
Describe what role the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics fills.

We will shift gears a little this week and look at the way DoD acquisition takes place, including who is responsible for DoD acquisition and how certain groups decide which acquisitions will move forward and in what manner.

The reality of acquisitions in the DoD is that many different working parts must come together for a program to receive approval and funding to move forward.

This week we will take that idea to the next step by laying the groundwork to being the acquisition process.

But for this week, as you examined the lesson, you have to choose one of three questions to address.

So, pick one of the three questions from this week to answer:

1. Explain both the military and civilian Acquisition Authority Chain.

2. Describe what role the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics fills.

3. Define the Defense Acquisition Board and the Integrated Product Team.

Text attached as a helpful reference

Based on this week’s readings and at least one additional resource, do you agree or disagree with the quote?

Some literacy experts have said, “A dyslexic child should be educated at their ability level, rather than their literacy level.”

What does this mean? Based on this week’s readings and at least one additional resource, do you agree or disagree with the quote? How will your opinion translate into your classroom teaching?

Discuss the ethical ramifications for those involved in the acquisition process in the Department of Defense.

Research an article that is about the acquisition process in the Department of Defense. Discuss the ethical ramifications for those involved in the acquisition process in the Department of Defense.

Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page.

How did the counterculture change meanings of freedom and did they create a more equitable society?

Answer the following prompt:

Discuss the impact of the social movements of the 1960s and 1970s in American society.

Would you describe them as successful? How do you determine success- by what parameters should we measure success?

Did these movements achieve their goals- did they change American society? In what ways?

How did the counterculture change meanings of freedom and did they create a more equitable society? These are examples of the way the professor would like you to cite


What are some goals that can be set to address the emerging trend?

Perform a scan of your healthcare organization’s environment for an emerging trend. If you are unable to locate an emerging trend within your own organization, identify a trend through healthcare literature.

Focus on the word emerging and not a trend that is already in existence or implemented.

Why do you believe this is an emerging trend or issue? Support this with evidence and literature.

What plan can you implement to tackle this trend or issue? Support this with evidence and literature.

What are some goals that can be set to address the emerging trend? Support this with evidence and literature.

Examine government and commercial applications of reverse logistics for service and manufacturing such as re-manufacturing/overhaul operations.

1. After reading chapter 6 attached. Examine government and commercial applications of reverse logistics for service and manufacturing such as re-manufacturing/overhaul operations.

2. Research an article from the Supply Chain Brain ( and explain how your article relates to reverse logistics. Write a summary/review of the article and include the link.

Identify an issue that you observed during your clinical experience and describe the leadership theory that was used to address it.

Leadership Reflection Weekly Review
Reflect on your clinical experience so far. 400 word minimum. APA format.

Discuss connections to the content of last week’s readings.

Identify an issue that you observed during your clinical experience and describe the leadership theory that was used to address it.

Would using a different leadership theory have produced a different response or outcome? Explain.

Make sure you direct these topics towards what you are learning with your preceptor and on your project

Identify an issue that you observed during your clinical experience and describe the leadership theory that was used to address it.

Each week you will reflect upon these activities, including: 400 word minimum. APA format. Remember this class is about leadership, therefore remember experiences, both negative and positive, where you have experienced incidents with leaders.

1,Discuss connections to the content of each week’s readings.

2.Identify cases where you observed communication and leadership skills effectively employed, and explain why they were successful and how you will incorporate them into your practice.

3.Identify cases where communication and leadership skills were not effectively utilized producing unfavorable results, and consider what skills may have been more useful in those situations.

4.Identify an issue that you observed during your clinical experience and describe the leadership theory that was used to address it. Would using a different leadership theory have produced a different response or outcome? Explain.

What are the bubbles that you see in a positive (+) catalyses reaction?

Catalyses and Oxidase Tests on Unknown

For this week’s lab assessment, you will answer just a few questions regarding the oxidase and
catalyses assays and unknown results (listed below) and then you will continue to work on your lab report. For week 10, you will make sure that you are:

1) What are the bubbles that you see in a positive (+) catalyses reaction?

2) Bacteria capable of synthesizing the enzyme catalase hydrolyze and gaseous oxygen.

3) The oxidase test is used to identify microorganisms containing the enzyme.

4) Cytochrome oxidase transfers electrons from the electron transport chain to  (the
final electron acceptor) and reduces it to water.