
Why do you think the middle-class family home became idealized during this period?

The Cold War

Answer the following prompt: How did the Cold War affect notions of what an American family should be? Why do you think the middle-class family home became idealized during this period? Why do you think Joseph McCarthy rose to such prominence during the cold war, what did he represent, and what were the effects of McCarthyism in American society?

These are examples of the way the professor would like you to cite (McPherson article, ) (Lecture Lesson Module Two, The American West) (Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois on Black Progress). Source 1:

What factors contribute to the nursing shortage.

What factors contribute to the nursing shortage.

Discuss an experience with student affairs or student affairs administration in your current educational role.

EDD 641 Mod 3- Discussion: Student Affairs Administration

Discuss an experience with student affairs or student affairs administration in your current educational role. What surprised you? What did you learn?

Discuss your assessment, the strengths and areas of improvement, and the relevance to your current, or future, role as an educational leader.

Student affairs administration can encompass a wide variety of organizations and services in college and universities.

However, there are key elements of student affairs that should be considered to ensure best practices.

Select one of the seven inventories outlined by the NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and apply it to a student affairs division or department at your campus.

Discuss your assessment, the strengths and areas of improvement, and the relevance to your current, or future, role as an educational leader. You can access the Principles of Good Practices for Student Affairs


Briefly explain the advantages of adopting this approach and any limitations of it.

Research Design/Methodology

The research is designed to answer your research questions. Different questions may require the use of different methods.

This section starts with an outline of the research approach adopted in the study. It might be relevant to consider the ‘pragmatist’ approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection and analysis (the deductive and inductive approach). Briefly explain the advantages of adopting this approach and any limitations of it.

Move on to discuss what data was collected for the study.

If quantitative data is collected, explain that it is secondary data and engage critically with the limitations of that. Outline the sources accessed and the sample size selected.

If qualitative data is collected, describe the methods used by the authors for the data collection .

This section has a sub-section discussing the methods adopted for data analysis, distinguishing between methods for analyzing the quantitative and the qualitative data and should be based on research methods literature.


How effective were they? What worked? What did not work? Why?

Fund Manager for a portfolio

As a Fund Manager you have to write a report that will explain the performance of your portfolio in the year 2020. Assume that you have the benchmark portfolio and that the investment period runs from the beginning of January 2020 to the end of December 2020. The benchmark asset weights should be 30% SPY, 20% TLT, 10% GLD, 10% USO, 20% EEM and 10% cash. That means that $300,000 should be in SPY, $200,000 should be in TLT, $100,000 should be in GLD, $100,000 should be in USO, $200,000 should be in EEM and $100,000 will remain in cash. Note that cash is the risk-free asset in this case and the other assets comprise the market portfolio and the investment universe.

You can calculate the number of securities that you should have at the beginning (and end) of 2020 by dividing the total investment value (above) by the price of these ETF at the beginning of 2020. The first date will be 2nd January 2020.

You must discuss the following aspects:

1. The performance of your portfolio. This must include the return that you achieved on the $ 1.0 million and the amount of risk that you took.

2. The key events that affected the portfolio and the way that these events affected portfolio assets.

3. A critical evaluation of investment theories. How effective were they? What worked? What did not work? Why?

The report will be about 1000 words (with 10 percent leeway). It should be professional looking document that will explain your performance. The following marking criteria will be applied.


1. Risk, return and relative performance are discussed critically and this is used to assess the original strategy.

2.excellent discussion of asset performance and this is used to evaluate the weights that were chosen

3. The performance of the portfolio is used as the basis of a critical assessment of the investment theories. The is evidence of extensive reading and understanding.

4. There is excellent presentation. Tables are diagrams are fully explained. The presentation enhances the main points that are being made

 Discuss the major aspects of the specialty, how to become a specialist in that area of study, conditions commonly seen, treatments commonly performed, etc.


This week our focus will be on looking at different specialties within the medical field. Using the chapters (7-13) that we have discussed this semester, choose a specialty that pertains to a chapter and research the topic even further. Provide a broad overview of the specialty in your paper.

Discuss the major aspects of the specialty, how to become a specialist in that area of study, conditions commonly seen, treatments commonly performed, etc. Requirements are posted below.

1. Paper must be at least 2 pages long using APA format (title page and reference page are not included in 2 page count).

2. Information included in the paper must be from reputable sources and cited within the paper.

3. DO NOT copy and paste your paper. It is obvious when this is done and you will receive a zero (0).

4. Use the resources posted below to make sure that your paper is in the correct format for APA style.

5. Paper must be submitted as a WORD document

.What are the steps you would take to advocate for your patient while she is still in the acute care setting?

Advocating for patient in need

You have a patient who only has Medicare Part A and B. She has limited income most of which is used to pay for Medicare Part B.

She is in dire need of placement into a nursing home as she can no longer care for herself at home. You gleaned from your reading that long-term care needed by low-income elderly people is paid by Medicaid, and you feel your patient meets the criteria.
1.What are the steps you would take to advocate for your patient while she is still in the acute care setting?

2.Who are some of the other health care professionals you would collaborate with to ensure your patient receives the additional healthcare coverage she needs?

3. Analyze the role Medicaid plays in supporting long-term care for the elderly and disabled.

Identify an ethical dilemma that you have witnessed/been involved in during your placement opportunities (think PHAR450 and PHAR460!) during your pharmacy studies at UNE.

Identify an ethical dilemma that you have witnessed/been involved in during your placement opportunities (think PHAR450 and PHAR460!) during your pharmacy studies at UNE.
Create a maximum 5 (five) minute podcast (audio recording in mp3 format) with your own unique title that includes identification of the dilemma and how it evolved, include all possible options for dealing with the issue (considering the ethical principles/tenets) and finally, the resolution of the issue. You need to develop learning outcomes for your podcast and present these within the podcast as though you were educating fellow pharmacists about ethical dilemmas they may face in practice.

Describe in (500 words) when you managed resources at prehospital care incident using a reflective model.

Describe in (500 words) when you managed resources at prehospital care incident using a reflective model.