
What is meant by continuous improvement? Briefly discuss the background of improvement planning. What leadership behaviors support continuous improvement?

Week 6 – Assignment: Synthesize Current Research Related to Continuous Improvement Plans for Schools and Learning Organizations

Task: Submit to complete this assignment
As an organizational leader, you will be in charge of managing change and making improvements within your learning organization. The first step is to review current scholarly research related to your problem or topic; in this case, you will research continuous organizational improvement.

For this assignment, addressing the following questions:

What is meant by continuous improvement? Briefly discuss the background of improvement planning.
What leadership behaviors support continuous improvement?
What role do data collection and analysis play in this process?
What are some models and best practices for continuous improvement?
What are some drawbacks or challenges associated with continuous improvement plans?
Length: 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources, properly cited within the body of your paper.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Identify and describe the political and legal environments/structures of the home and global. Identify the socio-culture of the domestic and global environments (the countries) in opposing culture cultures using Hofstede’s clusters(s) the two countries fit.


Requirements of paper are below, the company in question is Monster Energy or Monster Beverage, I have added my own paper earlier in the semester for reference.

Course Objectives:

Students will become familiar with business theories and approaches relating to various business environments (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Socio-Cultural, and Economic).
Students will evaluate the business environments and practices of selected companies.
Students will evaluate the business environments of a company identified as a “worst” company to learn why it is not successful.
Students will apply successful company strategies and business theory to recommend a successful strategy for the “worst” company.
The political environment includes all laws, government agencies, and lobbying groups that influence or restrict individuals or organizations in their society. The political environment also is about how changes in government policy might affect the business. The legal environment is about how legislation and related regulations in society affect the business, i.e. changes in employment laws on working hours.

The socio-cultural environment consists of how consumers, households and communities behave and their beliefs. For instance, changes in attitude towards health, or a greater number of pensioners in a population. The socio-cultural environment will be language, aesthetics, education, religion, attitudes, values, social groups & organizations, and business custom practices. You will now begin to compare the social and cultural environments of the domestic and global cultures of your chosen “Worst” company. Continue to Lesson 6 for more information and details.

The economic environment comprises of economic factors, such as employment, income, inflation, interest rates, productivity, and wealth, which influence the buying behavior of consumers and firms. This week you will analyze the economic environment of both your domestic and global countries for your chosen “Worst” company. Continue to Lesson 7 for more information and details.

LO – 5 – Given a chosen company, the student will detect and evaluate the political and legal limitations and barriers for the company using both the Domestic and Global environments.

LO – 6 – Given a chosen company, the student will examine the effect of socio-cultural environmental factors that affect the company within its Domestic and Global environments

LO – 7 – Given two economic theories, the student will compare and contrast each theory using a chosen company’s Domestic and Global environments

1. Identify and describe the political and legal environments/structures of the home and global.
2. Identify the socio-culture of the domestic and global environments (the countries) in opposing culture cultures using Hofstede’s clusters(s) the two countries fit.

a. Identify the socio-culture parts of each country (you will need to examine these with the aid of Geert Hofstede’s 6 dimensions)
b. How do these socio-cultural aspects of each country differ
c. What are the similarities

3. Using your chosen company’s domestic environment identify its economic environment. Compare and contrast the economic environment using Rostow and Galbraith along with your selected global environment.


• Organize your paper using topic headings (APA format)
• Research requirement: minimum 2 sources with at least one source from your required readings.
• Minimum page requirement: 4 pages in APA format not to exceed 6 pages.
• For further guidance please review the grading rubric for this assignment for guidance in preparing your essay

What did you learn about yourself as a film or media maker this quarter, or about the filmmaking process as a whole? Has the experience of producing work for this class impacted your approach to future creative endeavors? Feel free to include any additional reflections about your experience in the course.

Writing Question

Write a critical reflection paper focused on the process and experience of making the final project. In your response, please consider the following questions, and formulate a clear, concise, and well-organized discussion that uses specific examples for support.

