
What differences do you see? In particular, pay attention to the last lumbar vertebra.

Comparative Anatomy of the Axial Skeleton, Arm, and Hand

Use eSkeletons to compare the lumbar vertebrae of great apes and modern humans.

What differences do you see? In particular, pay attention to the last lumbar vertebra.

Which specimen displays a vertebral body that significantly shortens posteriorly? This anteroposterior “wedging” is a distinct feature of modern humans and helps maintain the lumbar lordosis. What behavior is the L5 “wedging” most-likely related to?

Compare the overall curvature of the modern human and great ape vertebral column. What differences do you see? If early hominins had an L5 similar to modern humans, what would you estimate the vertebral column to look like in these animals?

Compare the overall shape of the modern human and great ape rib cages. Which of these thoracic shapes is seen in early hominin specimens such as A. afarensis (“Lucy”)? Why, in part, does thoracic shape differ between great apes and modern humans?

Below is a reconstruction of the glenoid fossa in an early hominin (Australopithecus afarensis, “Lucy”). Compare the orientation of the glenoid fossa in a modern human, great ape, and early hominin. What differences do you see? Is the early hominin glenoid fossa more similar to modern humans or African apes?

What may occur that can put the program at risk, what are the challenges, and how will you address them?

Program Design and Implementation
1. The overarching goal of the program (the overall aim that you want to achieve via
your program),

2. Objectives (specific desired changes that will help to meet the overall goal). There
should be at least 3 objectives

3. Strategies (how you will go about achieving your aim and objectives; the activities
that will contribute to the achievement of the objectives);

4. Risks or Challenges (Identify any potential challenges to the program)

i. What may occur that can put the program at risk, what are the challenges, and how will you address them? (for example, people may not enrol?)

How can you relate these notions to prevailing norms in contemporary society and politics?

Political Power

Machiavelli wrote the Prince (published in 1532) to advise princes about how to get, keep, and use political power. The book is still regarded as one of the most influential books on politics, especially on issues relating to political power.

In light of our class readings on power, write a 2-4 page essay comparing the textbook definitions of power (see especially week 1) with the notions expressed/ implicit in the excerpts from Machiavelli. How can you relate these notions to prevailing norms in contemporary society and politics? Do you think that any of any of the advice offered by Machiavelli can apply to modern day politicians? Why and how? Can you provide some examples? Why not?  Be sure to cite the sources in the APA citation format as you make comparisons between the different definitions.


Formulate strategic business decisions from a management, leadership and organizational design perspective.


This course demonstrates how to create a strategic business plan and the policies that support it. You will learn how to craft, communicate, implement, and monitor a
strategic plan, reformulating it as the need arises.

Write 3 learning statements of a frontline leader for each of the following course outcomes. Instructions for learning statements below.

Step Process:

Step One: Select one course outcome.

Step Two: Determine the level of learning of the OUTCOME using Bloom’s Taxonomy.

a.) Review the first word of the outcome, which is an action verb

b.) Look at a Bloom’s list of action verbs and determine where the action verb falls

Step Three: Consider an example of your specific learning that falls within the same level of learning

a.) Use an action verb at the same level of learning as the outcome to create your Learning Statement

Step Four: Repeat the process for the same outcome so that there are two or three Learning Statements per outcome

Step Five: Begin the process again for each outcome.

Helpful Exercise:


1.) Assess business strategy using a variety of seminal theories, principles, and concepts.

2.) Use a variety of analytical tools to monitor and improve business strategy.

3.) Formulate strategic business decisions from a management, leadership and organizational design perspective.

4.) Develop a strategic framework to increase the competitive advantage of a business.

5.) Design a plan to implement a business strategy throughout an organization.

6.) Compose business policies to enable implementation of a strategic plan.

Explain at least two ethical issues related to each of those outcomes. (It is important to consider all of society.)

This Final Paper, an argumentative essay, will present research relating the critical thinker to the modern, globalized world.

In this assignment, you need to address the items below in separate sections with new headings for each.

In your paper,

Identify the global societal problem within the introductory paragraph.

Describe background information on how that problem developed or came into existence.

Provide perspectives from multiple disciplines or populations so that you fully represent what different parts of society have to say about this issue.

Construct an argument supporting your proposed solutions, considering multiple disciplines or populations so that your solution shows that multiple parts of society will benefit from this solution.

Provide evidence from multiple scholarly sources as evidence that your proposed solution is viable.

Interpret statistical data from at least three peer-reviewed scholarly sources within your argument.

Discuss the validity, reliability, and any biases.

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of these sources, pointing out limitations of current research and attempting to indicate areas for future research. (You may even use visual representations such as graphs or charts to explain statistics from sources.)

Evaluate the ethical outcomes that result from your solution.
Provide at least one positive ethical outcome as well as at least one negative ethical outcome that could result from your solution.

Explain at least two ethical issues related to each of those outcomes. (It is important to consider all of society.)


Compare similarities and differences between your assigned countries/economies and how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth and trade competitiveness.

Introduction slide; Inflation rate over time slide; and Inflation rate over time chart slide for China vs India (world’s 2 most populous countries)

Compare similarities and differences between your assigned countries/economies and how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth and trade competitiveness.

Use tables and/or graphs to support your analysis of the following economic statistics/indicators of your 2 assigned economies through the most recent year available since 2009 (the trough of the last economic cycle). Whenever
possible, plot the metric for both economies on the same chart.

Difference between criminal law and civil law.

Business with Law

Difference between criminal law and civil law.


Identify three major HRM practices that could have an effect on the future success of Brunel and how these might be developed or changed.

BBM-5-HRE Brunel case study assignment resubmission brief

Assignment tasks  

Carry out a survey of Brunel in terms of its current strategy in relation to its external and competitive environment, commenting on what may restrain and assist any proposed changes to the organization.

Identify three major HRM practices that could have an effect on the future success of Brunel and how these might be developed or changed.

What specific recommendations would you make for these three practices and how they support one another to achieve success for Brunel?

Compare the health care “system” of the United States to the health care system of another nation

Compare the health care “system” of the United States to the health care system of another nation: Canada

This comparison must include the organization, structure and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across the two countries.

what are the major lifestyle changes you might need to make as you become elderly.

The biology of aging can seem like it is a long way off for some of us. Based on what you have learned about physical changes that occur. what are the major lifestyle changes you might need to make as you become elderly. Focus on lifestyle changes such as specific nutrition changes, exercises, and sleep habits as a few examples.