
Develop program outcomes for your institution that incorporate.

Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes

Criteria for the Paper

1. Brief introduction on the concepts selected for the framework

2. The concepts in the framework are clearly defined. The concepts included in the metaparadigm of nursing (person, nursing, health, and environment) must be included.

3. The relationship between the concepts is demonstrated.

4. Develop program outcomes for your institution that incorporate the following:

5. Program outcomes should be described as characteristics expected of graduates by the end of the program

6. Program outcomes are based on either the AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education OR the NLN Competencies.

7. Changes to the initial framework concepts and program outcomes are identified, based on peer collaboration.

Identify a problem faced by a multi-national brand today and propose a research proposal that implements each step of the marketing research process.

Marketing Research Process

Identify a problem faced by a multi-national brand today and propose a research proposal that implements each step of the marketing research process.

In your proposal, be sure to identify the research question(s) and sources of both primary and secondary data. Discuss how the research results will help the business or organization.

Write your proposal as a 1-2 page, single spaced, business memo addressed to the brand manager.

Use the following format:

Demonstrate knowledge of market and property data, lease terms, taxation, property market issues, sustainability and their effect on property valuation practice.

Submission of assignments

Appraise property investment opportunities systematically and demonstrate an
understanding of how the property investment market works.

Investigate and analyse information critically, communicate effectively to specialists
and non-specialists to produce valuations and present reasoned advice and

Deploy established techniques of analysis and enquiry, apply appropriate methodology
and adhere to professional standards of practice in valuing property.

Demonstrate knowledge of market and property data, lease terms, taxation, property
market issues, sustainability and their effect on property valuation practice.

Develop a clinical or non-clinical case narrative (story, or case study) related to leadership and teamwork.

Leadership Case Narratives

For this week, you will develop a leadership case narrative to share with the class for discussion. For this assignment, you should carry out the following steps:

Develop a clinical or non-clinical case narrative (story, or case study) related to leadership and teamwork. This will be most useful if the case is informed by some real practice experience.

For example, you might consider a situation you witnessed or were involved in that involved some need for leadership. Be sure to include pertinent information such as:

What was the situation about, in what context did it occur, who was involved, what actions were taken, and how did things play out?

Evaluate team leadership training and development programs for suitability to the needs of the team.

Leadership training program

1. Analyze components of successful team leadership training programs.

2. Identify situations in which team leadership training and development may be
essential to a team’s success.

3. Select components of successful team leadership training and development pro-
grams that will assist teams in developing team leadership competencies.

4. Evaluate team leadership training and development programs for suitability to the
needs of the team.

Describe creative methods for brainstorming that can be used for team success.

Nursing and Health Care Teams  and Partnerships
1. Describe what elements stimulate a team to thrive.

2. Analyze team motivators and stimulators.

3. Identify ways to nurture a creative environment for teams.

4. Describe creative methods for brainstorming that can be used for team success.

5. Understand the conditions under which it might be necessary to disband a team.

What detailed (not general) advice would you provide to the food handlers to prevent this type of outbreak from happening again?

Read through the three outbreak case studies given below and produce a report in which you should discuss each outbreak considering the following points:

What organism do you suspect has caused the outbreak and why? In your report you should consider the incubation period, what symptoms were reported, the foods involved and groups of population affected?

Any other useful information of relevance. Note there may be more than one probable cause in some cases. Why have you ruled out certain organisms?

Which food is likely to be the source and why? You should consider the type of food and features of the suspected organism that make this food a more likely source. Why have you ruled out other foods?

What detailed (not general) advice would you provide to the food handlers to prevent this type of outbreak from happening again?

If you feel that more than one organism could cause the symptoms described, explain what tests would you perform to confirm the identity of the causative agent and why?

How do each of your suggested alternatives influence the stakeholders.

Ethical Decision Making

What are the facts?

What is the ethical dilemma?

Who are the stakeholders?

What are the available alternatives/options? (MUST be MORE than TWO/use your moral imagination)

How do each of your suggested alternatives influence the stakeholders.

Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice.

Identify your specialty area of NP practice. Select a nursing theory, borrowed theory, or interdisciplinary theory provided in the lesson plan or one of your own findings.

Finally, provide an example how the theory could be used to improve or evaluate the quality of practice in your specific setting. What rationale can you provide that validates the theory as applicable to the role of the nurse practitioner.

Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice.

Examine broad theoretical concepts as foundational to advanced nursing practice roles.

Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to the components, relationship among the components, and application to advanced nursing practice.

Discuss how your new understanding of brain development might influence or change the way you would counsel a child.


Write a 500–750-word personal Reflection Paper Assignment on childhood brain integration based on the Siegel & Bryson textbook The Whole-Brain Child.

Discuss how your new understanding of brain development might influence or change the way you would counsel a child.

Give some personal thoughts about how this book brought insight into understanding how a child behaves, thinks, and processes information and how to integrate these concepts into counseling (or raising) children.