  1. What was your group’s initial vision for the film, and how did this evolve through the different stages of the production cycle (pre-production, shooting, and editing)? Did any of the prior class exercises/projects inform your group’s approach to the final?
  2. How did cinematography, sound, or editing contribute to the storytelling of your final project? Describe at least one specific concept or technique from class (lecture, section, or readings) that your group applied in the film, and how it helps to shape the way your audience interprets or experiences the story.
  3. What was the most challenging aspect of this project, and how did your group address it? What do you find most successful about the finished film? What do you feel could be improved, either technically or conceptually?
  4. What did you learn about yourself as a film or media maker this quarter, or about the filmmaking process as a whole? Has the experience of producing work for this class impacted your approach to future creative endeavors? Feel free to include any additional reflections about your experience in the course.
  5. Please include a brief summary of your duties and responsibilities on the final project, and describe your contributions across the production process (e.g. pre-production & pitch preparation, production, editing, etc). What was your experience of working in collaboration with your colleagues? Do you feel that your group succeeded in sharing the responsibilities of the project equitably?

In line with what we learned about last week, give an example and explain your experiences. Write 1-2 paragraphs in response to the prompt.

Psychology Question

Required text: Goldstein, E.B. (2019). Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience. (5rd edition). Cengage Learning.

Prompt: In line with what we learned about last week, give an example and explain your experiences with

  • a) proactive interference and
  • b) retroactive interference.

Write 1-2 paragraphs in response to the prompt. Support your initial post with at least one reference; include the reference at the end in an APA-formatted citation (if applicable; you can use the textbook if you’d like). Respond to at least two peers. Be substantive in your peer posts; ask questions to get them thinking a little more, provide useful resources that you may have found on the topic, etc. Peer posts that are generic and provide little thought/detail will be given a zero.

Peer 1 : Kassandra La Magra
Proactive Interference:
A student who previously learned French may struggle to remember certain Spanish vocabulary due to how their previous knowledge affected their ability to learn new words. This condition is referred to as proactive interference. It occurs when a person’s knowledge of a certain subject makes it hard for them to retain or learn new information. For instance, in thiscase, their knowledge of  French is affecting their ability to recall Spanish The student’s previous exposure to French may be affecting how they learn Spanish. Both of these Romance languages share many similarities, such as their grammar rules and word roots. The confusion caused by these similarities can make it hard for students to remember the correct Spanish vocabulary or the correct grammar rules. When an individual’s older memories prevent them from accessing new information, this condition is referred to as proactive interference. It can make it hard for students to retain or learn new material due to how their prior knowledge can affect their ability to recall or comprehend it.

Retroactive Interference:
For instance, an individual has been using a particular computer software for a long time and is very proficient in its features. When their company updates its software, this individual’s ability to use it will be greatly affected. The user interface, new methods, and functions of the software are some of the things that people need to learn in order to use it successfully. Even though they are already proficient in the older version, they might struggle to remember its specific procedures and functions. When acquired knowledge makes it hard for an individual to recall a certain concept, this condition is called retroactive interference. The changes brought about by the new software can make it harder for an individual to retain or recall their older memories. The new information that is presented in the new version of the software completely counters the old information, which makes it hard for the individual to perform their old tasks.

Peer 2:Jennifer Barrera

Retroactive interference occurs when the learning of new information interferes with the recall of old information from long-term memory and an example that I can provide is when I try to learn something new in college that has already been taught to me differently. When I was learning this week’s lesson it was difficult for me because my professor was teaching it to me very differently from what I learned in high school so the new methods that I was learning were so hard to remember and do. Proactive interference refers to the interference effect of previously learned materials on the acquisition and retrieval of newer information. An example of this could be when I moved apartments and whenever I needed to state my address, for something I
would automatically say the address of the old place.

Teague, E. B., Langer, K. G., Borod, J. C., & Bender, H. A. (1970, January 1). Proactive interference. SpringerLink. Retrieved March 17, 2023, from,previously%20learned%20the%20old%20number.

