
Why was Barron v. Baltimore significant and how does the courts decision impact laws in American states?

Identify what you should be looking for while you’re reading so you can highlight and take note of the parts of the reading that will help you answer the questions below.

After reading the chapter and reviewing the PowerPoint and supplemental readings and/or videos on canvas, complete the questions below. Your responses should:

You will get 5 points for completing the assignment following the above guidelines.

You will get 3 points if there are 1-3 missing elements from the above guidelines.

You will get 0 points if there are more than 4 missing elements from the above guidelines.

1. Civil liberties are limitations on the power of government to ensure personal freedoms. Explain the history of civil liberties in the United States. Were they included in our Constitution? Why was Barron v. Baltimore significant and how does the courts decision impact laws in American states? Why is the 14th amendment significant?

2. How do the first 4 amendments secure basic freedoms for the American people? Pick one of the first four amendments and explain how it secures basic freedoms. Remember some of the amendments have multiple protections so be sure to include that in your response.

3. How do the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th amendments provide rights for “suspects” in America. Pick one of the aforementioned amendments and explain how it provides rights to a suspect. Remember some of the amendments have multiple protections so be sure to include that in your response.

4.How do the 9th and 10th amendments interpret the Bill of Rights? Pick one of the two amendments and explain how it helps people, lawmakers and judges interpret the bill of rights. Remember some of the amendments have multiple protections so be sure to include that in your response.

What are the objects, persons, and general shapes within its composition? If it is an architectural monument, what are the parts or spaces it is composed of?

Select a work from a local museum, architectural monument or the artworks exhibited in a local gallery or municipal building. (Remember, you must get the approval of the instructor.)

When you visit the chosen artwork or monument, allow adequate time to view it and take notes. You may consider taking digital photos if allowed for further reference and inclusion in your project. A second visit is strongly recommended.
Make sure that you read the gallery or exhibition label and if it is an architectural monument, the dedication plaque or any other on-site marker providing relevant information. It is strongly suggest that you either might digital photograph the work to include in your written work or that you ensure that a copy of the work is represented in your paper or an internet link provided to it.

Visit a museum, art gallery or monument. Provide the title and date of the art object or monument and the name of the artist or architect and where it is located. Select a topic and summarize the overall appearance of the object or monument in a paragraph that will be the foundation of your paper. View the artwork or monument from as many perspectives as possible. Give the details related to the art object or monument and the name of the artist or architect. You will need to revise this paragraph if you use it as the introduction to your paper, as it will need to tell the reader just what you intend to accomplish in your paper.

Think about answering the following 6 questions in relation to the work and your topic:

What is the form or genre of art that you see in front of you—painting, drawing, sculpture, monument as architecture, etc.?

What are the media—paint, clay, stone, steel, etc.—used in its creation? What are the techniques—tools and processes—used in its creation?

What is the size and scale of the artwork or monument in relationship to a person, a building, or other works of its kind?

What are the objects, persons, and general shapes within its composition? If it is an architectural monument, what are the parts or spaces it is composed of?

Select a work from a local museum, architectural monument or the artworks exhibited in a local gallery or municipal building. (Remember, you must get the approval of the instructor.)

Describe the formal visual elements in the artwork in front of you: line, perspective, shape, mass, texture, time, space, color, and light. Remember that some of these may not be applicable to the chosen subject of your paper.

Describe the basic principles of design in the artwork or monument in front of you: balance, scale and proportion, unity and variation, focus, emphasis and subordination, rhythm, and pattern.
If the object is a two-dimensional work of art, answer the following questions:

What are the most distinctive features or characteristics of the artwork?
Are the forms in the piece realistic or abstract? Does the piece represent one style or does the artist mix the two?

What is the effect of the particular medium or media used? How does it affect the viewer’s impression?
If the piece is a three-dimensional work of art, answer the following questions:

What are the most distinctive features or characteristics of the artwork or monument?

What is its function? How does its form complement its function?

In what setting is it placed? How does the setting affect its appearance?

Is the piece representational or abstract? Does the artist explore forms or space within forms?

If it is an architectural monument, how do people move throughout the structure? Are there significant accommodations or limitations to this movement?

What role does light play?

Remember that some of these may not be applicable to the chosen subject of your paper.

Describe the basic principles of design in the artwork or monument in front of you: balance, scale and proportion, unity and variation, focus, emphasis and subordination, rhythm, and pattern.

If the object is a two-dimensional work of art, answer the following questions:

What are the most distinctive features or characteristics of the artwork?
Are the forms in the piece realistic or abstract? Does the piece represent one style or does the artist mix the two?

