
Define SMART goals, objectives, and strategies. Identify desired results.

Create a 3- to 4-page annual Action Work Plan. Your plan should:

Define SMART goals, objectives, and strategies.

Identify desired results.

Define how success will be measured.

Identify, analyze, and delegate tasks.

List the tactics that will be used.

Create a timeline of events.

List expenses and create a budget.

Your plan is not limited to the above list.

Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

What do other pieces of research say about this topic? Do they support your papers conclusions?

Implications for clinical practice

Is the paper good enough from a research perspective to use?

Can you use this single piece of research to inform your practice?

What do other pieces of research say about this topic? Do they support your papers conclusions?

Overall should practice be changed based upon your research in this topic

Critically appraise research using an appropriate critical appraisal framework

1.Demonstrate the ability to systematically search the evidence base

2. Critically appraise research using an appropriate critical appraisal framework

3. Explore an aspect of clinical practice using the evidence base

4. Discuss implementation of research into practice

Have you ever worked in an environment where there was really good communication when there were problems and if so what processes were in place?

When there aren’t clear methods outlined for employees to voice concerns, what have you experienced? Have you ever worked in an environment where there was really good communication when there were problems and if so what processes were in place?

Discuss the impact of investor sentiment on stock returns conditional on economic conditions.

Answer all questions within the assignment instructions which has been attached also  will need to be used and data must be shown via screen shots. there are 7 requirements in this assignment which must be followed.

1. Discuss the rationale behind the cross-sectional impact of investor sentiment on stock returns.

1. Discuss the impact of investor sentiment on stock returns conditional on economic conditions.

1. Examine the relation between market returns and investor sentiment.

2. Examine the relation between market returns and investor sentiment across different economic conditions.

3. Discuss limitations of your analysis.


Describe the differences between a job description and person specification?

Week 2: Recruitment methods

1. Explain why line managers adopt the rational approach to recruitment?

2. Describe the differences between a job description and person specification?

3. List three ways to encourage diversity when recruiting candidates?

Week 3: Selection Methods

1. What are the problems with using selection interviews to identify the best candidate in relation to reliability and validity as a selection tool?

2. What are the advantages of using a competency framework to design selection interview questions?

Week 4: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

1. A friend suggests that George should implement mandatory diversity training. Based on your reading of the Dobbin and Kalev (2016) article, do you agree with George’s friend?

Provide specific examples from the article to back up your point why you agree/why you do not.
2. Recommend to George two alternative diversity management interventions, that academic research has proven to be effective.

You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.

Week 5: Skills, Training and Development

1. What are the challenges which Covid 19, has created for adult learners employability in the labour market?

2. Why is coaching by line managers important for the performance of their teams?
What benefits does conducting induction for new joiners have for organizations?

Week 6: Performance Management

1 copy and paste a fully completed table assessing the performance review practices that you have experienced in your current job role.
2. Identify one area of performance review in your current job role that is weak, and explain why this is a problem.



Identify briefly your audit or similar project outlining the structure of the report.

Submission of reflection of leadership and management of clinical audit or equivalent.
Identify briefly your audit or similar project outlining the structure of the report.
Choose a reflective model and give a brief rationale for selection.

explain the theories and propose a theoretical approach to assessing employee personality.

Imagine your team has been asked to determine a theoretical approach to assessing the personality of employees at your organization.Explain the theories and propose a theoretical approach to assessing employee personality.

Explain how your proposal will directly and indirectly impact each of the aspects.

Discussion question 1: After discussion with your preceptor, name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account for developing the evidence-based change proposal.

Explain how your proposal will directly and indirectly impact each of the aspects.

Compare ways to improve human communication to build effective teams and groups.

Organizational Theory 1
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit V

6. Compare ways to improve human communication to build effective teams and groups.

6.1 Describe Parker’s four types of team players as related to a historic figure.

6.2 Connect how selected historic figures fit into a respective type.

6.3 Establish how you will handle the differences between different team makeup during each  phase of development