
Discuss the design you have chosen, talking about the benefits and challenges/drawbacks.

Essay/report describing the key survey features

Describe and justify your sampling design.
o What are your options, considering your target population?

o Which sampling frames are available to you, and how will you access these?

o If there is no existing sampling frame, how will you draw and recruit your sample?

– Discuss the design you have chosen, talking about the benefits and challenges/drawbacks. Make it clear why you have chosen this instead of any alternatives.

Remember, you do not need to give a textbook definition of any sampling designs.

The marker will be able to see how well you understand them, from your discussion of why you have chosen your sampling design.

Describe the pre-testing strategy and the fieldwork monitoring procedure that you propose to implement.

Essay/report describing the key survey features

The assessment for this module is a piece of coursework. For this assignment, you are asked to design a survey and write a 2,700-word essay/report describing the key survey features. In the essay you are asked to:

1. Choose a substantive research question and describe your target population. Note that you will not be evaluated on the quality of your research question, and thus, in this exercise, you are NOT expected to conduct a literature review to define an interesting and unaddressed question. For this section of the essay use this research question: Did the pandemic have an impact on university students’ mental health?

2. Conduct a review of existing national and international surveys, to identify whether they are a useful data source to answer your research question – you will refer to the data archives and websites of European Social Survey, Understanding Society The UK Household Longitudinal Study, Office for National Statistics. You will need to describe your database search and your findings in the essay. You may discover that you can answer your research question using data from an existing survey; if so, please report this finding, but, for the sake of this exercise, proceed with designing your own survey.

3. Describe and justify your sampling design.

4. Identify the data collection mode and justify your choice.

5. Describe and justify your contact strategy.

6. Design the questionnaire for data collection and include it in an appendix to your essay. Note: the questionnaire will not count towards the word limit. In the main body of your assignment, talk about how you designed your items and questionnaire, to demonstrate your understanding of good question and questionnaire design (or, if you use items from an existing survey, identify the survey and demonstrate your understanding by talking about why you chose that survey and those specific items).

7. Describe the pre-testing strategy and the fieldwork monitoring procedure that you propose to implement. You may want to use one of the pre-testing techniques discussed in class to pre-test your questionnaire on a small purposive sample of colleagues or friends.

8. Finally, describe which sources of error may arise from your design, in light of the Total Survey Error framework; also, discuss briefly how survey weights may be used to minimise some sources of survey error.

Throughout the essay, you will need to justify your choices with reference to the relevant methodological literature.

What has motivated survivors in different periods since the Holocaust to give testimony?

Aftermath holocaust

Be sure to use at least one example of the testimonies in formulating your response.

“Testimonies, particularly when they are produced as part of a larger cultural movement, express the discourse or discourses valued by society at the moment the witnesses, tell their stories as much as they render an individual experience.” (xii, Wievorka). Wievorka further states that certain kinds of testimony have not been recorded and certain groups of survivors have given testimony (p. 18).

With this quote and the reading in mind, compare and contrast some of the early testimonies. Some questions to consider in your discussion (you don’t have to answer all of them beyond the first about Wievorka’s statement):

Do you agree with Wievorka’s point raised above, and if so, how do the testimonies from this week reflect the context in which they were recorded? If you don’t agree with her statement, why not?

What has motivated survivors in different periods since the Holocaust to give testimony? Do you think the motivation of the survivor giving the testimony and the interviewer/recorder should inform how the testimony is read and interpreted? If some experiences and groups of survivors have been left out of the narrative of testimony, as Wievorka suggests, how do you think testimonies have shaped our understanding of the Holocaust?


Critically discuss Milgram’s experiment, and assess the extent to which the “small-world effect” can be found in the random Poisson network, in the Barabási-Albert “scale-free” network, and in the Watts-Strogatz “small-world” network.

Social Network Analysis – Small world Network, Scale free, random Poisson network

The experiment that Stanley Mil-gram conducted in 1967 provided empirical evidence in favor of what is now referred to as the “small-world effect”, namely the fact that the average geodesic distance is small even for very large networks.

