
What are the contributions to the relationships by both parties, both financial and non- financial?


What assets were brought into the relationship by either party?
What are the contributions to the relationships by both parties, both financial and non- financial?
What are the current assets and debts of the relationship?
When did the parties commence cohabitation?

Identify prioritization of client care in triage area and explain why the clients would be seen in this order

Emergency Presentation

You are an LPN working in a small town emergency room. Your manager reports that recent patient satisfaction surveys indicate people are dissatisfied because patients are not seen by the provider in chronological order.

This makes people feel they are not receiving the same level of care as those who are called back before them.

The registration department has also reported that they spend a lot of time explaining delays to those who are waiting and are frequently asked to provide first aid items such as Band-Aids.

You see this as a great opportunity to be proactive with your community by having a town hall meeting.

Your goal is to present information to your community that would both identify basic first aid steps prior to coming to the ED and explain how care is prioritized during a medical emergency.


Select three common injuries/illnesses that bring people to the emergency room. Within your PowerPoint presentation, complete the following:

Identify ways to prevent each of the selected injury/illness prevention

Provide basic first aid steps that can be taken prior for each selected injury/illness before coming to the hospital

Using your selections, identify prioritization of client care in triage area and explain why the clients would be seen in this order

For each selection, explain prioritization of acute treatment provided in the emergency room

Formulate an analysis to position the paper in the wider context of ‘innovation’ and the opportunities for organizations to exploit Social Media in the respect

Knowledge Management, Social Networks & Innovation

You are required to explore the extent of innovation from the communication of knowledge within social media systems, i.e.

1) A critical REVIEW of the following article;

Perez-Gonzalez D, Trigueros-Preciado S and Popa S (2017): Social Media Technologies’ Use for the Competitive Information and Knowledge Sharing and its effects on Industrial SMEs Innovation; Information Systems Management (published online)

2) Formulate an analysis to position the paper in the wider context of ‘innovation’ and the opportunities for organisations to exploit Social Media in the respect

Identify a vulnerable individual or group from your field of nursing

Vulnerable individual or group

Identify a vulnerable individual or group from your field of nursing

Demonstrate both breadth and depth of understanding of relevant academic literature of the chosen topic.

Business & Management Research Methods (Impact of Four Day Work Week on Employee Productivity)

You are required to submit a critical analysis of research topic (given above) in relation to a chosen topic of study/area of interest in the context of Business Studies. This research topic normally relates the research issues in your master program-me subject area.

You need to undertake a significant literature review, which outlines the underpinning methodologies and the research method(s) adopted in previous research that incorporates a range of viewpoints and perspectives.

It is essential to provide a critical analysis that applies the knowledge and understanding acquired during the module to evaluate theoretical and technical aspects of related research methodologies and methods.

Demonstrate both breadth and depth of understanding of relevant academic literature of the chosen topic.

You are required to explain, discuss and evaluate the methodologies applied in the reviewed literature.

Typically, your essay should have (a) an executive summary (b) Introduction (c) literature review (d) Analysis, discussion and evaluation of research methodology (e) Findings and what you have learnt from this assignment (f) References (Harvard Referencing System).

In this assignment, you are expected to use relevant materials from academic research books and academic empirical journal articles (ABS ranking listed journals) in your subject area to support your analysis and arguments when formulating your assignment.

Your analysis, discussion and evaluation should be backed with appropriate academic references and examples where necessary.

This assignment should be presented with 12 pt. Times New Roman Text with line spacing of 1.5. The word limit is 2000 words (excluding references).

Note that assignment below this word limit by more than 10% would result in decrease in the overall achieved mark by 10%. Proper referencing of all ideas, concepts, theories and quotes used in your work is essential.

Normally you are required to present no less than 20 academic journal article references. The Harvard referencing system must be used, details of which are contained on your handbook.

Give two examples of how deism undermines the key tenants of Christian theism.

Explain the transition from Christian theism to deism in the 17th century.

Give at least three factors in the development of deism.

Give two examples of how deism undermines the key tenants of Christian theism.

Discuss factors behind the deficiency in secondary school writing performance and how it can be handled effectively.

Discuss factors behind the deficiency in secondary school writing performance and how it can be handled effectively.

Describe how fraud is a growing concern in the UK – Are the UK’s current Fraud Prevention strategies fit for purpose?

Describe how fraud is a growing concern in the UK – Are the UK’s current Fraud Prevention strategies fit for purpose?

Fraud is a growing concern in the UK – Are the UK’s current Fraud Prevention strategies fit for purpose?

Fraud is a growing concern in the UK – Are the UK’s current Fraud Prevention strategies fit for purpose?

What are the most effective methods for the mentoring of mentors?

What are the most effective methods for the mentoring of mentors?