
How will you engage families? How will you be inclusive of children with exceptionalities?

Development of Family Engagement Plan

For your final assignment, you will need to synthesize all of your knowledge into creating a family engagement plan for your classroom. Imagine you have a reasonable budget (not unlimited) and willing school administrators.

How will you engage families? How will you be inclusive of children with exceptionalities? This project is meant to synthesize all of your learning in this class and put it to use in a practical way. Use your creativity.

You could design a website, newsletter, Smore, or some other means of engagement. You could plan a series of events. Given the creativity of the assignment, no rubric is attached.

Shows an understanding of children with exceptionalities.

Utilizes state and federal recommendations for family engagement.

Promotes inclusive practices and settings while presuming competence in all learners.

It provides information in an attractive way likely to engage families.

Do you agree that the segment in which the survey placed you, based on your answers, in an accurate description of your lifestyle, personality, and/or values? Explain.

Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyle

Answer this online survey to see how psychographics might describe you as a consumer. Do you agree that the segment in which the survey placed you, based on your answers, in an accurate description of your lifestyle, personality, and/or values? Explain.

In terms of psychographics, what additional details about your values, personality, or lifestyle would help a car manufacturer target you more effectively for a new car purchase? What questions would you add to the survey in order to elicit these details?

Develop your critique to analyze the quality of the argument. Is it logical and accurate?

Research-Driven Critique essay

Write the essay based on the article on this website: To write the Argument research-driven critique essay:

Develop your critique to analyze the quality of the argument. Is it logical and accurate? Has the writer used appropriate sources and defensible reasons, or are there logical inconsistencies, inaccuracies, missing information, and fallacies in the argument? These questions are more important than if you agree or disagree with the argument.

Summarize the advantages of computers/software and the use of computer technology in investigations,

With the advent of various technological advancements, law enforcement efforts in the investigation and prosecution of crime have been met with positive results. However, with every advantage comes a disadvantage. Criminals have also benefited from these technologies and use the same advancements that law enforcement employs during the commission of their crimes, or as a tool for their crimes (this is evidenced in computer-related offenses and the misuse of the internet).

Summarize the advantages of computers/software and the use of computer technology in investigations, summarize the disadvantages to law enforcement with respect to the advancements of computers, research a case where the computer was used to aid in the commission of a crime, research a case where the use of the computer was beneficial to the prosecution in a criminal case, and provide a final conclusion/paragraph that addresses your subjective opinion as to whether these technologies, in an overall sense, are of benefit or a hindrance to law enforcement efforts.


Identify a minimum of two resources that you will integrate into your NCLEX-RN Readiness plan to assist you with improving the identified learning need.

Capstone Evidence-Based Practice Paper
In this assignment, students are expected to analyze their performance on the integrated comprehensive assessments and reflect on areas of opportunity and strategies to promote NCLEX-RN success and transition into practice. You will apply the priority concept (topic) to evidence-based professional practice upon which nurses have the ability to resolve or have a positive impact. There is a focus on the healthcare disparities of the individual, as well as ethical and legal implications to professional practice. You will discuss how an interdisciplinary approach promotes quality improvement for the patient and evidence-based professional practice, driving positive outcomes.

Priority Concept (Topic)
Required criteria:
1) Identify the concept (topic) of opportunity.

2) Provide a description of how this aligns with the NCLEX-RN Test Plan as indicated by performance in the Individual Student ATI Assessment Trends Table.

3) Identify a minimum of two learning strategies that you plan to implement to address your learning need.

4.) Identify a minimum of two resources that you will integrate into your NCLEX-RN Readiness plan to assist you with improving the identified learning need.

Required criteria:

1) Offer a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.

2) Identify a priority concept (topic) from the Individual Student ATI Assessment Trends: Longitudinal Performance Table drawn from one (1) of the four (4) main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint:

a) Assurance of a safe and effective care environment

b) Health promotion and maintenance of health

c) Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity

d) Preservation of the patient population’s physiological integrity

3) Provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category from the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint and the priority concept (topic).

Required criteria:

1) Describe the importance of the priority concept (topic) to professional practice

2) Describe the health of the patient population.

3) Include the potential negative effect to professional practice if the priority concept (topic) is unresolved.

4) Include the potential negative effect to the patient population if the priority concept (topic) is unresolved.

Healthcare Disparities, Inequalities, and Interventions
Required criteria:

1) Identify patient populations that may be negatively influenced by the priority concept (topic) if unresolved.

2) Identify healthcare resources to support evidence-based practice related to the priority concept (topic).

3) Summarize potential priority concept (topic) healthcare disparities and inequalities related to diverse populations.

4) Propose an evidence-based solution for the priority concept (topic) related to healthcare disparities.

5) Identify three (3) evidence-based practice interventions.

6) Prioritize the identified evidence-based practice interventions and provide rationale.

