
How would you choose to address plastic pollution in Oregon if you were the governor?

Read the article and use it as a starting point for thinking about public policy solutions to a market failure.

After reading, develop a brief (1250 word minimum; points will be deducted for not meeting requirement) essay (typed and double-spaced) that addresses the following questions/ideas:

What two public solutions to externalities discussed in this course are mentioned in this article as policy options to limit plastic bag use? (2 points)

Discuss the pros and cons of these two policy options from an economic perspective.

What would have to be true of plastic bag use for an outright ban to be the efficient solution? Include a graph as a figure in your paper to support your answer (2 points)

How would you choose to address plastic pollution in Oregon if you were the governor?  support your arguments with three (3) pieces of evidence, which must include at least one (1) popular press news article and one (1) academic journal articles. (4 points)
Use the OSU LibraryLinks to an external site. to search for relevant journal articles to use to support your arguments.

You must include your references formatted following the Chicago manual.

What does sociology bring to the table that differs from people’s everyday social and cultural assumptions?

Identify a sociologically relevant topic or problem of your choosing. For your final project, you must link that topic/problem to the wide range of tools of sociological thought you have learned this semester in a presentation (e.g., PowerPoint) or written review. Your project must substantially fulfill the following requirements:

Give a background of the topic or problem you have chosen and discuss why it would benefit from being understood through a sociological lens. What assumptions do people make about it that sociology can inform (or change)?

What does sociology bring to the table that differs from people’s everyday social and cultural assumptions?

Discuss how two sociological theories can be applied. In doing so, you should make clear that you understand how the core perspectives of the theory can connect to and offer insight on the real-world example you have chosen. In other words, how would this theory interpret your topic?

It may be easiest to choose from the major theories (Structural-Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, and Conflict Theory*), but recall that there are some other theories presented in your readings.

Discuss how two sociological concepts can be applied. In doing so, you should show how these concepts can be seen at work inside the topic/problem you’ve identified.

Use them to zero in on aspects of your example and interpret them.

If you do a presentation, remember that you will not actually have the opportunity to present it to your instructor in person. This means that you cannot explain what’s on your slides.

Therefore, you should not use them as rough, illustrative guides. While they do not have to read like a paper, they must contain all the content required for the project. A few brief sentences will not adequately meet each requirement; you will be evaluated on how thoroughly and how well you meet these requirements.

Accordingly, use as many slides as it takes to fully present your work and your thought. If necessary, err on the side of “too much”!

If you choose to do a written paper instead of a presentation, it must be 5 pages in length .

Whichever option you choose, please provide a list of references at the end and be sure to disclose in the body of your presentation or paper where you have used words, figures, ideas, or any other material from your sources.

You are not required to use any references other than your textbook, but you are required to identify this and any other source that you use.

Describe the major sides of the issue accurately and fairly, without passing judgment.


For this essay, you will present both sides of a current controversial issue and the common ground/compromise between the two sides.

After choosing your topic, develop background information. Remember, in a Rogerian argument, it is important to know the major sides to the issue accurately and without judgment. After you have gained a sufficient background on the topic, find common ground between the major sides. Where do they agree? What definitions, reasons, assumptions, or values do they all share? Next, develop claims that all sides could support based on these similarities.

Once you have accomplished these steps, it is time to write a Rogerian argument to persuade your readers toward a common ground.

Remember the structure for the Rogerian argument:

Compromise Common Ground


Your intro should describe the context of the argument and summarize the major views.Describe the major sides of the issue accurately and fairly, without passing judgment. The body of your essay should also outline the shared values, assumptions, etc. that you identified.

Outside sources are required for this essay, and you must cite them in proper MLA format. The information you use in this essay should be your own developed argument supported by two or more sources.

Even if you interview or use information that you know came from someone else, you must cite that source on a separate works cited page to appear as the last page of the final draft. Note: Do not use Wikipedia as a source.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice in writing an argument that is more cooperative than confrontational.

The purpose of a Rogerian argument is to bring two opposing sides together and show them their common ground, developing claims, plans for actions, or decisions that they can all agree to.

This style is very common in business negotiation and conflict mediation. The writer must be non-judgmental and present both sides fairly and accurately to avoid upsetting the parties involved.

Length: The essay needs to be at least 900 words, EXCLUDING the works cited page. Papers that do not meet the minimum length requirement will earn the grade of zero (0).

Sources: The essay needs to use at least three sources.

At least five (5) in-text citations are required. All documentation needs to be in MLA format. Pay careful attention to both in-text documentation and the works cited page. No more than 15% of the paper should be direct quotes.



Explain your plan to align your values with the Air Force Core Values or justify how your values are aligned with the Air Force Core Values.

 5 top core values

1. Making a difference

2. Spirituality

3. Personal Development

4. Accountability

5. Balance


a. Explain why each of the values chosen are important to you.

b. Compare and contrast each of the personal values with the Air Force Core Values.

c. Explain your plan to align your values with the Air Force Core Values or justify how your values are aligned with the Air Force Core Values.

