
Develop an interview protocol of ten questions to ask during the interview.

One of the ways to learn about leadership in the academic nurse educator role occurs through the interview method. For this assignment, you will select an academic nurse educator to interview.Develop an interview protocol of ten questions to ask during the interview.

Why do managers have to worry so much about employee motivation issues?


Most of us have to work for a living, need our job, and a job is a central part of our lives.

Why do managers have to worry so much about employee motivation issues?

What happened? Why did this delegation go wrong? What needed to be done differently?

A manager delegated the task of receiving, organizing, and posting invoices. The person he delegated to had no idea what went where, no previous experience with anything that had to do with invoices, and he seemed to not be open to questions.

He assumed that this employee would have the know how because it was “expressed” that accounting was something he wanted to get into.

When this was expressed, he meant he was going to take some classes and would like to help when the time came. However, the manager misunderstood “going to class” as “taken some classes.

Soon after all the facts were sorted through, a person was hired to do the tasks of receiving and posting, but the employee lost his desire to learn about accounting.

The whole situation made him phobic of the department and its tasks.

What happened? Why did this delegation go wrong? What needed to be done differently?

Identify an issue that you observed during your clinical experience and describe the leadership theory that was used to address it.

Reflect on your clinical experience so far. 400 word minimum. APA format.

Discuss connections to the content of last week’s readings.

Identify an issue that you observed during your clinical experience and describe the leadership theory that was used to address it.

Would using a different leadership theory have produced a different response or outcome? Explain.

Describes the selected methodology and specific research design to address the problem statement and research questions.

Improving the Learning of Students in an Inclusion Algebra Classroom Using Mathematical Language

Methodology and Design – Describes the selected methodology and specific research design to address the problem statement and research questions.

Data Collection – Describes primary instruments and sources of data to answer research questions

Demonstrates graduate level writing, including correct grammar, punctuation and usage, and is in APA format.

US Supreme Court Cases prior to 1900.

1. Analyze the rule of law in public administrative procedures.
Research paper reflects an outstanding understanding of analyzing the rule of law in public administrative procedures.

Research paper reflects a very good understanding of analyzing the rule of law in public administrative procedures. Research paper reflects a good understanding of analyzing the rule of law in public administrative procedures.

Research paper reflects an understanding of analyzing the rule of law in public administrative procedures, but it needs revisions. Research paper reflects very little understanding of analyzing the rule of law in public administrative procedures.

2. Demonstrates graduate level writing, including correct grammar, punctuation and usage, and is in APA format.

Exceptionally well written paper exhibiting flawless English grammar, punctuation and usage, and APA formatting. Very well written paper exhibiting facility with English grammar, punctuation and usage, and APA formatting. Readable paper exhibiting good English grammar, punctuation and usage, and APA formatting. Barely acceptable style.

Paper exhibits many mistakes with English grammar, punctuation and usage, and APA formatting. Poorly written paper exhibiting weak English grammar, punctuation and usage, and APA formatting.

Examine the current process design of that product or service in alliance with the 4 Vs model and illustrate the operational process by using either a Flow Chart or Value Stream Map technique.

Based on the above, you are asked to take as an example a product or a service from an industry that you are familiar with (e.g., food, technology, healthcare, retail, services, automotive), and critically:

i. Examine the current process design of that product or service in alliance with the 4 Vs model and illustrate the operational process by using either a Flow Chart or Value Stream Map technique.

ii. Discuss how implementation of Lean Principles and Just -in- Time (JIT) manufacturing may assist in achieving a more flexible and yet efficient process design.

Demonstrate a basic understanding of the characteristics and skills of a successful sales professional

Identify and explain the common basic terminology used in professional sales •

Describe the role of sales in everyday life and within an organization

Demonstrate a basic understanding of the characteristics and skills of a successful sales professional
Address the following in your submission:
1. Identify and explain the common basic terminology used in professional sales.

a. Explain the importance of FAB. Create a FAB chart of 10 characteristics of your favorite product.

b. Describe what each of the four key characteristics of a brand has to do with selling

c. Explain how key performance indicators (KPIs) help gauge the productivity of each salesperson.
2. Describe the role of sales in everyday life and within an organization.

You are a new sales representative for your favorite product, and you are attempting to fill your pipeline with sales leads.

a. Describe the benefits of three prospecting sources.

b. Describe how the sales funnel applies to qualifying and prioritizing prospects.

c. Describe customer relationship management (CRM) system and provide an example of how it is used by a professional salesperson.

3. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the characteristics and skills of a successful sales professional.

a. Describe at least three characteristics of a good salesperson. Explain which you have now and which, if any, must be developed.

b. Describe consultative selling and explain how it is different from transactional selling.

c. Discuss the sentence, “Salespeople are communicators, not manipulators.” Explain what it means and why it’s important to know in sales.

Discuss whether these series are appropriate for a regression analysis and what problems may arise from using such series?

Empirical Finance

Using a sample from October of 1980 to December of 2020 answer the questions below.
Question 1
Report the descriptive statistics and comment on the characteristics of the portfolio and the factors series. Discuss whether these series are appropriate for a regression analysis and what problems may arise from using such series? (The statistics should be in a nicely formatted table within the main text, with Eviews output in the Appendix.)

Question 2
Estimate the CAPM and Fama-French 3 factor model using OLS in EViews. Comment in detail on your regression outputs. State/interpret the magnitude and statistical significance of the slope coefficient estimates and the statistical significance and fit of the overall regression, for both models.

Question3 (20 points) Compare the results between the two models of question 2 and comment on which one is better in describing the returns of the portfolio? Furthermore, discuss whether the regressions of question 2 violate any of the main assumptions.

Question 4
Estimate the CAPM model for the portfolio series using quantile regression in EViews for a set of quantiles ranging from 0.1 to 0.9. Comment in detail on your regression output. State/interpret the magnitude and statistical significance of the quantile slope coefficient estimates and compare them with the OLS estimates in Question 2. Perform an equality coefficient test across quantiles.

Question 5 (20 points) Describe how to choose between two non-nested models and potential problems associated with such an approach. How would non-normal data affect this selection approach?

Analyze your results and indicate which of the options you will recommend to your boss – hire the firm or continue dealing with the breakdowns at the current rate?

You decide to run a test to determine the mean time between failures. During the test. you start with 20 operational machines on your production line producing widgets. You record breakdowns during an 80-hour observation period in which three of the machines broke down. One at 35 hours into the test. one at 50 hours into the test. and the 3rd failure comes at 75 hours.

Use Excel and the data you collected to calculate the MTBF of your machines. Analyze your results and place them on the spreadsheet.

Continue to Step 2: Calculate the Expected Breakdown Maintenance Costs …
After collecting and analyzing the MTBF data. you were surprised at how often your machines really broke down.

At your last company. you remember that they had a service firm that would come in and perform preventive maintenance (PM) on your machines and you wonder if this would be an option to reduce breakdowns. However. before you go to your boss to pitch the idea. you want to see if using an outside PM firm would reduce your cost
So you do some research on the cost and run another study on the number of breakdowns of your machines.

Over the last 12 months. the machines have broken down at the rate indicated in the following table:

You find a service firm and request a price quote from them. The PM service firm costs $200 per month. but they tell you that you can still expect on average of 2 breakdowns per month even with the PM service.

Use Excel and the data to calculate the expected breakdown maintenance cost versus hiring the PM firm to service your machines.
Analyze your results and indicate which of the options you will recommend to your boss – hire the firm or continue dealing with the breakdowns at the current rate?