
Identify how the Afghan culture has ties to transnational crime, and describe its links to criminal behavior.

Transnational Crime

Explore the Afghan culture and how its has been linked to criminal behavior. AIn a 12–15 PowerPoint slide presentation (excluding title and reference slides) complete the following:

Identify how the Afghan culture has ties to transnational crime, and describe its links to criminal behavior.

Evaluate its role in transnational crimes.

Analyze and explain how this culture or ethnicity has had an impact on systems of justice.

What actions is the department required to take? What changes is the department required to make?

Police Department Consent Decree/Agreement

You are assigned to the Research and Development Unit of the Virtual Police Department.

The Unit Director asked you to prepare a presentation for the Chief on U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) consent decrees and agreements.

It seems one of the Chief’s close professional colleagues is now subject to such an agreement.

The Chief wants to be sure he has done everything possible to avoid finding the Virtual Police Department in a similar predicament.

The format of the presentation is quite simple. Using a selected city that is currently under (or recently been under) a DOJ consent decree/agreement as reference, provide the Chief with direction on how to avoid being subject to DOJ oversight.


Briefly describe the situation(s) and/or event(s) that led up to DOJ oversight in the form of a consent decree/agreement (no more than 20% of the paper)

Briefly outline the provisions of the consent decree/agreement. What actions is the department required to take? What changes is the department required to make?(no more than 20% of the paper)

Describe in detail what the Virtual Police Department needs to do in order to avoid following in the footsteps of the subject police department or otherwise find itself subject to DOJ oversight in he form of a consent decree/agreement (no less than 40% of the paper)

How are domestic violence statutes different than standard assault, battery, sex offenses, or criminal homicide statutes?

This is a multi-part question. The total answer to this final question should contain at least 400 words and a minimum of 5 sources. Please remember to list your references in Bluebook or APA format, even if your only reference is the ebook.

1. Define the criminal act and the criminal intent element required for rape and how much resistance a victim must demonstrate to evidence lack of consent.

2. What is are the rape shield laws and why are they used?

3. How are domestic violence statutes different than standard assault, battery, sex offenses, or criminal homicide statutes?

Identify 2 key issues/points that you learned from the online program, The World of Medicare.

This week discussions will focus on health care delivery and financing, specifically on the ACA and Medicare.

In the ACA, there are three categories of state Marketplace/Exchanges. Identify the three categories and provide a summary of each.
There are five (metal) categories of plans that individuals can access through the Marketplace. Identify the five categories and discuss what types of services each provides. (Hint—the fifth is Catastrophic).

What new roles for nurses and others do you see developing in the age of the Affordable Care Act? Identify at least two new roles.

Identify 2 key issues/points that you learned from the online program, The World of Medicare.

Explain the impact of the two issues/points that you identified in #4 on your future practice as an advanced practice nurse.

Explain what the results of your calculations and your comparison indicate about the business’s current financial health, providing examples to support your explanation.

Financial Formulas

Financial Calculations: Calculate accurate financial ratios to assess the business’s current financial health. Specifically, calculate the following ratios: o Working capital o Current ratio o Debt ratio o Earnings per share o Price/earnings ratio o Total asset turnover ratio o Financial leverage o Net profit margin o Return on assets o Return on equity

Fiscal Quarter Comparison: Using Mergent Online, summarize the differences between the results from your financial calculations of the most recent fiscal quarter and the results of the same financial calculations of the same fiscal quarter from a year before for your chosen business. o For example, if the most recent fiscal quarter available is the 3rd quarter in 2020, then you will compare those results to the same financial calculations from the 3rd quarter in 2019.

Comparison Analysis: Explain what the results of your calculations and your comparison indicate about the business’s current financial health, providing examples to support your explanation. You might consider the following questions:

o Do the results indicate the business is financially healthy or financially unhealthy? Which results indicate this?

o What might be the cause(s) of the business’s financial success or failure?

o Is more information needed to determine the business’s financial health? If so, which pieces of information might still be needed?

Short-Term Financing: Explain how potential short-term financing sources could help the business raise needed funds to improve its financial health.

Base your response on the business’s current financial information.
The following resources can help you complete this milestone:

Video: Mergent Online: Public Company Financials (4:46) Watch this video from the Shapiro Library to learn more about how to access and use Mergent Online.


Discuss the methodology that you would employ if misstatements are discovered.

Prepare an audit report for your company. Be sure to include the key elements that must be covered in a standard audit report, and discuss the circumstances surrounding each of the following:

Explain the process that you will utilize to formulate your audit opinion.

Discuss the methodology that you would employ if misstatements are discovered.

Explain the common ethical issues that you could encounter during an audit.

What is the difference between diminished capacity, and the insanity defense?

This is a multi-part question. The total answer to this third question should contain at least 400 words and a minimum of 5 sources. Please remember to list your references in Bluebook or APA format, even if your only reference is the ebook.

1. Compare the M’Naghten, irresistible impulse, and substantial capacity tests.

2. What is the difference between diminished capacity, and the insanity defense?

3. What was the defendant seeking to do the State v. Hornsby, 484 S.E.2d 869 (1997)? Was he successful?

Identify five types of speech that can be governmentally regulated in spite of the First Amendment.

This is a multi-part question. The total answer to this second question should contain at least 400 words and a minimum of 5 sources. Please remember to list your references in Bluebook or APA format, even if your only reference is the ebook.
1. Define speech under the First Amendment.

2. Identify five types of speech that can be governmentally regulated in spite of the First Amendment.

3. Of the cases listed in Chapter 3 of the ebook on Free Speech, what case do you believe is the most significant and why?

Explain why the author of the ebook states that case law is a “powerful source of law”.

This is a multi-part question. The total answer to this first question should contain at least 400 words and a minimum of 5 sources. Please remember to list your references in Bluebook or APA format, even if your only reference is the ebook.

1. Rank the three sources of law, from highest to lowest, and explain why you ranked them in this way.

2. Why is it important to understand the sources of law in the study of criminal law?

3. What is the purpose of statutory law and the purpose of case law?

4. Explain why the author of the ebook states that case law is a “powerful source of law”. In what way is it powerful?  give a specific example of the use of case law in the criminal law arena.

What explains the rise of conservatism and the religious right in American politics?

Answer the following prompt:

What explains the rise of conservatism and the religious right in American politics?

You are now living in a moment of history- in 50 years historians will be analyzing the American society you are currently experiencing.

What do you think historians will say? What issues will they look at? If you could provide evidence to those historians that would demonstrate what you think is the most important thing to know about this moment in history

What would it be? What would you leave for historians to analyze? These are examples of the way the professor would like you to cite