
Explain how each perspective would treat the disorder you have identified

Prepare a 1500 word report

• 1.1 Choose any one of the case studies and analyse the difficulties in defining behavioral abnormalities outlined in the chosen case study scenario for your report

• 2.1 After your choice of case study write a report evaluating three different psychological perspectives and how they may be used to explain the disorder

• 3.1 Then explain how each perspective would treat the disorder you have identified in the case study.

You must include the following sections in the report

• Introduction

• Identify and explain your research methods

• Difficulties with diagnosis, defining abnormalities and normalities

• Psychological explanations

• Psychological treatments

• Conclusion

• Bibliography

Case study 1

Fred, aged 45, is a locksmith. He has longstanding and persistent worries that he has not done his job properly and that someone might get burgled as a result. He worries he might have given customers the wrong change whenever they have paid him in cash.

Fred informs you that he worries about many things in his life, and his most common thought is ‘what if’? He often imagines the worst happening and states that when he worries, he often feels sick, has headaches, feels butterflies in his stomach and is aware of his heart pounding.

Fred often gets hot and sweaty and says his anxiety makes it difficult to concentrate and do his job or play with his children.

He is very distressed by his constant worrying and feelings of anxiety, and regards it as a sign of weakness. At the beginning of the consultation with his GP, Fred states he is attending because of problems with sleeping.

But after questioning about how things have been for him recently, Fred discloses to his GP that he is feeling under considerable stress. Fred has been diagnosed with Anxiety

Determine what actions, information, and data will be necessary (for each deficiency) in order for you, as the responsible Qualified Person, to carry out the Batch disposition?

Law and Admin

• You are Qualified Person at PQR Pharma, UK. During Review of a batch of a pre – filled syringe product, you noticed numerous GMP deficiencies during the manufacturing and packaging operation.

You are the only manufacturer of this product which is in the essential medicines list (for neonatal meningitis patients). Each GMP breach in itself has been explained in a deviation report.

However, due to number of GMP breaches, you are reluctant to certify the batch. Upon discussion with senior QA executives within the company it is apparent that they will authorise batch release.

• Determine what actions, information, and data will be necessary (for each deficiency) in order for you, as the responsible Qualified Person, to carry out the Batch disposition?

• Your decision must be based on appropriate risk assessment and backed up by the UK legislation/s in place. The batch was manufactured on 10th July 2021.

Your Task:

• Write a report, detailing your actions with reasons.

• Create a plan of your case report ie create a mind map an figures

• Note: If you use any figures/tables then use appropriate captions and refer them in the text.

• The contract sterility test laboratory changed sterility test method from membrane filtration to direct inoculation method.

Would you consider this model suitable for selected complex and dynamic human-centric systems?

Systems psychology

Consider the nonlinear dynamic artificial neural network model for memory as a template for other human factors engineering applications.

Direct your particular attention to the aspects concerning weighting, bipolar pairs, two interconnected layers, and three types of attractors.

Would you consider this model suitable for selected complex and dynamic human-centric systems? Indicate how you believe these aspects would support or not support your choice. Follow the formatting guidelines of the APA Manual where needed in your creative assignment.

Illustrate how including human factors contributors early in the process can affect the system development more positively and inclusively.

You are a human factors specialist in your company and a project director has asked you to develop a strategy to broaden the perspectives of the systems engineers when designing projects. Illustrate how including human factors contributors early in the process can affect the system development more positively and inclusively.

Prepare a position paper for the engineers to read that explains what is involved and the benefits that can be realized. Also, provide a few key actions or steps that would move toward accomplishing the director’s intent.

Follow the formatting guidelines of the APA Manual where needed in your creative assignment.

Discuss the issue or gap identified during your investigation and explain what business need is not being met.

Discuss the issue or gap identified during your investigation and explain what business need is not being met.

Describe the departments directly affected and discuss the impact the issue or gap has on them.

Discuss any additional consequences of the issue or gap for organizational performance, other stakeholders, budget, etc.

Propose a clinical, technological, or process-related solution that can be implemented to address the identified issue or gap. Explain how the proposed solution addresses the issue or gap for the departments and how it fulfills the specified business need.

Describe how the proposed informatics solution supports the organization's objectives and overall strategy and operations.

Outline the goals and objectives for the proposed informatics solution. Explain how these align with the departmental and organizational goals.

Compare and contrast Machiavelli and Hobbes on human nature, power, and the role of political institutions

Compare and contrast Machiavelli and Hobbes on human nature, power, and the role of political institutions — by using Machiavelli’s “The Prince”, and Hobbes “Leviathan”

Do you have any background in medical articles?

Letter to a Young Physician

Do you have any background in medical articles? grammatical corrections and a professional reader’s take on the content of the article.

Describe your understanding of how this situation can be approached to minimize the risk of failures.

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is grounded in considering each failure as an independent event. In complex and dynamic systems, there are interrelationships and influences.

Describe your understanding of how this situation can be approached to minimize the risk of failures.

Follow the formatting guidelines of the APA Manual where needed in your creative assignment.

Explain how these pathologies might apply in a human factors application scenario of your own making.

Systems psychology

You will be presenting at a seminar as a panel member recognized as an expert on systems analysis. With regard to the Human-Centred Requirements Engineering (HUCRE) workload and performance analysis method, selected cognitive pathologies have been identified and embedded in the model.

Explain how these pathologies might apply in a human factors application scenario of your own making.

Differentiate between what may be pathologies versus biases. Follow the formatting guidelines of the APA Manual where needed in your creative assignment

How do media representations stereotype cultural ‘others’ in the context of globalization?

Media, Globalization and Culture

You are required to write a 2,500-words piece on one of the following questions:

1. Are global brands an expression of cultural imperialism?

2. What is the role of celebrity culture in processes of globalization?

3. In what ways do media events bring global populations together?

4. How do media representations stereotype cultural ‘others’ in the context of globalization?

What distinguishes this essay from the previous one is that you are expected to answer your question by focusing on a specific example or case study, for example the advertising campaign(s) of a particular company, a particular celebrity, a media event, or analyze media coverage How do media representations stereotype cultural ‘others’ in the context of globalization? of particular event/issue/group of people. The assignment is designed in a way that leaves you freedom to engage with the concept(s) you found most interesting in the module and apply them to the media examples of your choice.

If you have any other ideas about what you would like to do, you should discuss it with your teacher firs. In any case, you should check your ideas with your seminar teacher before starting your project. Your work will be assessed according to the criteria outlined above for the first summative assignment, with a special focus on the application of concepts on contemporary examples and evidence of original thinking and reflection when discussing the case study/example of your choice.