
Describe how the economic mode of feudalism would affect both the base and the superstructure.

IN YOUR OWN WORDS–describe the Marxist “Base”/”Superstructure” model. DISCUSS all of the components found in the base and superstructure. In other words, what economic and societal elements are found IN both the base and superstructure? Next—show a specific economic “mode” (and for this you must use Feudalism as your base) working within and affecting your “Base”/”Superstructure” model.

Describe how the economic mode of feudalism would affect both the base and the superstructure. FOR EXAMPLE—What kind of class relations would you find in a feudalistic society? What kind of ART would a society with a feudalistic base produce? Which class would be supported by the art in a feudalistic society? [If they could have made movies in feudalistic times, would the movies have been more supportive of the peasants or the lords?]

What is the main argument of your chosen question? What key aspects have you discovered through your interrogation of the question?

Sustainable Architecture and Adaptive reuse of buildings

Sustainable Architecture (renewable energy in buildings and cities like heat, electricity, hot water), using recycled and environmentally friendly materials.

Giving awareness and inducing sustainability as a culture through architecture within the public. FOCUS ON WRITING ARCHITECTURALLY like mentioning technological aspects of architecture too with examples from buildings and architects.

How can the preservation of buildings through adaptive reuse and sustainable architecture benefit society and the planet while maintaining the importance of social well-being compared to the demolishment and reconstruction method used in the past?

– Introduction (Establish in brief the line of inquiry + main point(s) in response to the essay question you have chosen – WHAT; HOW; WHY.

Start by summarizing the key of your yr 1 manifesto. You must briefly mention: how you are departing from your earlier manifesto (from Year 1) and arriving at your new inquiry.

Here you should introduce your new field of interest, your research question, and your methodology. This should be articulated in the context of theories and histories of architecture and other relevant fields of research that influenced your direction and shaped your design ideas over the past years of your education.

Focus on framing the research question through key ideas, concepts, authors, practitioners and built/unbuilt examples which help set the theoretical framework where the discussion of the manifesto will be set.)

– Chapter headings (Arranged under three headings, discuss the line of inquiry and its relevant points in the Introduction – these should be arguments or views that frame, contextualize and more importantly critical views [opposing or supporting].

Many of these views can be found in bibliographies that accompany your chosen question. The main body of the argument should focus on addressing ways to answer the research question or shedding light onto a forgotten but now relevant problem related to architecture.

The final document should identify the key references from which the discussion in the manifesto will be drawn, and make clear the significance to the topic e.g. key philosophical, architectural, urban, social, economic, environmental theories and paradigms.

You must also illustrate your work with relevant examples [as buildings, architects, general facts or information]; all visuals need to have captions, and referred to within the body of the text; the images are not to be treated as a ‘decorative’ element.

Note there has to be a sense of flow in the discussion from sentences, paragraphs to sections within each chapter and from chapter to chapter. It is crucial that these ideas always link to the stated line of inquiry.)

– Conclusion (What is the main argument of your chosen question? What key aspects have you discovered through your interrogation of the question?)

Identify the risks that the customers or their business may be exposed to advice customers to reduce risks.

Co-operative Education Organization is  Kiwi car loan broker in Auckland New Zealand.

1. Analysis customers’ financial situation – by calculating the total incomes and total expenses to determine their affordability.

2. Deal with lenders for customers and arrange a suitable car loan for the customer, using your personal finance knowledge to find the best deal.

3. Understand company’s products and services, be able to answer questions from customers, provide customers with suggestions and guide them to choose products or services that suit their needs.

4.Identify the risks that the customers or their business may be exposed to. Advice customers to reduce risks.


5. Help customer to arrange a car finance agreement – you will need to fully understand the loan documents and assist the customer to sign the loan contract.

Discuss the potential biases present in the meta-analysis you conducted.

After reading about the pros and cons of meta-analysis processes, imagine that the hospital you work for has assigned you to research the incidence of fractured collarbones in children. Because you cannot find one definitive, significant study, you decide to review a number of small studies where the presence of a fractured collarbone is indicated but not significant.

In 3 to 4 pages, describe how you would glean relevant information from the small studies. What information is important to include in your final analysis? Is the meta-analysis you performed relevant, valid, and appropriate to examine the problem? Why or why not? Discuss the potential biases present in the meta-analysis you conducted.

Summarize the events that can contribute to conflicts in terms of the preservation of art.

1. What does the reading mean by “cultural heritage”? How does this relate to art?

2. Why do you think it is important to preserve cultural heritage?

3. What is the role of art museums and private collections? How do

4. Summarize the events that can contribute to conflicts in terms of the preservation of art.

5. On your own, research NAGPRA. What is it? Why was it created? What is the goal of the law?

6. Define repatriation. Why is it important?

7. Find an example of a work of art being repatriated and discuss the specifics.
Next, watch the following videos that explain a day in the life of an art museum curator:
Day at work : art curator on YouTube
The extraordinary world of art: How to curate an exhibition
Then answer these questions
1- What is a curator?
2- What is their job/role within an art museums

What are some of the psychosocial consequences of having the larynx removed?

