
Summarize the background and policies regarding human trafficking.

Quantitative Report

1) Summarize the background and policies regarding human trafficking;

2) Critically assess whether these policies were effective;

3) Propose your solutions to this criminal justice issue.

 Identify the elements that may be factored in the diagnosis, and you will explain the implications to patient health.

Women’s and Men’s Health: Infections and Hematologic Disorders

For this case study, you will examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented.

Identify the elements that may be factored in the diagnosis, and you will explain the implications to patient health.

In particular, explain the following:

The factors that affect fertility (STDs).

Why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID.

Why prostatitis and infection happens. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction.

Why a patient would need a splenectomy after a diagnosis of ITP.

Anemia and the different kinds of anemia (i.e., micro and macrocytic).

Describe how the AACN Essentials were established and how the capstone project you did met each of these Essentials.

Considering the capstone that you just completed and the AACN MSN Essentials:

I. Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities

II. Organizational and Systems Leadership

III. Quality Improvement and Safety

IV. Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice

V. Informatics and Healthcare Technologies

VI. Health Policy and Advocacy

VII. Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes

VIII. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health

IX. Master’s-Level Nursing Practice

Describe how the AACN Essentials were established and how the capstone project you did met each of these Essentials. The correct citation for this reference is: American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The essentials of master’s education in nursing.

Support your essay with at least 3 references, but additional credit will be given for more references. Organize your essay with a title, an introduction, level headings, and a conclusion. Correct English grammar and APA style references/citations are expected. You will not be able to use bold font or italicize.

What are the differences (and similarities) in what the ritual actors hope to receive as benefit?

Culture of Southeast Asia

Both Paradise of the Blind (set in the war years) and Goddess on the Rise, (describing the post war years) describe ritual actions involving food offerings. In Paradise, both Que and Aunt Tam – in their own ways – provide food “offerings” to the narrator as a sort of “worship” of the family; in Goddess, entrepreneurs make sacrifice to “goddesses” in hopes of market success.

In both cases, there is a lot of ambivalence about the practice. Compare these two types of food offering and ritual “exchange,” – what are the differences (and similarities) in what the ritual actors hope to receive as benefit? Do you think the difference has to do with a shift in ideology following the war? Or does it have to do with differences in the goals of act? What is the role of gender in both cases? Make an argument and give evidence for your claims..

Identify three Des and three Don’ts by researching the best way to fire someone. Cite where you found your information by providing a url.

Focus on best practices for COMMUNICATING to the person that they are being let go. Consider that the employee is a friendly person, but their performance is not up to the standards that you have communicated to them.

Assume that you already have warned them that they need to improve their work and that they have not

Identify three Des and three Don’ts by researching the best way to fire someone. Cite where you found your information by providing a url.

Explain the contributions the article has brought to your understanding of victimology.

In your paper, you must:

Evaluate the relevance of the data used to support the thesis of the article. In your evaluation, include the author(s) research methods and target population.
Provide examples of either the presence of bias or lack of bias evidenced by the author(s).

Critique the accuracy, acceptability, strengths, weaknesses, and overall soundness of the article. In your critique, consider whether or not the authors persuaded you with their viewpoints.

Explain the contributions the article has brought to your understanding of victimology.

What impact does victim blaming have on the victim and society?

This week’s required readings analyze the rise of victimology and provide a foundation to begin understanding the field. Address the following in your initial post:

What is victim blaming?

What impact does victim blaming have on the victim and society?

Explain the victim’s contribution to crime.

Your initial post must contain approximately 400 words and reference at least two scholarly sources in proper APA format.

What are three factors increasing the likelihood of victimization?

Individual and Structural Factors of Victimization
This week’s required readings discuss several factors that increase an individual’s likelihood of being victimized. These factors exhibit on both the individual and the structural levels. Address the following in your initial post:

What are three factors increasing the likelihood of victimization?
In your explanation of the victim’s contribution to crime, you must discuss at least one individual and one structural level factor.

Your initial post must contain approximately 400 words and reference at least two scholarly sources in proper APA format.

Identify competitive strategy and digital business strategy the company has followed and provide recommendations/suggestions with clear justifications.

Assessment Tasks Firstly, you must research and select a company website which has not been selected by your peers. s.

This assignment requires each student choose a website of a company and research on their websites and online business strategies and,

1. Identify the E-business model that the website pursues (week 1 topic) Consider E-business concepts and approaches to comment on specific strengths and weaknesses of your chosen website.

2. Identify competitive strategy and digital business strategy the company has followed and provide recommendations/suggestions with clear justifications (week 2 topic).

3. Identify their digital marketing strategies and options and provide recommendations/suggestions with clear justifications (week 4 topic).

4. Using similar web market intelligence platform () please discuss the customer traffic data and provide recommendations/suggestions for further improvement with clear justification (week 4 topic).

5. Identify the company’s e-CRM and social network channels linked with the website and provide recommendations/suggestions for further improvement with clear justification (week 5 topic).

6. Identify the cyber security measures the company website has in place discuss if the company website comply with e-business ethics and provide recommendations/suggestions with justification

Why is it important for the human service professional to have knowledge of community resources?

In Chapter 12 you read about the human service professional’s work within communities while addressing issues and problems of individuals. It is important that you as a human service professional familiarize yourself with methods to improve your life as well as the lives of your clients who live in communities.

You also read about how the external environment may affect the lives of those you work with and you. Therefore, the human service professional must also become knowledgeable of the social, political, and environmental conditions that affect their clients.

In the reading for this unit and throughout the term, you explored how you as a professional may have an impact on not only the individual client but also on the client’s community. You also read how the human service professional plays multiple roles in the community.

Those roles include: advocate, educator, consultant, change agent, facilitator of indigenous support systems, facilitator of indigenous healing systems, and adviser. Because of the numerous roles of the human service professional, a systems perspective in understanding the community as a functioning unit is essential.

This reading also emphasizes the importance of mobilizing community resources and influencing policymakers in one’s efforts to promote community change

Respond to the following:

As a human service professional, how might you identify some of the responsibilities the professional may need in bringing about change in the community?

Why is it important for the human service professional to have knowledge of community resources?

How might you as the professional develop strategies that will lead to empowerment of individuals within community settings?

What are the advantages of the professional educating the client about community resources?

Remember to cite your work using APA format when referencing from the text or outside resources.