
How has gender relations evolved since the 1850s in our American democracy?

How has gender relations evolved since the 1850s in our American democracy?

Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

This personal essay helps us become acquainted with you as a person and student, apart from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data.

It will also demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself.
Suggested Essay Topic Options:

• Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

• Discuss some issue of personal, locaL, national, or international concern and its importance to you.

• Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.

Describe a character in fiction, a historicaL figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.

• A range of academic interests, personaL perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educationaL mix. Given your personal. background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.

Explain which of the ratios give you reason to be concerned with the organization’s current strategy and why.

Benchmark – Financial Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the financial condition and performance of the firm you and your CLC group members have selected for analysis.

Using these formulas, complete at least one ratio from each of the five categories, though you may apply as many of the ratios for which you can find the required information in the firm’s financial reports. On your calculations page, specify for which formulas you are solving.

In an assessment of approximately 750 words, address the following:

Determine which of the ratios provide the most key insights into the firm’s current level of performance. How can you assess whether the results of your calculations are positive or negative? Explain which of the ratios give you reason to be concerned with the organization’s current strategy and why.

The Organizational and Operational Plans assignment references the possible benefits and risks of forming a strategic alliance. What would be the risks of forming a strategic alliance in terms of the firm’s profitability ratios? Which of those five ratios is most likely to reveal immediate information for analysis of the alliance’s effectiveness?

Considering today’s financial climate, how likely is it that the organization could acquire the capital necessary to support an aggressive value-enhancement strategy? From where would that capital originate? Compared to current interest rates, what do you believe is a realistic interest rate the firm might incur? Which of the liquidity ratios will be impacted by the influx of capital, if borrowed?

How does a collaborative approach change the ability for clients to create and accomplish their goals through counseling services?

Write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis of the case study using the theory you chose. Include the following in your analysis.

What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals?

Describe the process of treatment using this theory. This should include a description of the length of treatment, the role of the counselor, and the experience of the client as they work from beginning to termination of therapy.

How does this theory address the social and cultural needs of the client? (Cite specific research findings)

Describe how your chosen theory supports the use of a constructivist philosophy throughout the counseling process. How does a collaborative approach change the ability for clients to create and accomplish their goals through counseling services?

How should a counselor who utilizes post-modern / collaborative approaches interact with their clients in order to prevent undue harm, risk, or confusion from impeding the progress of therapy?

Include at least six scholarly references in your paper.

Each response to the assignment prompts should be addressed under a separate heading in your paper.

Identify a brief communication piece about a public health topic related to a change in behavior.

Critiquing a Public Health Communication

Identify a brief communication piece about a public health topic related to a change in behavior.

Include the communication piece or a link to it and describe the intended audience.

Critique the communication’s effectiveness in persuading the audience about the importance of a change in behavior.

Think carefully about the audience and remember that our assumptions and

knowledge are often powerful forces that prevent us from understanding the knowledge and learning needs of others.

In this communication piece, what was done well and what could be improved?

Include one academic reference in your post. Use current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.

What can you do to keep information private and secure?

Ethical and Legal Considerations
When using technology responsibly in the workplace (a healthcare facility) and at home, you will need to consider the privacy and security of electronic data.

Referring to this unit’s tutorials or external resources, describe some of the ethical and legal considerations surrounding responsible use of technology (and the information obtained through technology) in the workplace (a healthcare facility). Have you ever observed or experienced information being compromised? What can you do to keep information private and secure?

Explain how all these effects could be minimised through changes in behavior, government policies and regulations local or international.

Business Management and tourism

Discuss how developments in technology and social media have impacted on the way companies and organizations market their products and services in the last ten or fifteen years.

QUESTION TWO With the help of clear examples, discuss how globalization as a phenomenon has impacted on a country or region of your choice. In your discussion remember to put forward both positive and negative effects of the phenomena.

QUESTION THREE Festivals the world over, most often leave in their trail a great deal of negative impact on the environment including waste, use of energy, pollution of water bodies and carbon footprint from audience travel.Explain how all these effects could be minimized through changes in behavior, government policies and regulations local or international.Each question 1000 words

Explain how all parties in the scenario may be affected by the nurse’s actions

Review the NCSBN’s White Paper: A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social Media.

Select one of the scenarios from pages 4-7 in the NCSBN’s White Paper to focus on in this week’s assignment.

Create a Microsoft Word document and complete the following steps:

Summarize the scenario you have selected in your own words (75-100 words).

Explain how all parties in the scenario may be affected by the nurse’s actions (75-100 words).

Referring to the ANA’s Fact Sheet and the NCSBN’s White Paper, explain how the actions in the scenario violated guidelines for responsible use of social media. Provide specific examples from both documents to support your explanation (100-150 words).

Copy the following citations for both the ANA’s Fact Sheet and the NCSBN’s White Paper in your document below your response. Format the citations so that they match the rest of the document, and add hanging indents for lines that follow the first in each citation per APA formatting.

What steps are you willing to take to reach your goal of implementing needed changes?

Benchmark Counselor Impairment and Wellness Paper Assignment

For this assignment, you will:

• Write a 6 page paper in current APA format including a running head, title page, abstract, and reference page.

• Your paper should address the following:

o Define Impairment (this should include a discussion of how and why counselors become impaired, what that impairment looks like, and how it can impact the practice of counseling). This section should be 2 pages long.

o Implications of Impairment including a discussion of ethical misconduct, specifically noting the most frequently occurring ethical violations in your state (California), [the article below will give some guidance but you are also strongly encouraged to research this on your state’s counseling board website]). This section should be 1 page long.

o Impairment Prevention (this should include a discussion of what counselors can do to protect against impairment). This section should be 1 page long.

o Wellness Plan and Reflection (this section can be written in 1st person). You will assess your own risks and develop a personal wellness plan. This section should be 2 pages long. Begin by taking the assessments listed under the Benchmark Counselor Impairment and Wellness Paper Resources (included)

Discuss the results of the assessments and in what ways you see your results reflecting your current life.

o Develop a Wellness Plan as a result of your assessments. Include reflections of the following question:

What areas of your life need more or less attention?

What changes do you need to make?

What steps are you willing to take to reach your goal of implementing needed changes?

Describe the topic you have selected for your presentation.

Other topics related to a current chronic disease or health issue.

Describe the topic you have selected for your presentation.

Then, develop a series of questions designed to obtain the information you need to respond to this request.

Include one academic reference in your post. Use current health issue and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.

This discussion will help you prepare for the assignment in the next unit.