Laryngectomy Rehabilitation – e.g., make a serious effort to learn esophageal speech and write about your experiences; what are some of the psychosocial consequences of having the larynx removed?

You must write at least 1000 words for the body of the paper. It’s fine to go a little longer if you want – there’s no penalty for that. No separate title page is required. Please include three references using APA style formatting. The reference list does not count as part of the 1000 words.

What is the blockchain innovation about with regard to digital identity in this industry of choice?

Carry out a research analysis regarding the application of blockchain in Digital identity.
In this regard, prepare recommendation whether blockchain technology should be further developed about digital identity. Additionally, think of a particular industry for where this application may be vital.

Structure to follow,

1. What is the blockchain innovation about with regard to digital identity in this industry of choice? In particular touch upon the issues this blockchain aims to solve in digital identity in the industry selected

2. What are the characteristics of the blockchain in question? (Public/private blockchain? etc.)

3. Is it only about blockchain technology? Or maybe solutions at the intersection of blockchain and ML, Big Data are considered here? If you are arguing for yes, why other technologies are not solving the problem. If you are arguing for no, what other technologies are better to do the job, and why? (Think whether ML would be a good tool to solve the problem in your space, similarly to how you are assessing blockchain’ suability.)

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of blockchain application in this area?

5. Conclusions: Take a side and develop recommendation based on your analysis. oIf you argue for using blockchain technology, write what would need to be further developed (improved, changed) in order to make this application solve the still existing problems in the best possible way of you argue not for using blockchain technology, write what would be a better solution (decentralized ledger, or something completely different).

What work of art in the room draws you in the most or is your favorite and why? In your own words, describe what you learned about that work.

Mental Health Services

Write on page double space 12 font no space between paragraphs . please dont put the professor’ s name, student’s name, or date. Please answers the questions
1. What is the name of the room that you picked? Why did you pick this room?

2. Did your room have a central, connective theme? If yes, what is the theme? If no, do you think the room you chose would have been easier to understand if there was a theme?

(To answer this question, you will have to click on each individual work of art to learn more about it and to find connections between each work. For this question, you cannot say “they are all European”, as that is the only kind art the Frick collections.)

3. What work of art in the room draws you in the most or is your favorite and why? In your own words, describe what you learned about that work.

After you answer the above questions about the rooms you picked, then answer the below questions about you experience going through the virtual tour of the Frick:

In at least 6 sentences, describe your experience of going through the Frick collection. To help you with this, think about the following questions:

1. Did you like the Frick collection? Why or why not?

2. How would you describe the layout of the artworks in the museum? Were the walls crowded, too sparse, or just right?

3. Did the layout of the works on the walls affect your experience of the museum? Explain your answer.

4. Is there anything that would have helped or added to your experience of the collection and the artworks?

Describe the use of discussion in self-directed, transformative, problem-based, and experiential learning.


Compare and contrast adult learning theories and practices.

These include andragogy, self-directed, transformative, problem-based, and experiential learning.

Describe how you understand neuroplasticity as it relates to andragogy, self-directed, transformative, problem-based, and experiential learning.

Describe the use of discussion in self-directed, transformative, problem-based, and experiential learning.

Consider how discussion, as presented by Brookfield, functions within each of the adult learning theories.

Evaluate the use of adult learning theories and practices in varied adult learning environments.

Describe the advantages, disadvantages, and best practices of the adult learning instructional approaches listed.

Describe the formal, informal, and nonformal learning environments in which adult learning takes place.


Apply the principles of experiential learning to change an adult learning activity.

Think of a course you are teaching. How could you incorporate experiential learning into one of the units? (Remember that problem-based learning is a specific form of experiential learning.)

Describe the unit and which part you would replace with an experiential learning activity, and then describe the experiential component and how you would envision it working. If you are not teaching, imagine a course that you have taken in the past.

Describe the effects you would expect the incorporation of experiential learning to have on neuroplastic development in your learners.

Identify the key points of information from your research that you wish to convey.

In preparing for the assessment you will need to:

•Conduct a thorough literature review on the learning issues identified in your scenario;

•Identify the key points of information from your research that you wish to convey;

•communicate these argument succinctly;

•Demonstrate that these points have been drawn from, and underpinned by, both the literature and your own application of critical thinking to that literature;

•make recommendations for practice, with it evident that these recommendations have their basis in your research findings

•consider the practicalities and details of applying your recommendations, their sustainability, and their suitability to the issue and organization