Critically discuss Milgram’s experiment, and assess the extent to which the “small-world effect” can be found in the random Poisson network, in the Barabási-Albert “scale-free” network, and in the Watts-Strogatz “small-world” network.


What biases might be attributable to your sampling plan? To what extent can you generalize your results?

Methodology for Quantitative Study

1. Double-spaced, 11-12 font 2. Reference the textbook when used but no other references needed for this assignment.

But if you do choose to use other sources for this part, you will need to cite and reference it.

But it might be helpful if you re-reviewed your literature review material to get more ideas for relevant questions and methodology.

3. Repeat your purpose statement from Research Proposal 1 – This is your chance to change it or improve on it.

4. Describe and justify your design choice. Experimental or non experimental design. Why is it appropriate for your study’s purpose?

5. Describe and justify your sampling plan. Is it probability or non-probability? Which type within either of these categories?

What biases might be attributable to your sampling plan? To what extent can you generalize your results?

6. Describe where, when, and how you will recruit people to be in your study.

Describe the context of yourdata gathering plan (privacy considerations, safety considerations, feasibility considerations, etc.

Summarize the history of Gap Inc including its vision, mission, objectives and where the company is today.

Summary and history of Gap Inc

Summarize the history of Gap Inc including its vision, mission, objectives and where the company is today.

How has the contemporary world been shaped by globalized neoliberalism and what are some key implications for present-day social problems?

How has the contemporary world been shaped by globalized neoliberalism and what are some key implications for present-day social problems?

Develop a clear and coherent structure that makes proper use of paragraphs and argumentative signposts.

 Assessment criteria for assignment

Demonstrate a developing analytical understanding of sociological theories of social division, inequality, and social problems.

Show you can analyse the question, give a clear indication of how you intend to answer it, and reach a suitable conclusion.

Show that you have made conscious choices as to what to focus on: that you have developed, supported with evidence, and linked this material throughout.

Develop a clear and coherent structure that makes proper use of paragraphs and argumentative signposts.

Evidence that you have engaged in relevant independent sociological and theoretical reading from the module, e.g. sources that include academic books, journal articles and scholarly websites.

Write in an appropriate academic style with accurate and consistent spelling, grammar and Harvard referencing.

What duty would this then impose on the person supposed to carry out the trust?

Trusts and Equity

The Three Certainties check-list: not exhaustive or prescriptive

Is there precatory wording?

If so, will this cause the trust to fail and to whom will the ‘trust’ property then pass (assuming certainty of subject matter exists)? Is there more than one possibility here?

If precatory wording exists, is it possible still to find intention to create a trust in spite of the precatory wording?

What duty would this then impose on the person supposed to carry out the trust?

Is the subject matter certain re identification of the property (the ‘what’ question)?

Is there linguistic certainty?

the issue of lack of segregation arise? If not, why is this?

Is the subject matter certain on the ‘which to whom’ question? (a requirement in the clause to make an ‘equal’ division resolves this)
Objects (beneficiaries)

What type of trust is being attempted and why?

What is the correct test for certainty of objects?

Is conceptual certainty needed?

Is evidential certainty needed?

Are the objects, therefore, certain?

If uncertain, what is the effect?

If the objects could be certain, what is the effect if beneficiaries cannot be geographically located and how can this be addressed?

Conclusion to clause (taking into account the aspects of the clause which were especially problematic on the facts)

Describe the influence of one of the following on evolution of modern contemporary music

Answer each of the questions in at least 150 words each!

1.) How did the music of James Brown influence the later styles of both Funk and Hip-hop. Give at least one musical example for each. (150)

2.) Early punk influenced a wide variety of styles which evolved later. Describe how “New Wave” and “Hardcore punk” are connected to punk roots, and also how they differ in their musical and sonic approaches.

3.) Describe the influence of one of the following on evolution of modern contemporary music