What is the effect of the particular medium or media used? How does it affect the viewer’s impression?

If the piece is a three-dimensional work of art, answer the following questions:

What are the most distinctive features or characteristics of the artwork or monument?

What is its function? How does its form complement its function?

In what setting is it placed? How does the setting affect its appearance?

Is the piece representational or abstract? Does the artist explore forms or space within forms?

If it is an architectural monument, how do people move throughout the structure? Are there significant accommodations or limitations to this movement?

What role does light play?

Discuss the war as Hans Castorp’s only hope for a meaningful survival.

Discuss the war as Hans Castorp’s only hope for a meaningful survival.

Select Castorp’s experiences which you believe may be considered as the most significant milestones on his journey toward greater self-awareness. Be specific and back up your choices.



Who is your audience for this exhibition? How do you plan to appeal to your intended audience?

What is the theme for this exhibition? Here are list of ideas to help you: Impressionism, history of women in art, printmaking, African art, exploring identity in art, early American art, etc. Make sure your theme is broad enough that you can find examples, but not so broad that you have too many works to choose from.

For example: Printmaking (A VERY large pool of work to choose from) vs. contemporary silk screen rock posters (a smaller, more specific pool).

Step 2: Selecting works

What works of art are you going to include in your exhibit that best illustrate your theme?

To find works of art to include, you will use the Metropolitan Museum of Arts online collection.

Step 3: Think of your audience

When designing your exhibition, always keep your viewer in mind.

Who is your audience for this exhibition? How do you plan to appeal to your intended audience?

Step 4: Design choices

The design of your exhibition will influence how the viewer walks through, views, and understand the works of art.

Question 1: Do you plan to display the art salon style or with a center line? Why?

Center Line

The institutional standard

Artworks are hung with the center of the artwork hitting between 54” and 62”

• Artworks are hung from ceiling to floor and fill the entire wall.

Question 2: Which of your chosen works will act as the anchor piece? (Look above at the vocabulary for help).

Question 3: What is the exact order you would like your viewers to see your 8 chosen works?

Step 5: Informing your viewers

Lastly, viewers need to understand the context and theme of your exhibition. Many curator do this by writing introductory text that is placed on a wall near the start of entrance to the exhibit. You will also write labels for the works in the exhibit.

Write the introductory text for your exhibition. It must be 6 sentences long. Keep in mind, you are writing this text with your intended audience in mind.


Describe excel data, calculate the average number for each year then calculate the highest average and the lowest average, try to visualize your data using graphs.

Business Analytics for Decision making

Describe excel data, calculate the average number for each year then calculate the
highest average and the lowest average, try to visualize your data using graphs.

Describe enterprise architecture (EA), the appropriate application of EA frameworks, and an overall ongoing EA program.

Enterprise Architecture Framework Research Paper Assignment

This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply your research skills, analysis, and critical thinking skills to describe one of the enterprise architecture (EA) frameworks. This will provide you an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of one of the frameworks commonly used. This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes:

Describe enterprise architecture (EA), the appropriate application of EA frameworks, and an overall ongoing EA program

Analyze and examine how enterprise architecture and enterprise systems influence, support, and enable an organization’s ability to contribute to strategic decision making and to respond and adapt to the business environment

Explain the role they have played in your life and what that has meant to you.

Identify who your “Soul Models” were and to try to pinpoint some of the ways in which they have influenced you. Maybe some of them are living; maybe some have passed. Maybe some are famous; maybe some live in your town. Regardless, write a letter as if you were writing it to one of your selected “Soul Models.” Explain the role they have played in your life and what that has meant to you.

Discuss the differences between Liberal and Illiberal Democracy, according to Fareed Zakaria’a article, and provide examples.

Essay Question – Is the concept of Illiberal Democracy important and why? Be sure to discuss the differences between Liberal and Illiberal Democracy, according to Fareed Zakaria’a article, and provide examples.

Explain why there is a violation of patients’ rights.

Patients have to be the focus of every health care worker. This is because the patients are not only the customers and provide the income for the medical businesses, but also because the services provided to patients deal with life versus death or quality of life. To keep the focus on patients, many laws, regulations, and rules—including ethical codes of conduct—have been created to guide caregivers and other medical employees.

For this discussion prompt, complete an Internet search to research a current case where a violation of patients’ rights is at the forefront of the case. Post the link to the case, and explain why there is a violation of patients’ rights. Be sure to cite from your readings and research and explain in detail the specifics of violation.