
How does Lanier’s book hold up when viewed through contemporary scholarship?


Throughout these nine lessons, you have read and responded to Lanier’s ten arguments for deleting your social media.

You’ve moved through 2000+ years of rhetorical theory, and you have produced and analyzed different argumentation methods.

At this point, we’ve come to the 20th and 21st centuries. Contemporary research about argumentation often focuses on argument as much broader than public, political, and judicial texts. Instead, scholars today often focus on how we are persuaded by popular and mass media.

This would include social media. Scholars today argue that social media is as relevant as a form of communication like any other.

“Rhetoric is rooted in an essential function of language itself, a function that is wholly realistic and continually born anew: the use of language as a symbolic means of inducing cooperation in being that by nature respond to symbols” (Kenneth Burke, 1950).

“Rhetoric is the art of discovering warrant-able beliefs and improving those beliefs in shared discourse… the art of probing what we believe we ought to believe, rather than proving what is true according to abstract methods” (Wayne Booth, 1964).

“Rhetoric is a mode of altering reality, not by the direct application of energy to objects, but by the creation of discourse which changes reality through the mediation of thought and action” (Lloyd Bitzer, 1968).

“We should not neglect rhetoric’s importance, as if it were simply a formal superstructure or technique exterior to the essential activity. Rhetoric is something decisive in society… [T]here are no politics, there is no society without rhetoric, without the force of rhetoric” .

“Rhetoric is the art, practice, and study of [all] human communication” (Andrea Lunsford, 1995).

“Rhetoric appears as the connective tissue peculiar to civil society and to its proper fatalities, happiness and political peace hie et nunc” (Marc Fumaroli, 1999).

For your discussion, then, pick one quotation from those above and replace “rhetoric” with “social media.” Considering these quotations, how does Lanier’s book hold up when viewed through contemporary scholarship?

For your discussion below, you’ll want to develop your response using 1 outside source in a response of approximately 250 – 500 words.

What type of leadership/management works best during change?

Leading and Managing change

This empirical research option requires you to consider an area of current change within an organization and to critically explore the process of change.

How was the change managed? What type of leadership/management works best during change? How will/was leadership offered during the change? Use theories of change management and theories and models of leadership to underpin your work. Use previous research of change in children’s services and data collected from your interviews with staff to inform your work.

When might the use of technology produce a social issue?

Many individuals rely heavily on the use of technology in their daily lives. This can include how they obtain news about the world, how they obtain information about people they know, how to meet new people, how to purchase items they want, and how to interact with others.

When reviewing these aspects, consider how an individual’s behavior can be affected by using technology. When might the use of technology produce a social issue? Conduct an internet search to determine a technology-related social issue and and include the following in your response:

Identify goals and evaluate accordingly both at home, school and on the job.

Too much to accomplish has a way of becoming intoxicating, Moses apparently knew little about delegation of responsibility. That may explain why he was overburdened. When Jethro asked him why “you alone sit, and all the people stand before you,” he replied that “the people come to me to inquire of God.” Could it be that the statement reflects the intoxicating allure of being in charge and doing more then it was required of him?

The view of Moses is certainly a man in burnout. People in burnout often accept new work and assignments, and then complain about the workload. In burnout, as you are unable to perform, you transfer failure away from yourself and look for others to blame.

How about you and me? Do we feel overwhelmed by our studies, work, and life?

To achieve spiritual re-building, it will be essential to re-establish purpose in life. Here are some practical advises to get out of burnout:

– Recognize and identify the problem.

– Establish a regular ongoing prayer time.

– Identify goals and evaluate accordingly both at home, school and on the job.

– Maintain personal growth.

– Seek out helpful supervision for your work and studies

– Develop an active outside life with a variety of interests.

– Personalize your work and home environment with meaningful pictures, objects, colors, etc.

– Feel comfortable with yourself, set limits for yourself, and know how far to become involved with
family and colleagues.

– Encourage and practice good communication skills.

– Provide for flexible working conditions.

– Seek out encouragement for trying new ideas.

– Find your own “decompression techniques” such as exercise or outdoor activities that relieve
tension and put you into a more relaxed state.

– Build a support system for yourself with those who can discuss your problems and help look for
solutions. Don’t just air gripes, but look for solutions.



Identify two or three good performance companies and justify the investment motivation for the industry and the companies

Financial investment analysis

You are to identify two companies in one industry that perform well under COVID-19 investment environment. In your report, please include the following:

Identify two or three good performance companies and justify the investment motivation for the industry and the companies

Through research and review, identify key factors that could affect share performance for the companies in that industry

Construct regression model(s) to examine the effect of different factors on share performance, i.e. CAPM, Fama and French three factors model and five factors model, or other models you develop. See some journals listed in the Assignment Support folder under Module

Explain and apply appropriate options regarding acceptance or rejection of assignments, including the use of Safe Harbor.

Safe Harbor
Due to staffing shortages and the unpredictability of hospital needs, nurses are sometimes asked to take on assignments outside their normal routines.

As a healthcare professional, you must understand your options when asked to take on such assignments, the risks associated with accepting some assignments, and the protections afforded you by the law.

Reflect upon your learning about the Safe Harbor protection as well as any experiences you have had in this realm.

Then follow the instructions and complete the Safe Harbor form based upon a fictitious scenario.

Refer to your course readings and lectures as you complete the assignment.

Performance Objectives:
Explain and apply appropriate options regarding acceptance or rejection of assignments, including the use of Safe Harbor.

Describe how your view of this issue changed and how it might change for you or others in the future.

Writing prompt: Using the language of sociology, describe one thing you learned in this course that was most important to you using one of the three sociological perspectives.

Describe how your view of this issue changed and how it might change for you or others in the future.

Explain how everyday social life impacts this issue.

Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against internal or external benchmarks

Engage in Personal and Professional Development
Refer to your job description or one for the role of a teaching assistant to support you with this task.

• Describe the duties and responsibilities of (your) own work role.

Activity 2 – Be able to reflect on organisational practice.
For this activity answer the following criteria critically analysing your role and how your own values impact on your practice.

Provide suitable examples.

Explain how reflection supports improving the quality of the learning environment

Demonstrate the ability to reflect on practice

Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice

Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against internal or external benchmarks

Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing own development

Demonstrate your knowledge of the Condliffe’s theory by explaining how the dispute arose and what alternatives to arbitration might have resolved the matter.

Federal Industrial Court decision (Australia)


1. Research the parties of the dispute

2. Analyze the dispute using the theories outlined in Condliffe’s text

3. Demonstrate your knowledge of the Condliffe’s theory by explaining how the dispute arose and what alternatives to arbitration might have resolved the matter.

What you need to include in the report is the following “The Conflict Map” (Word file: Conflict Map)