
Identify a problem faced by a multi-national brand today and propose a research proposal that implements each step of the marketing research process.

Identify a problem faced by a multi-national brand today and propose a research proposal that implements each step of the marketing research process.

In your proposal, be sure to identify the research question(s) and sources of both primary and secondary data. Discuss how the research results will help the business or organization.

Write your proposal as a 1-2 page, single spaced, business memo addressed to the brand manager.

Describe your optimal writing conditions. For example, is there a time of day when you are more effective?

Share with the class how you get your writing projects in gear. How do you decide what to write about? How do you choose a topic?

What, if any, invention strategies do you use to get started? What means do you use to develop supporting ideas?

Describe your optimal writing conditions. For example, is there a time of day when you are more effective?

Do you prefer working in isolation or in the company of others? Are you more productive composing at a keyboard or with pen and paper?

Sometimes we learn best from what does not work. Explain ineffective techniques that you might have used in the past.

What have you done to improve your composing process, or what can be done to improve your composing process? Share one piece of advice or tip about the composing process with your classmates.

Identify the touch points that create a customer’s journey — or rather the “experience of the user.”

According to Gibbons (2017), designing a service requires the provider to identify the touchpoints that create a customer’s journey — or rather the “experience of the user.” One tool managers use to understand the customer journey is a service blueprint ( (Links to an external site.)

Consider a service experience in your work environment or a personal experience you may have had with a service provider. Using the service blueprint diagram displayed in the service blueprint article, map out the customer journey for the service you identified.

Discuss the elements used in the visual to get the reader to think a certain way.

In the body of the analysis, discuss the context (meaning) of the visual. Discuss the elements used in the visual to get the reader to think a certain way. You might discuss visual elements like shapes, colors, size, shadows, and positions to name a few. Also, discuss the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of these visual elements.

Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.

Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant microeconomics topic. Use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to discover how your topic aligns with microeconomics.

State the article or event you selected.
Identify the microeconomic concept(s).
Describe your findings.
Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.

In responding to your peers state:

Whether you agree or disagree with the findings and why.

A probing question that facilitates further discussion of the topic.

What happens to the helicopter? Discuss whether the worst-case scenario is during hover or level flight.

A helicopter has a main rotor speed of 260 rpm, and a main rotor radius R=5.90m. The gross take-off weight is 30kN. The blades have an average drag coefficient of CD=0.01, and the rotor solidity =0.08. The distance between the axis of the main and tail rotor is x=7.5m. The helicopter is powered by two turboshaft engines with maximum continuous power at sea level of P0=1,150kW, each.

(a) Calculate the tail rotor thrust required to trim the helicopter in hover. [10]

(b) Assume that due to a failure in the flight control system there is an impulsive
excess of tail rotor thrust. What happens to the helicopter? Discuss whether the
worst-case scenario is during hover or level flight. [8]

(c) The altitude lapse rate for the engine power is a function approximated by
P(z)=P0 (/sl)1.35. Estimate the hover ceiling of this helicopter rotor, neglecting
the effects of profile and tail rotor power.

What characteristics do you think voters look for when choosing a president?

Option 2: What characteristics do you think voters look for when choosing a president?

Do you think voters choose the characteristics they are looking for depending on the socioeconomic and political environment – lack of jobs, riots, COVID-19, environmental concerns and other issues etc.?

Explain your answer.

Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week.

Writing Requirements:

Cite your sources when applicable (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)

APA 7th Edition format for in-text citations and list of references

What risk factors for the development of PTSD can you identify for the military personnel profiled in the film?

Baghdad ER/ directed by Jon Alpert and Matthew
Manufacture New York, N.Y. : distributed by Films Media Group, [2016?] Reflect on the film and apply what you have learned from Chapter 5 in responding to the following prompts.

What do you imagine these military personnel are feeling? Thinking?

What risk factors for the development of PTSD can you identify for the military personnel profiled in the film?

What efforts do you see by the military, as well as by the individuals themselves, to buffer/ protect them from the impact of trauma?

Why might some of these military personnel develop PTSD while others do not develop PTSD?

Comment about how the film impacted you as a viewer.

How are differentiated T- and B-cells targeted to sites of infection in peripheral mucosal and skin tissues (this Week)?

CD4+ T-helper subsets

1. How are specific CD4+ T-helper subsets generated (see Week 6)?

2. How are differentiated T- and B-cells targeted to sites of infection in
peripheral mucosal and skin tissues (this Week)?

3. How does the gut maintain immune tolerance in the presence of huge
numbers of commensal bacteria?

What influenced decisions made following your consultation / communication?

Complex decision making

In trigger ‘1’, you have identify a complex situation and say why it is complex, what communication/consultation model used to make decision. Were they useful or not?

Then trigger ‘2’: what influenced decisions made following your consultation / communication? Talk about the following:

– patient diagnosis?

– patient wishes?

– relative wishes?

– healthcare professional opinion?

– professional/ political/ organisational drivers

– risk management

Both 1 & 2 triggers must be presented orally for 20minutes.

Reflecting on your plan, what are the existing personal, organizational , political, or professional. Which both help and hinder the provision, coordination, and receipt of services.

Think broadly and consider :

– economic forces

– policy drivers

– interagency issues

– roles of unpaid workers, (service users, lay carers)

– technological factors

– temporal and place-related issues

– leadership and management styles

– education ( staff, patients, carers wider society

– ethical implications


A 42 year old Olivia

She was 34 weeks pregnant and presented with raised blood pressure (pre-eclampsia).

Lives with partner and 2 young children from her previous relationship.

Her 20 year old son committed suicide last tear.

She suffers from depression and on medication.

People involved in her care:

Allocated midwife, midwife co-ordinator co obstetric registrar, SHO, paediatric and neonatal team