7) Discuss two (2) patient education considerations related to the priority concept (topic).

Legal & Ethical Considerations and Intervention Challenges
Required criteria:

1) Identify at least one (1) ethical and one (1) legal implication for addressing the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

2) Discuss at least one (1) strategy in prevention of an ethical dilemma related to the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

3) Discuss at least one (1) strategy in prevention of legal consequences related to the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

4) Identify one (1) anticipated challenge to the success of preventing the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

5) Identify one (1) anticipated challenges to the success of resolving the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach
Required criteria:

1) Identify all the parties who will be involved in the implementation of the priority concept (topic) interventions.

2) Discuss the role of each member in the intervention implementation for the priority concept (topic).

3) Identify a minimum of two (2) members of a discipline outside of nursing.

4) Discuss the benefit of including the identified interdisciplinary member from disciplines outside nursing to promote evidence-based professional practice.

Outcome Quality Improvement
Required criteria:

1) Provide at least one (1) benefit in patient outcomes from addressing the priority concept (topic) within the clinical environment.

2) Provide at least one (1) benefit to the nursing profession that will result from addressing this priority concept (topic) in clinical professional practice.

3) Discuss at least one (1) resource utilized to promote improved patient outcomes in the clinical environment.

4) Discuss at least one (1) resource utilized to increase professional nurse knowledge promoting improved clinical professional practice.

Required criteria:

1) Provide a thorough recap of the purpose to promote increased evidence-based professional practice knowledge related to the priority concept (topic) deficiency.

2) Summarize resources identified to support improved evidence-based professional practice related to the priority concept .

3) Include a complete statement describing why addressing the priority concept (topic) matters and to whom.


How does Gross Domestic Product (GDP) affect currency exchange rates?

Gross Domestic Product

How does Gross Domestic Product (GDP) affect currency exchange rates? One way to answer such a question is by using regression analysis. Complete the following:

Using R, create a scatter plot for GDP vs. US/EUR. Comment on the relationship.

Fit a linear regression model.

How good is the fit of the model from part c?

Describe how you can predict US/EUR exchange rate?

Copy and paste the R outputs into a Word document and label each section clearly. If you take a screen shot make sure that it shows the current date. Additionally, ensure you have answered all of the questions.

Explain your stance and what you would advise people when they ask you if you recommend the Covid-19 vaccine.

State of the Covid-19 Vaccine Development

After viewing this webinar, consider your state and the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine thus far. Has the roll out been effective in reaching the masses? Has there been collaboration with agencies in the distribution (Departments of Health, pharmacies, etc.)

What are the agencies and what role have they played in the distribution plan?

What have been some of the challenges? After reviewing this webinar, has your stance on the vaccine changed?

Explain your stance and what you would advise people when they ask you if you recommend the Covid-19 vaccine.

Evaluate the company’s mission statement per each of the four questions posed in the Hull article as well as your assigned readings for the week.

Lockheed Martin Mission Statements

Prior to completing this assignment, review Chapter 2, section 2.1 in your Constellation textbook and read the article Answer 4 Questions to Get a Great Mission

Statement (Links to an external site.) (Hull, 2013), being sure to review this Fortune 500 Mission Statements (Links to an external site.) Now, turning to the company you selected, research and find the company’s mission statement. Then,

State how the mission statement provides guidance for the company’s organizational activities.

Evaluate the company’s mission statement per each of the four questions posed in the Hull article as well as your assigned readings for the week.

Rate the company according to the 5 star rating system used in the Fortune 500 list, stating how many stars would you rate the mission statement. Explain your rationale.

Rewrite the mission statement so that it better addresses the four questions and forms a complete mission statement.the company of my choosing is Lockheed Martin

How does your work compare to what is out there, does it “fall in” or “fall out”? Why do you think that is?

On a new page start introduction. Introduction is the background information related to the topic that you are working in. What previous work has been done, what does the literature say, what is the general tone of what the related work is.

When you cite, you do the authors last name and then what year it was published. Refer to your text though for more examples because it changes when more than one author is on the publication that you are citing.

Your introduction should then flow into a part where you address what is “missing” or what would be helpful for more insight (a transition for your work).

You then end your introduction with your formal hypothesis.

Next, right after the introduction is your methods, which is how you went about collecting your data. What tools were used, what procedures, etc. This part is generally pretty short, so don’t fret if it is not much more than half a page.

Results is next, you don’t start a new page. This is where your report your data. You can do graphs, type it out, charts, whatever you feel will help summarize your findings. You just report what happened, not what you think it means, that is for the discussion.

Next is the discussion. No new page, but here you revisit your results, but now you discuss what the implications of the data means. Here you also talk about how your data compares to the literature like from the intro. Here your paper comes full circle meaning, how does your work compare to what is out there, does it “fall in” or “fall out”? Why do you think that is? Here you are allowed to share your thoughts and opinions on what you think your work means.