What is the required bandwidth to watch a 4K HDR10 12-Bit color movie stream? How much data needed for the Time Shift of 1.5 hour and what is the compressed Value in?

Telecommunication and networking (Data Transmission)

1-For multipoint configuration, only one device at a time can transmit. Why and what is that terminology called. Explain in maximum 2 paragraphs and cite your work? (10 Point)


2- Cost-2-Cost is a famous radio show broadcasted from Los Angeles, California, the broadcast use AM stereo at 1320 kHz by the time it reaches Maryland , Rockville WWDC-F2 (@101.1 kHz) Monday – to Saturday from 1AM to 6AM and Sunday off day. What is the antenna height required to capture the station wavelength. Explain your Answer and calculations in details Do Not give only the final answer or short explanation you will not get a grade. (10 points)

3- Hulu and YouTube offers regular TV broadcast, and Time Shift service for there customers. As promotion to encourage subscribers to the service providers. FXX movie channel broadcast a new 4K movie with Dolby Atmos for subscribers. Answer the following Questions and Explain your Answer and calculations in details Do Not give only the final answer or short explanation you will not get a grade. (20 points)

  1. What is the required bandwidth to watch a 4K HDR10 12-Bit color movie stream? (10 points)
  2. How much data needed for the Time Shift of 1.5 hour and what is the compressed Value in? (10 points)

What do you think about the court’s decision to affirm the Board’s ruling to revoke all three certificates? In light of this case, and similar cases mentioned in the chapter, what are the benefits and drawbacks of the current licensing system.

Chapter 8 Discussion: Duncan v. Missouri Board

Read the case beginning on page 140 and answer the prompt below in 1-2 paragraphs.

What do you think about the court’s decision to affirm the Board’s ruling to revoke all three certificates? In light of this case, and similar cases mentioned in the chapter, what are the benefits and drawbacks of the current licensing system.

*Do not forget to click “reply” so that the discussion is in one thread.

Respond to at least one other colleague.

Textbook Link…

Reflect on ethical dilemmas uncovered during scenario watching or debriefing. Describe an “Aha” moment experienced during the simulation. What are some of the aspects of the client’s care you didn’t feel prepared for?

Real Life RN Maternal Newborn 3.0 – Preeclampsia

Discussion/Debrief – minimum 500 words on the following:

  • Reflect on ethical dilemmas uncovered during scenario watching or debriefing.
  • Describe an “Aha” moment experienced during the simulation.
  • What are some of the aspects of the client’s care you didn’t feel prepared for?
  • Do you have any other suggestions on what you would like to implement for the patient’s care?

Perform a rhetorical analysis on one of these: Maclolm X, “The Ballot or the Bullet”, Martin Amis, “The Last Days of Muhhamad Atta”, Joseph McCarthy, “Repsonse to Edward R. Murrow” on See It Now.

Writing 210

Perform a rhetorical analysis on one of these:

  • Maclolm X, “The Ballot or the Bullet”
  • Martin Amis, “The Last Days of Muhhamad Atta”
  • Joseph McCarthy, “Repsonse to Edward R. Murrow” on See It Now

What was the purpose or focus of The Belmont Report? What changes occurred because of its implementation? Give a few examples. Do you agree with these changes and recommendations? Why or why not?

Soap note

In at least 300 words answer the following questions:

Read the Belmont Report-

  • What was the purpose or focus of The Belmont Report?
  • What changes occurred because of its implementation? Give a few examples.
  • Do you agree with these changes and recommendations? Why or why not?

How has your definition evolved over the course of this semester? What top three skills or characteristics do you now believe are required to be an effective nurse informaticist?

Week 12: Nursing Informatics Revisited

Review your original definition of nursing informatics from the Chapter 1 Assignment.

  • How has your definition evolved over the course of this semester?
  • What top three skills or characteristics do you now believe are required to be an effective nurse informaticist?
  • Did your view about the benefits of nursing informatics change with the knowledge you have acquired from this course? Explain why or why not.

Provide references in APA format.