
How would including these systemic considerations help you understand Christina’s presenting symptoms and consider your treatment approach?

Diagnosis and Assessment

Based on the information presented, address the following questions in your discussion post using headings to match content in each bullet point:

1. What diagnosis would you consider assigning to Christina? Describe the process you used for making this decision, including “Differential Diagnosis by the Trees” from the DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis or Section II of your text, Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-5®.

2. What Z code or codes would you consider for Christina? How would including these systemic considerations help you understand Christina’s presenting symptoms and consider your treatment approach?

What do you notice first when you look at the work(s)? Why?

Tell what you see (the visual facts).

• What is the name of the artist who created the artwork?

• What kind of artwork is it, what medium is it?

• What is the name of the artwork?

• When was the artwork created?

• List the literal objects in the painting (trees, people, animals, mountains, rivers, etc.).

• What do you notice first when you look at the work(s)? Why?

• What kinds of colors do you see? How would you describe them?

• What shapes can we see? What kind of edges do the shapes have?

• Are there lines in the work(s)? If so, what kinds of lines are they?

• What sort of textures do you see? How would you describe them?

• What time of day/night is it? How can we tell?

• What is the overall visual effect or mood of the work(s)?

Describe each Evidence-Based Nursing Protocol separately and describe what they are.

Select TWO separate Evidence – Based Practice Nursing Protocol

1. Describe each Evidence-Based Nursing Protocol separately and describe what they are.

2. Compare how they both differ from each other and name and attach supporting articles.

Articles must support the writing and how they are different from each other.

Does the presentation present on an underreported/underappreciated topic in public health or on new, innovative life-extending treatments/interventions?

You are asked to peer review two students’ PowerPoint first draft about their topics.  comment on at least 3 of the following questions:

What parts of the first draft do you like?

Do you find any parts of the first draft confusing? If so, which parts?

Does the presentation have a good flow, with an introduction, body, and conclusion?

Does the presentation present on an under reported/underappreciated topic in public health or on new, innovative life-extending treatments/interventions?  provide support for your answer.

Is the presentation geared for the appropriate audience (in this case, their fellow classmates)?  provide support for your answer.

Do you have any helpful, constructive suggestions about how to make the first draft even more engaging/interesting to the class?

What are the main areas in which you believe must be developed more to keep the company growing?

Performance Review Questions for HR
On the worker s self-appraisal form, workers undertake self-appraisal depicting their ‘
project and sharing what they need to achieve and the comprehensive career. The following are some of the questions for the Hr.

• What achievements are you most satisfied with?

• Did you meet your objectives?

• What are the main areas in which you believe must be developed more to keep the
company growing?

• What do you believe must be done differently next year?

• What components of the job do you see to be very challenging?

• What components of the job does it fascinate you?

• What is the firm value that you mainly demonstrated in the last 12 months?

What beneficial communicative techniques can be used to help them.

Problem Based Research Paper

The health care issue for this paper is on opioid addictions and on ways that de escalation techniques towards their behavior can be effective. Meaning if they become aggressive, what beneficial communicative techniques can be used to help them.

Why do you think these two things, graffiti and activist art, go so well together?

Activist art is about empowering individuals and communities and is generally situated in the public arena with artists working closely with a community to generate the art.

1. Before you do the reading, think about the description of activist art above and then think back over the class and the artists, movements, and periods that we have discussed.

Can you think of an artist that you have learned about in this class that fits into the above definition of activist art?

The following two links present a brief history of protest art from the Dadaists to today. Read the articles on the following links and then answer the questions below.

1. Define protest art. What does it mean to you? What kinds of issues to protest artists address?

2. We have come across Dada before when you had to watch the video of the sound poem performance by Hugo Ball (who wore the lobster claw suit). How does Dada fit into the above description of activist art? How is that performance an example of activist art?

3. What does the graffiti artist Banksy address in his work? Look up an example of his work and explain what is being protested.

4. Compare Bank work to the Arab Spring movement. What is similar about them?

5. As you discovered in the reading, a lot of activist artists utilize graffiti in their practice. Why do you think these two things, graffiti and activist art, go so well together? What about graffiti lends itself well to protest artists?

6. Which artist/artist group did you read about that you found the most intriguing? Why?

What is the impact of socio-cultural influences on teacher mentoring programs on new or student teachers?

What is the impact of socio-cultural influences on teacher mentoring programs on new or student teachers?

What are the cultural implications of their relationship? What role does technology play in this relationship?

For this midterm you will listen to five pairs of songs and discuss the relationship between the original and the ‘cover’.

Is the relationship between songs an example of signifying or appropriation? Defend and support your ideas with several detailed and specific examples from the songs that illustrate the use of signifying or appropriation (either cultural or just musical).

What are the cultural implications of their relationship? What role does technology play in this relationship?

Do extraversion and social connectedness moderate the levels of life satisfaction experienced during COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns?

Do extra-version and social connectedness moderate the levels of life satisfaction experienced during COVID-19 pandemic lock downs?