
Describe your IRP research success—did you find lots of information out on the web regarding your topic?

Describe your IRP topic and recommended improvement to OSU-Corvallis/NewportBend/Virtual campus

Describe your IRP research success—did you find lots of information out on the web regarding your topic?

State whether or not you are willing to lead a group collaboration when creating your 12-page formal proposal.

What modern values and/or universal themes are evident in the character?

Prompt: Choose your favorite character from Beowulf, Grendel, or Le Morte d’

Arthur. What modern values and/or universal themes are evident in the character?

What does this tell us about how literature reflects society, culture, place, and/or history?
Address this prompt in a 400-word essay. Be sure to justify your thoughts with text evidence (cited in-text) and research from academic sources.

The presentation should contain effective visual components that complement and support your analysis.


Critically discuss what happens if the outcomes of managers’ actions are made invisible.

Ethics and Organizations: Responsibility and Justice

Drawing on Zygmunt Bauman and Hannah Arendt, critically discuss what happens if the outcomes of managers’ actions are made invisible. Use examples to illustrate your points.

How long and how much success have they had owning their current team?

Sport Owners Discussion

Each student will pick one professional sport (men or women’s sports) and research to find the top 3 richest owners in that respective sport.

Include the following within your 1-2 page abstract.

–  brief summary of each owner (how they made their $, etc.)

– What is their net worth?

– Why did they decide to own a professional sport team?

– How long and how much success have they had owning their current team?

Identify three of the most interesting cases in the book, and explain why you selected these, as well as three direct quotes/verbiage from my book.

White Collar

Class- for your final project, you are to have read, analyzed and reviewed all of the cases in my book, entitled Fraud Dog: Cases of a White Collar Cop. Your paper will be required to have the following areas addressed:

* identify three of the most interesting cases in the book, and explain why you selected these, as well as three direct quotes/verbiage from my book

* identify the common threads, themes and manipulations used by the thieve


What did each side want,Did the United States lose the war?

The Legacies of Vietnam- War’s End

In January 1973, Richard Nixon announced the accords that ended the American presence in Vietnam. We withdrew and within 18 months the Communist forces of North Vietnam had unified the country under their control, with support from many in the South.  examine the negotiations that led to the accords. What did each side want and in the end, take a position and argue the questions: Did the United States lose the war?

Use any documents on this page. The negotiations began in secret in 1969. If some of the links are broken just search for the title of the document and you can find it. Enjoy this assignment. Please feel free to use any other primary source documents you have.

Critically assess Plato’s argument that we only ever so evil out of ignorance.


Essay question is: Critically assess Plato’s argument that we only ever so evil out of ignorance.

Analyze the data needed, socioeconomic issues to be considered, and language issues related to developing the presentation.

Vaccine-preventable diseases.
Heart disease.

Develop a series of questions that can be used to obtain the information needed to respond to the request.
Create some potential answers you might receive in response to your questions.

Analyze the data needed, socioeconomic issues to be considered, and language issues related to developing the presentation.

Develop a project plan that lists the tasks you must complete to develop the speech and poster presentation.

Use the Project Plan Template linked in the Resources to complete your project plan.

Note that you will not be developing the materials for the speech and presentation. Instead, you are developing a plan to get these items completed. You must identify the tasks and deliverables as well as the person responsible for completing each task. You will need to consider the following in your project plan:

Discuss when firms should invest abroad, and discuss the benefits from investing abroad.

Global Strategy

You are required to write a 1000 word essay on one of the two questions below. The essay counts for 30% of the final mark for the module.

(1) When and why do firms invest abroad?

For students who select question one, you are expected to

a) Discuss when firms should invest abroad, and discuss the benefits from investing abroad. You need to summarize your answers in a table. The following table is a template you can use. You can insert or delete rows to fit to your answers. This summary table should be concise and is not included in the word count.
When to invest abroad Why to invest abroad

Which tasks do you feel prepared to do and which tasks will you find more challenging to complete and why?

Topic to be covered.
Data to be collected (related to the topic).
Incidence or prevalence.
Related biological or genetic factors that affect a population’s health.
Any analysis needed.
Needs assessments to be completed.
Socioeconomic issues to be considered.
Visuals that need to be included.
Partnerships – which stakeholders should you connect with to get the needed information?
Tasks required to develop the poster presentation.
Tasks required to develop the speech.
When you have completed your project plan, write a brief analysis of your own strengths and weaknesses in regard to completing the tasks on the project plan (including your cultural proficiency). Which tasks do you feel prepared to do and which tasks will you find more challenging to complete and why?