
Explain what motivates you to do a good job. Is it money? Corporate values? Or a different factor? Why?

It is time to discuss strategies believed to motivate employees. So, what drives a productive employee? Is it money? Corporate values? Or a different factor?

View the YouTube video below and discuss the strategies for motivating employees. Explain what motivates you to do a good job. Is it money? Corporate values? Or a different factor? Why?




Discuss the factors that affected the group’s overall effectiveness, drawing from concepts in your readings.

Decisions are made every day in organizations, some are individual and others are group decisions. There are different variables and influence-rs that affect how decisions are made within a criminal justice organization.

Write a paper about decision-making in your organization or one of which you familiar. In your paper include:

The power and political elements of your organization.

Communication channels within your organization and how you feel they could be improved.One successful and one unsuccessful experience with group decision making.

Discuss the factors that affected the group’s overall effectiveness, drawing from concepts in your readings.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

How do managers stimulate employee creativity and tolerance for change?

Topic: How do managers stimulate employee creativity and tolerance for change?

The paper must contain:
a. A title page that includes the topic of the paper, your name, and the date.

b. Section 1: Introduction. A short one paragraph introduction that identifies the paper’s purpose, provides a thesis statement (i.e., what are you trying to prove or disprove), and presents a brief overview of the information to be presented.

c. Section 2: Literature Review. The literature review is a written overview of the sources researched on your selected topic. The literature review provides a description, summary, and evaluation of each source.

d. Section 3: Discussion. In this section, provide one or more paragraphs that provide your findings from the literature review.

Do your assumptions agree or disagree with previous research? Do the results of the previous research help you to interpret your own assumptions? If your assumptions are different, why?

e. Section 4: Conclusion. In this last section, provide any final statements to persuade me why your position on the topic is the best one. Or, conversely, what you discovered in your research that caused you to change your opinion.


Identify an issue that you observed during your clinical experience and describe the leadership theory that was used to address it.

Leadership Reflection Weekly Review Nurse Preceptor

Reflect on your clinical experience so far. 400 word minimum. APA format.

Discuss connections to the content of last week’s readings.

Identify an issue that you observed during your clinical experience and describe the leadership theory that was used to address it.

Would using a different leadership theory have produced a different response or outcome? Explain.

Make sure you direct these topics towards what you are learning with your preceptor and on your project

What was the purpose of the U.S. government establishing a social security tax in 1935?

Write 2 paragraphs responding to “What was the purpose of the U.S. government establishing a social security tax in 1935? How can the social security tax help or not help the current generation of young adults?”

Use at least one reference and cite it multiple times inside the paragraphs. Provide some statistical evidence to help describe the topic.

What does this saying mean to you? In your own words, what is the difference between differentiation and tracking?

“We must differentiate our mindset first and our lessons second.”

What does this saying mean to you? In your own words, what is the difference between differentiation and tracking?

How effective was your workflow system in responding to challenges in the installation process?


In an essay of around 700 words examine and evaluate the way using a workflow
system affects the completion of the installation. In your essay, consider the following questions:

What worked well in your workflow system and what could have been improved on?

How effective was your workflow system in responding to challenges in the installation process? Did you have to completely redevelop it or did it adapt well to challenges?

How effective is your workflow system for getting the studio apartment project finished efficiently and within the specified time frame?

Include examples from your work in task 1 to illustrate how your workflow system improves the quality and efficiency of the installation.

Describe an experience where you have seen monitoring and adjusting of instruction that met the needs of students.

Answer questions from Topic 3 DQ1 and Topic 3 DQ2 with 250 words and 2 scholar references. These are separate assignments and should have own reference page.

What does this saying mean to you? In your own words, what is the difference between differentiation and tracking?

Describe an experience where you have seen monitoring and adjusting of instruction that met the needs of students.

What worked in this situation and how can you apply what was learned in future practice?

Why would they do this? How effective do you think this would be? Discuss.

Globalization and Regulation

In light of this tragedy, a number of companies established the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety. Why would they do this? How effective do you think this would be? Discuss.