should use specific evidence from Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler’s as the primary example for your argument.

Be sure to: take a clear stance, where you position yourself on one side of the spectrum of thought or the other (although it does not have to be an absolutist position), account for potential counter-arguments, and to provide evidence for both your position and for your interpretation of how your source text (the book that you read) relates to this argument.

Explain and understand the complex and dynamic process of the development of expertise in sport.

The development of expertise in sport

Sport psychology research has proposed Deliberate Practice (Ericsson, 1993).Explain and understand the complex and dynamic process of the development of expertise in sport.

Critique these two theoretical approaches based on the exhaustive literature on this topic.

Draw from an athlete auto/biography of your choice to provide examples of the theory/ies that you discuss and add a secondary ‘real-world’ layer of evidence to your critical discussion of the frameworks.


Explain different types of construction companies in the market and their relationships within the tendering process.

You have been working for a small family-owned construction firm. Much of the work of this firm has been in private residential work, but under new management, there is a desire to begin to undertake larger scale non-domestic work for both the public and private sector and expand the company.

In order for this change to be managed effectively, the company will need to change its structure. The management team recognizes a relationship between the structure of the company and the relationships that they may form, through contracts, tendering and other activities.

You have been asked to prepare a report on the different options available to the company, in terms of company structure, and the benefits and/or challenges that the options present.

Your report should include the following:

Describe the construction industry with reference to company structures and other activities. To include historical development of the construction industry. Professional and other institutes, including societies.

Links between professional, technical and skills professionals. Contractor and head office structure. Site structure and organisation. Types of contractual work tendered by companies.

Explain different types of construction companies in the market and their relationships within the tendering process. To include Professional relationships between companies. Contract tendering. Tender process.

Discuss the key stages in a construction project, and how Building Information Modelling informs the different stages. To include master programmes and contract planning techniques. The role of Building Information Modelling (BIM) on the construction. Modern procurement methods within construction. (Task-power point)

Analyze how the construction industry has developed suitable collaboration strategies in support of greater recognition of health & safety and produce a two sided three column leaflet suitable for use throughout the organization. (Task-leaflet)

The contents, of the, leaflet will include: Key stakeholders in the construction process. BIM and collaboration. Health & safety within the construction industry: Pre-construction regulations and legislation and Site safety.

State rational for this and establish a clear position in relation to topic title or question may relate to policy or theory.

Policy and Practice module in ( Health and Social Care Management and Policy). Essay topic: An analysis of how theoretical framework of FGM impacts policies and practice in the UK.

Essay should critique a recent policy or practice development on FGM. The critique should be evidence – based and demonstrate an argument convincingly and effectively supported by research.

The presentation of the essay should comply with normal academic conventions e. g . an introduction, body., and conclusion.


– Identify clearly which recent children and family policy or practice issue (s) to be discussed.

– State rational for this and establish a clear position in relation to topic title or question may relate to policy or theory.

– Identify the essay structure i . e which theory or partnership issues to be discussed, ensure you include children’s right.

Main body of essay

– No headings are required, but order your work logically depending on which theory policy and practice.

– Ensure your discussion includes partnership inform policy and/ or practice.

– Ensure consistent discussion i.e a critical analysis that covers policy or practice debates.

– Identify limitations of both the research and/ or essay.

How was this stress obvious to the viewer through the actor’s portrayal? What symptoms did you notice?

Psychological Combat Stress

Answer the following questions in a 3 paragraph essay.

1. Describe the primary stressor(s) experienced by the main character in the film.

2. How was this stress obvious to the viewer through the actor’s portrayal? What symptoms did you notice?

3. How did the character cope with this stress? Was it successful or not in your opinion?

Critically evaluate the role of self in relational leadership and problem solving when engaging with multi-professional teams, service users, carers’, families and significant others.

Leadership and Collaborative Inter-professional Practice

The purpose of the case study is to provide you with a platform to explore the four identified learning outcomes.

The learning outcomes are the areas that you will explore and your case study will be used to illustrate these….

Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the leadership and management skills required to engage and reflect (this means consider) on the ever changing delivery of health and social care.

Critically discuss the benefits and challenges of inter-professional collaborative practice.

Critically evaluate the role of self in relational leadership and problem solving when engaging with multi-professional teams, service users, carers’, families and significant others.

Critically appraise the contribution of different approaches that inform inter-professional and multi-agency working.

Describe this learning experience (or experiences) in a 1,500-1,750 word essay.

Learning Experience 

Devise a learning experience or group of experiences that you would use to develop oral, reading, and writing (including mechanics) skills within an age group of ELLs of your choice.

These could be an extension to other learning experiences that you have designed or implemented previously.

Describe this learning experience (or experiences) in a 1,500-1,750 word essay. Your essay must include the following:

The grade or age group of your intended students and a list of the materials needed;
A brief description of how the learning experience or group of experiences would be carried out and how you would measure the effectiveness;

A thorough explanation about how knowledge in each of the following: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics informs instruction with specific examples from research; and An overview of the historical development of language acquisition theories that support the design of your learning experience or group of experiences for your intended age group.
Include at least five sources from your research to support your position.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Evaluate how US trade policy changes in the last 2 years affect global trade activities by multinational corporations.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word evaluation of credible economists’ unbiased opinions on the benefits, costs, and results of current US trade and tariff policies. Complete the following in your evaluation:

Evaluate how US trade policy changes in the last 2 years affect global trade activities by multinational corporations.

Discuss credible economists’ opinions on the long-term effects of trade and tariff policies changes in the last 2 years.

Explain the effect of recent changes to trade and tariff policies have had on your employer, you, or someone you know.

Does the market offering provide value and customer satisfaction? If not, why not?

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2018), marketing is “the process of engaging customers and building profitable customer relationships by creating value for customers and capturing value in return”.

Consider that, at one time, Kodak was considered a market leader in the photography industry capturing 85% of all camera sales (Kotler & Armstrong, 2018). Despite that success, Kodak fell victim to marketing myopia – focusing on a limited product line, rather than underlying customer needs and emerging market dynamics.

In your initial discussion post, identify and describe a market offering (product, service, or experience) in the aviation industry. Who is the primary target market (recall that a customer may be an individual or business)? What need, want, or demands are fulfilled by the market offering? Does the market offering provide value and customer satisfaction? If not, why not?