
What are the two types of conflict? Which one is constructive, and which is destructive? Think about a recent conflict in which you were directly involved. What type of conflict was it and how did you resolve it. Or, how do you wish you had resolved it? Why?

Week 2 Dis blue

In 150 words, answer the following questions.

What are the two types of conflict? Which one is constructive, and which is destructive? Think about a recent conflict in which you were directly involved. What type of conflict was it and how did you resolve it. Or, how do you wish you had resolved it? Why?

Describe the process of artificial selection. What does the attempted domestication of the fox tell us about the process of domestication in antiquity?


3A. Describe the process of artificial selection. What does the attempted domestication of the fox tell us about the process of domestication in antiquity? On what basis do researchers distinguish the bones of domesticated or tamed animals from those of the animals’ wild ancestors? On what basis do researchers distinguish domesticated from wild plants of the same species? How does artificial selection differ from natural selection? What characteristics of a plant might be advantageous in nature but selected against by human beings?

3B. Describe the Natufian. What makes the Natufian different from the other Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene groups in the Near East? What is the difference between simple and complex foraging? Describe the archaeological evidence for the earliest food producing societies of the Middle East.

It is both parts and the text to reference is “The Past in Perspective” An Introduction to Human Prehistory by Kenneth L. Feder, 8th edition.

Choose two chapters from Michelle Alexanders, The New Jim Crow and discuss the authors viewpoint from your understanding.

Michelle Alexanders, The New Jim Crow Book Review

In five paragraphs choose two chapters from Michelle Alexanders, The New Jim Crow and discuss the authors viewpoint from your understanding. Note: Use your own words!!! Do not include any quotes from the book or any other source. This means absolutely NO references of any kind. A paragraph at minimum is three to four sentences. You must indent all paragraphs and have space between each paragraph (No indentation or space between paragraphs will result in a 5-point deduction for each missed indent or paragraph separation).

Briefly summarize the forensic psychology research article you selected, including the sections on methods and results, paying particular attention to sample size, characteristics, and means of selection.

Assignment 4

Review Chapter 6 in your course text, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. Pay particular attention to when and where surveys are used in forensic research and the importance of representative sampling.
Review the selected pages of Appendix B in your course text, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. Pay close attention to the role of sample size in applying results to the general population.
Using the Walden Library, select a forensic psychology research article that interests you. As you review it, focus on the section(s) discussing methods and results.
Consider how the sample size, sample characteristics, and means of sample selection influenced the results of the study.
The assignment (1–3 pages):

Briefly summarize the forensic psychology research article you selected, including the sections on methods and results, paying particular attention to sample size, characteristics, and means of selection.
Explain how the sample size, sample characteristics, and sample selection influenced the results of the study and why.

Discuss and develop a final proposal outline for your TED Talk.

Project Assignment: TED Talk Proposal Outline (Group): the topic is to tip or not to tip

For this outline, your group will discuss and develop a final proposal outline for your TED Talk. This assignment should not be a list of every member’s outline, it should be a coherent, single outline. Please use the outline criteria below:



Please justify the importance and/or bigger picture of your topic. Build on the popular source from the previous assignment to demonstrate the significance of your topic. You must include at least 1 idea per group member and at least 1 popular source. Popular sources are written by and intended for a general audience such as magazine articles, websites, and blog Please include the link or access to the popular source (current and/or mainstream source).


Remember the following points as you develop your talk:

  • Introduce your topic in an engaging way to draw the audience in
  • Provide a compelling story that illustrates the importance of your topic
  • Integrate sound research; you should certainly infuse your own opinions, but you must also base your talk on sound findings


Hospitality Work Context

Focus on how your topic and the unique nature of the hospitality industry presents a challenge, opportunity, or advantage over other industries like manufacturing, transportation, retail, banking, or agriculture. Using readings, online sources, and your own creativity, describe why your topic is important and different for the hospitality industry. Take into consideration the role of managers, employee priorities, practical application, and feasibility. Be creative and innovative, look for unique situational and circumstantial reasons for why your topic is interesting and important to our industry.

