
What are the differences between the parties’ aims and objectives?

Force Field analysis
This is an analysis of the negative and positive factors of the situation

Negative factors – those that hinder the process

Positive factors – those factors helpful in managing the situation

Conflict Chart

What are the aims and objectives of each party?

What are the differences between the parties’ aims and objectives?

What are the positive aspects of the conflict?

Is there any common ground between the parties?

What are the negatives aspects of the conflict?

Describe each of the parties position in detail

Do you know all of the details well enough to build an argument for each side?

What is the Fair Work Commission’s position in this ?

What are the feelings of each of the parties?

Describe the values of each party ,What are the elements of power involved?

How is the power being used?

Outline the latent and manifest issues to examine

Were there other ways this could have been resolved?

What mode of conflict management may be appropriate?

Is third party intervention necessary/desirable?

What should the situation look like in the short term?

What do you think will occur in the long run?

Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of biological factors

Understand How Children And Young People Develop

Activity 1 – Criteria 1.1
Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years. (1.1)

For this activity, produce a factual booklet identifying the key milestones looking at physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social from birth through to 19 years.

Activity 2 – Criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Understand the factors that influences, children and young people’s development and how these affect practice.

For this activity, answer each the criteria. Include reliable, valid information in your response. Include a bibliography. Each of the criteria:

• Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of biological factors

• Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors

• Explain how theories of development and educational frameworks influence current practice

Activity 3 – Understand how to monitor children and young people’s development and interventions that should take place if this is not following the expected pattern.
Criteria 3.1, 3.2

In this activity, produce a training manual that can be used to inform new staff on how to monitor children and young people’s development using a range of methods, and interventions and provides positive outcomes.

• Explain how to monitor children and young people’s development using different methods

• Identify how other professionals and different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for children and young people where development is not following the expected pattern.

What is the highest level of evidence to address this health or process issue?

What RN/NP/Medical models exist to address this problem?

What is the highest level of evidence to address this health or process issue?

Think existing national & international evidence

Why do you want to create this service model?

What services will you be providing?

How can you best utilize the NP scope of practice in this role?

How will you uphold the NP standards of Practice

Explain the need to reassure children, young people and adults of the confidentiality of shared information and the limits of this.

Develop Professional Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults

Conduct interviews with a selection of staff in your setting to explore positive relationships. Think carefully about the questions you will ask.

Write a report from the outcome of the interviews to:

• Explain why effective communication is beneficial in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults

• Explain how different social, professional and cultural backgrounds may affect relationships and the way people communicate; examples may be used to support your response

• Describe a minimum of three (3) ways the support worker can build and maintain professional relationships with children, young people and adults

• Using two (2) barriers to professional relationships as examples, explain how each barrier can be overcome.

• Explain what is meant by inclusion and inclusive practices

• Identify barriers to children and young people’s participation

Write a conclusion for your report which:

• Discusses situations when confidentiality protocols must be breached.

Activity 2 – Create a resource for new staff to use during their induction period.
Criteria 2.1, 2.2.

This resource must:

• Summarize the main points of legislation and procedures covering confidentiality, data protection and the disclosure of information

• Explain the need to reassure children, young people and adults of the confidentiality of shared information and the limits of this.

Summarize policies and procedures relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behavior

During your 1-1 catch up with the class teacher she shares information from the previous class teacher about three children who demonstrate behavior that is sometimes challenging. The class teacher asks that you undertake some independent research into policies and procedures ready for the start of term staff meeting.

• Summarize policies and procedures relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behavior

• Explain effective practice in relation to behavior management.

Policies and procedures from your placement, review expectations in relation to behavior when working with others (2.1)

Explain strategies for promoting positive behavior according to policies and procedures of your setting (2.2)

Explain referral processes in line with policies and procedures for behavior that challenges (3.4)

What do you believe are the primary advantages and disadvantages of having multiple revenue sources for health care services offered by an organization for planning and reporting purposes?

There are several advantages and disadvantages of various revenue sources as payment for services rendered in health care (e.g., managed care, prospective, retrospective).

What do you believe are the primary advantages and disadvantages of having multiple revenue sources for health care services offered by an organization for planning and reporting purposes?

Describe how that organization either does or does not apply the course concepts on a day-to-day basis.

Each student should choose an organization with which she/he is familiar, such as the place of employment, business patronized, or other situation.

Describe how that organization either does or does not apply the course concepts on a day-to-day basis. The following course concepts should be discussed:

-Critical success factors.

-Identify and discuss the fixed and variable costs.

-Calculate the Contribution Margin Income Statement.

-Determine and discuss the most effective costing method for your organization.

-Using the IRR and NPV method calculate and determine if the capital budget project is viable project cost $1.5million, project life 10 years and cost of capital 13%, and annual cash flows of $185,000.

-Provide a recommendation for the organization.

Explain the context of the data collection and how each variable is measured.

Instructions for ANOVA Questions

Indicate what variables you are using and which types of variables they are.

Mention which type of ANOVA test you are performing.

Explain why the test you are using is the best test for the given situation.

Provide the ANOVA table, and explain the results.

If the factors are significant, perform a post-hoc test, provide test results, and interpret the results.

Include a conclusion as well as implications of the test results.

If you are performing more than one ANOVA test in the same question, discuss the points above only for significant test results. Only provide the p value for insignificant test results.

If you are performing just one ANOVA test in the given question, discuss the results in detail.
Instructions for Regression Questions

Explain which variables you are using and which types of variables they are.

Explain the context of the data collection and how each variable is measured.

Explain for each independent variable what type of relationship (e.g., positive, negative, or no relationship) that you are anticipating with the dependent variable and provide a logical reasoning for it.

Identify THREE distinct steps that managers can take to encourage greater innovation and creativity in their organizations.


Identify THREE distinct steps that managers can take to encourage greater innovation and creativity in their organizations. Which do you think would be most effective in your industry? Justify your answer.

What does a review of research suggest are positive INCLUSIVE practices (I) to SUPPORT (O) secondary students with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties – SEBD (P) in mainstream classrooms?

What does a review of research suggest are positive INCLUSIVE practices (I) to SUPPORT (O) secondary students with social, emotional and behavioral difficulties – SEBD (P) in mainstream classrooms?