Your responses will be recorded in written form. Requirements for your writing are as follows:

a. Times New Roman

b. 12-pt font

c. No less than 2 and no more than 4 pages

d. Double-spaced

e. 1-inch margins

f. Paragraph form

Air Force Core Values:

1. Integrity First

2. Service Before Self

3. Excellence in All We Do

What are the Bided proposals to changes in the immigration policy and what are the reasons behind each change?

Submit a 3-4 page paper and answer the questions and submit via Moddle.

Use 1 inch margins and double space. Be sure to have a work cited page with at least 3 of your own resources. Use MLA formatting and be sure to include a Work Cited page.

And answer the following questions in the research paper

1. What are the pros and cons, economic advantages and disadvantages of immigration?  provide evidence for your statements.

2. What is the current immigration policy in the U.S.?

3. What are the Bided proposals to changes in the immigration policy and what are the reasons behind each change?

4. What are the paths to U.S. citizenship?

What are some of the claims that the author(s) discuss about future educational programs.

In your written synopsis for the journal article, you must answer all of the following questions.

I. Write the reference in APA form

II. Answer the following questions: (basically, fill in the blank)

a. The main purpose of this article is. (State as accurately as possible the author(s) purpose for writing this article.)

b. The key concept that the author(s) are addressing is. (Figure out the key concept in the mind of the author(s) when the article was written.)

c. The main conclusions in this article are. (Identify the key conclusions the author(s) comes to and presents in this article.)

d. How did the author(s) collect the information to write this article? (methodology)

e. What are some of the claims that the author(s) discuss about future educational programs. (The author will state this in the discussion section.)

f. What do you think the most interesting or important direction for future educational forensic psychology programs?


How will you apply his advice into your college experience, or will you?

“How to Make It in College, Now That You’re Here.” Read “How to Make It in College

• Do you agree or disagree with what he posits?

• How will you apply his advice into your college experience, or will you?

• Why or why not? Explain your response.

• Submit a one-page, double-spaced paper in which you compare and contrast the perspectives covered in your text.

• Be sure to identify the distinguishing features of each of these perspectives or schools of thought.

• Use current APA style and include in-text citations and sources for all references.


Does the writer offer a clear topic sentence to introduce subject A and subject B for each similarity or difference?

Rhode Island unsolved murders
What are the two subjects being compared or contrasted?

Does the writer show mostly similarities or differences?

Does the writer favor one subject over the other?

If so, what subject is it?

Why is it favored?

Introduction Paragraph
How does the writer hook the reader? (broad statement, contrast, anecdote, statistics, quote, relevance, other)

Does the writer dedicate a few sentences after the hook to narrow down to the main point

Body Paragraphs
For the main body paragraphs, does the writer show similarities or differences?
How many similarities or differences does the writer show?

What are they?

Does the writer begin each section with an overarching topic sentence that addresses each similarity or difference between the subjects?
Write the overarching topic sentences for each similarity or difference.

Does the writer offer a clear topic sentence to introduce subject A and subject B for each similarity or difference?

Does the writer organize the two subjects in Subject by Subject style?

If the writer chose Subject by Subject, did the writer address the characteristics of each subject in the same ORDER? If not, please have writer correct it.

What is Subject A and what is Subject B?

Does the writer offer enough elaboration on each similarity/difference between the two subjects?

Are there any places where the writer loses unity?

Are there any similarities or differences that need further explanation?

Does the writer re-state the thesis?

Does the writer summarize the major similarities/differences?

Does the writer favor one subject over the other?

Does the writer leave the reader with a lasting thought or impression?

Sentence skills
Overall thoughts on grammar, spelling, punctuations, sentence structure, p.o.v., parallelism, subject/verb agreement, consistency of verb tense, etc.

In-text Citations
Based on guidelines, the writer should have quoted or paraphrased from at least six separate sources. Can you find at least six different parenthetical citations in this essay?

Are those sources also listed on the Works Cited Page?

Are there any sources listed on the Works Cited page that are NOT in the essay itself?

Works Cited
Does the writer use proper MLA format?

Is the title, Works Cited, centered on the top of the page?

Are sources listed alphabetically by the first word of each entry?

Is all information double spaced?

Is the first line of the entry flush left?

Are all additional lines in entry indented?

How many sources are cited?

Are the sources academically acceptable?

Does the writer use at least six valid sources?Explain.

To what extent do you think this criticism is justified?

The EU’s legislative process has a poor reputation, including critique that it is undemocratic, opaque/difficult to understand, distant and irrelevant to citizens. To what extent do you think this criticism is justified?

Do the seasonal indexes make intuitive sense? Explain.

 Modern Business Statistics.

Prepare a report that summarizes your findings in five pages maximum, forecasts, and recommendations. Include the following:

A time series plot. Comment on the underlying pattern in the time series.

Analysis of the seasonality of the data. Indicate seasonal indexes for each month and comment on the high and the low seasonal sales months. Do the seasonal indexes make intuitive sense? Explain.

Deseasonalize the time series. Does there appear to be any trend in the deseasonalized time series?

Using the time series decomposition method, forecast sales for January through December of the fourth year.

Using the dummy variable regression approach, forecast sales for January through December of the fourth year.

Provide summary tables of your calculations and any graphs in the appendix of your report.

Submit your assignment for review and feedback.