Build a case for why your topic is important and/or interesting to the hospitality and service industry. Why is your topic a challenge for the hospitality industry? Think about the unique circumstances employees and managers have to take into consideration in regard to your topic. These include, but are not limited to:

  • primary employee demographic in terms of age, gender, ethnicity (i.e., female front desk agents, male chefs and predominately male kitchen staff);
  • hours of operation (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year; holidays, weekends, nights);
  • peak busy seasons (convention vs. tourist season, Friday/Saturday, dinner rush, Sunday brunch rush);
  • wages and salaries (low hourly wages, high dependency on tipping, commission-based salaries);
  • highly customer-focused business models;
  • alcohol (intoxicated customers and guests);
  • sexual harassment (from customers and coworkers).


Remember the following points as you develop your talk:

  • Why your topic is important and/or interesting to the hospitality and service industry
  • Why is your topic a challenge for leaders in the hospitality industry
  • Integrate sound research; you should certainly infuse your own opinions, but you must also base your talk on sound findings


You must include at least 1 challenge or unique factor to support your context-specific details about the hospitality industry (i.e., hours of operations; seasonality; wages and salaries) that describe and highlight the characteristics of the hospitality industry as well as how and why the hospitality industry differs from other industries. You must use at least 1 scholarly source – examples of scholarly sources include books and academic journals written by scholars and experts. On the other hand, popular sources are written by and intended for a general audience such as magazine articles, websites, and blogs.

Leadership Application

The project should identify and integrate relevant leadership constructs (e.g., transformational, servant, leader-member exchange, emotional intelligence, etc.) to support your topic. Identify, analyze, and describe why your topic is important or significant to leadership within hospitality. Weave appropriate leadership theories and constructs that are tied to your topic. Students should display exemplary critical thinking, mature ability to incorporate leadership theories, connect themes and constructs across course chapters and the industry. As a reminder, please support your claims and ideas with relevant and convincing supporting research from the annotated bibliographies and sources to support ideas, claims, and opinions on your group’s topic.


Remember the following points as you develop your talk:

  • Identify leadership constructs that addresses how the construct can be (or can it even be?) cultivated.
  • Impact of your topic on the individual outcomes, mechanisms, and character, as well as group and organizational mechanisms
  • Integrate sound research; you should certainly infuse your own opinions, but you must also base your talk on sound findings


You must include at least 1 leadership construct or application and at least 1 scholarly source – examples of scholarly sources include books and academic journals written by scholars and experts. On the other hand, popular sources are written by and intended for a general audience such as magazine articles, websites, and blogs.


Call to action

Provide call to action items for the industries. These suggestions, solutions, and practical implications for your group’s topic should demonstrate a high level of critical thinking and application of leadership constructs and theories. Your call to action items should reflect a well-developed understanding of the unique traits and characteristics of the hospitality industry. Call to action items should go beyond broad and generic suggestions such as selection, hiring, and training. Additionally, your call to action items should be supported with relevant and convincing research. Excellent papers will also demonstrate well-organized and well-developed ideas and thoughts in a logical and mature manner.

Remember the following points as you develop your talk:

  • Provide a call to action highlighting the practical implications of your talk
  • Call to action ideas should be innovative and plausible, going beyond broad and generic suggestions such as selection, hiring, and training
  • Integrate sound research; you should certainly infuse your own opinions, but you must also base your talk on sound findings


You must include at least 1 call to action and at least 1 scholarly source – examples of scholarly sources include books and academic journals written by scholars and experts. On the other hand, popular sources are written by and intended for a general audience such as magazine articles, websites, and blogs.



Has the company ever initiated a stock split? How many shares of stock are outstanding? Authorized? Issued? Would you invest in this company based on what you have evaluated? Why, or why not?

Unit V Scholarly Activity


Research Paper: Part II

In Unit II, you began working on your research paper that will be due in Unit VII of this course. In this unit, you will continue researching the company that you selected for your paper. For this assignment, evaluate the following items in relation to your chosen company:

■ Which stock market exchange is the company listed on?

