
Explain total customer satisfaction.What valuable functions can brands perform for a firm?

Marketing management

Respond to the items below.

Explain customer-perceived value.

Explain total customer satisfaction.

What valuable functions can brands perform for a firm?

Given that the power of a brand resides in the minds of consumers and how it changes their response to marketing, there are two basic approaches to measuring brand equity. Briefly, describe each of these approaches.

Incorporating the concepts discussed in this assignment, answer the following: How does a loyal brand community support the positioning and branding of a small business? Provide an example to support your explanation.

Why is it important to monitor population numbers?

My presentation is over the topic- Consider the population census. Why is it important to monitor population numbers? You may focus on the USA census for example. Could you come up with 4-5 good points about that topic?

Demonstrate application of Regulatory body (HCPC) and Professional body (CoR) standards as relevant to this module.

MRI for breast screening (suggested, doesn’t have to be this)

1. Demonstrate application of Regulatory body (HCPC) and Professional body (CoR) standards as relevant to this module.

2. Demonstrate originality in the exploration and critique of the current state of knowledge and evidence base for the application of a range of imaging modalities within a chosen patient care pathway.

An Investigation on How does Independent Healthcare Companies Manage Their Supply Chain in Order to Cope with the Increasing Demand During the Covid-19 Crisis.

An Investigation on How does Independent Healthcare Companies Manage Their Supply Chain in Order to Cope with the Increasing Demand During the Covid-19 Crisis.

Discuss the important of each of the 10 competencies with clinical analysis.

The importance of the Royal pharmaceutical society framework

When and Why the was the RPS framework introduced

Discuss the important of each of the 10 competencies with clinical analysis.

Describes a reasonable way to experiment or collect data on whether the proposed changes have been effective.

Analyze behavior

Gives a clear description of psychological and contextual factors that contribute to the behavior.

Some description is given of factors that contribute to the behavior, but relevant factors may be missing or detail may be insufficient. 0 – No analysis of why the behavior occurs.
Identify environmental influences

Clearly identifies relevant environmental influences that affect the behavior.

Environmental influences are identified, but they may not be the most relevant or may be lacking in detail or clarity.

Proposed changes

Clearly explains scientifically-informed proposed changes that stem from concepts and theories discussed in the course. Changes target the environmental influences outlined.

At least one proposed change is described, but it may lack detail or specificity. Proposed change may not be scientifically-informed or based on course concepts. 0 – No proposed changes are described.
Proposed test of efficacy

Describes a reasonable way to experiment or collect data on whether the proposed changes have been effective.

A proposed test of efficacy is described, but may lack clarity or specificity or be unrealistic to implement.


Explain management and the auditor’s responsibilities regarding the financial statements and internal controls over financial reporting.

A Forensic Accounting Case: A Data Analytic Mindset

Explain management and the auditor’s responsibilities regarding the financial statements and internal controls over financial reporting.

What is the purpose of management or financial statement assertions?

You are a forensic accountant assisting auditors to identify inappropriate schemes that took place at Crisp-Drinks. Please identify the scheme and the financial statement assertions that were violated as a result.

Using your audit and forensic accounting knowledge and for each scheme (or assertion that was violated), identify one or two audit procedure(s) that would have effectively uncovered the scheme or caught the resulting misstatement.


Defending Market Leadership in the A-Segment and identify a problem that can be addressed by a research report.

Research Problem Statement and Research Question

Defending Market Leadership in the A-Segment and identify a problem that can be addressed by a research report. Draft a preliminary description of the problem and a research question based on the problem identified.

For this journal and the first final project milestone, you will not need to reference the data sets provided, but you may want to review the data briefly to help inform the development of your research question.

Note: You will notice that there are both qualitative and quantitative data sets accompanying the case study.

While both can be used to address a business problem, you will be using quantitative data sets for the purpose of the final project in this course.

Use the questions posed in the summary of the case study on page 8 to inform your ideas for your research problem.



What are the strengths of the internal control system that protects the sphere inventory from misstatement?

An Internal Auditing Case here.

TASK 1: Imagine you are Bret Anderson and have been provided the following employee productivity information. Consider the evidence presented in Exhibit 1.

1. Is the evidence strong enough to proceed with further investigation?

2. Are there any findings that can be an indication of fraud? Keep in mind that any further investigation will be disruptive, so any recommendation to proceed will require strong evidence.

3. Conduct a link analysis to investigate whether any of the data ties to a specific person.

TASK 2: This task uses the Auditing Alchemy video, which may be viewed by downloading the file from: (Links to an external site.) The file is approximately 1.4GB and requires about 4-6 minutes to download on a high-speed connection.

The video is an AVI format, which should run on most computer media players. The video runs approximately 7 minutes. You may view the video more than one time, but no additional information about the workplace is available other than what was used for Task 1.

Watch the video and follow along on a guided tour of Alchemy’s sphere production process. After viewing the video, answer the following questions:

1. What are the strengths of the internal control system that protects the sphere inventory from misstatement?

2. Is it possible to steal the valuable spheres without detection, and if so, how is this accomplished?

3. If it is possible to steal spheres, is there enough evidence to support that a crime has been committed? Why or why not?

TASK 3:. Write your final fraud report based on any information you have collected and the analysis from Tasks 1 and 2. At a minimum, your report should list:

• reason for believing a fraud has occurred

• a mechanism by which the fraud could be perpetrated,

• a likely suspect or suspects, and,

• a summary of the type of evidence used to reach your decision.

What are the strengths and weaknesses in your case? What else could you do (if anything) to make the case stronger? What other courses of action would you advise?

What advice would you give her about ways to manage her stress, prevent stress, and cope with stress?

Stress, Lifestyle, and Health

STEP 1: Answer first question in the following questions with a discussion post of at least 200 to 300 words.

STEP 2: Write a thoughtful post of at least 75 words on second question.

1.) Imagine your 17-year old sister is about to start her first semester of college. She’s always been one to do it all, but can become easily stressed.

What advice would you give her about ways to manage her stress, prevent stress, and cope with stress? Use specific theories and examples from your reading.

2.) Do you know people who are happy in one way but not in others? People who are high in life satisfaction, for example, but low in enjoying life or high in negative feelings?

What should they do to increase their happiness across all three types of subjective well-being?