■ Look at the past three years’ worth of stock activity for your company.

  • What is the average stock price during that period?
  • What was the high/low price?

■ Has the company ever initiated a stock split?

■ How many shares of stock are outstanding? Authorized? Issued?

■ Would you invest in this company based on what you have evaluated? Why, or why not?

■ Compare this company’s stock to another company within the same industry. How does the stock compare in terms of price and activity? Explain.

Your paper must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least two sources. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.


Evaluate and recommend improvements to the EHR migration path for the Medical Center of DeVry. Write a two-to-three page paper (including the proposed matrix format migration path).

Migration path

Review migration path discussed in Chapter 3 of your textbook and watch the Health IT Migration Path Video.

Review the assignment details provided in the Course Project Overview. Evaluate and recommend improvements to the EHR migration path for the Medical Center of DeVry. Write a two-to-three page paper (including the proposed matrix format migration path). The paper should identify the proper elements and problem elements with the given migration path and explain the proposed changes in order to help assure a smooth migration to the EHR.

Write a paper presenting a complete procurement management process for an organization of your choosing.

The Complete Procurement Management Process

NOTE: This option will focus on procurement from the procurement management perspective and will include discussion and analysis of project management. You may want to select this option if you are not getting a degree in Project Management.

For this option, you will write a paper presenting a complete procurement management process for an organization of your choosing. The paper will be based on the procurement practices of an organization you have researched. The elements you must include are:

Requirements – Planning the Procurement
Requisitions – Conducting the Procurement
Solicitations – Requesting Seller Response
Awards – Selecting Sellers
Contracts, Incentives, and Risks
Quality and Closure

You are building on the work you’ve completed in the discussion forums and Critical Thinking Assignments. Be sure to incorporate feedback you have received along the way.

Among small US businesses that existed before Covid19 and managed to survive and remain in business throughout and after the pandemic, what were the characteristics that separated those businesses from the ones that failed?

Research proposal

(Utilizing scholarly articles and research) and PowerPoint slideshow with speaker notes on the the following question:

“Among small US businesses that existed before Covid19 and managed to survive and remain in business throughout and after the pandemic, what were the characteristics that separated those businesses from the ones that failed?”

Explain what a grade equivalent is. What is a potential major downfall of using a grade equivalent type of score? Identify the four different types of scales of measurement, and give examples of situations when some might be more appropriate to use than others.

Course Title

What is needed for a good assessment of an individual?
Why should assessment procedures often be considered when working with students or clients?
Describe the importance of having an understanding of cross-cultural issues when using assessment procedures. What do these procedures look like, specifically?


Part I: Using the scores below, create a frequency distribution:

1 2 4 6 12 16 14 17 721

4 3 6 114 10

12 7 93 213 61 3

5 10 3


Part II: Once you are done, use the numbers above to develop:

a histogram that uses class intervals which has 3 numbers in each interval
a frequency polygon that uses class intervals with 4 numbers in each interval and
a cumulative distribution that has class intervals that has 4 numbers in each interval.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using a criterion-referenced test instead of a norm-referenced test to measure progress as defined by the No Child Left Behind Act or other high-stakes testing standards.
Explain what a grade equivalent is. What is a potential major downfall of using a grade equivalent type of score?
Identify the four different types of scales of measurement, and give examples of situations when some might be more appropriate to use than others.

Read the article on School Counselor and School Psychologist collaboration.

School Counselors and School Psychologists: Partners in Collaboration for Student Success Within RTI and CDCGP Frameworks Elias Links to an external site.


Then, answer the questions below:

Discuss the Tiered Intervention process as described in the article. How does this describe the direct services in which school counselors provide?
How can school counselors and school psychologists collaborate within each Tier?
What barriers or challenges might you anticipate regarding collaboration? What are some ways to address these challenges?
What strategies would you use to collaborate with the school psychologist in your building in the future?
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