
How long has it been there? What historical information can be gathered about the piece? What is its history?

For this assignment, you will choose ONE piece of public art for analysis. You will take three pictures of that piece of art so as to capture THREE distinct angles/lighting/perspectives of the piece. You will also include ONE selfie of yourself in front of the art piece (this is non-negotiable as it will prove you actually conducted the assignment correctly by physically visiting the location).

In three paragraphs you will answer the following:

Paragraph 1. Describe the formal elements IN DETAIL. Describe every minute detail of your chosen public art piece.

What is it made out of? How big is it? What colors are used? What is the layout of the piece? Describe every person or character in the piece.

What are they doing? Is there any text involved? What does it say? Who is the artist (if known)? Where is it located?

How long has it been there? What historical information can be gathered about the piece? What is its history?

How does perspective and angle change how the piece is viewed (refer to your photographs of the piece to elaborate your explanation).

Paragraph 2. What qualifies your chosen public art piece as art? Here you will defend the art-worthiness of your piece. What makes it “art?”

Paragraph 3. Does having this work of public art in public affect how it is interpreted/received by the viewer? Why? If so, how does it impact the viewer/audience? If not, why does it not matter? Explain your answer thoroughly.

Discuss the importance of realizing that two essential questions we have to solve are, “How do you get people’s attention?

Essential Emotions

Heath, D. (2007). Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die.

Discuss the importance of realizing that two essential questions we have to solve are, “How do you get people’s attention?

Equally as essential is “How do you keep the people’s attention?” Name the two essential emotions they point out as critical.

Each student should present a hypothetical situation where they are giving a speech and utilize one or both of the essential emotions you would use to gain and keep the people’s attention. This may be something that has actually happened to you.

Do people generally believe that science-religion conflict exists, and if so, is it inevitable?

Do your best to answer all of the questions below, and likewise formulate a thoughtful response to your classmates as they answer these questions. Be civil, be kind, but use critical thought. If you are going to defend your position, do so with sound reasoning.

(1) Do people generally believe that science-religion conflict exists, and if so, is it inevitable?

(2) Does history bear witness to a repeated pattern of science-religion conflict?

(3) Should there be conflict between science and religion?

(4) Can a person be religious and accept the theories of evolution?

(5) Is Darwin's theory of evolution compatible with the religious mind, as he asserts in his Origins of Species?

Clearly explain how the theory or conceptual framework aligns with your problem, purpose, and research questions. What ties them together?

Read and follow all directions. The paper is below these instructions. The template is uploaded in a file. You will need to add two pages to this already completed paper by Further refine your paper to include a sample theoretical or conceptual framework and a sample research question. Include the following:

• Identify one theorist and theory.

• Explain the primary postulates of the theory and how they relate to your problem and purpose.

• Review two to three major research studies related to the framework and your study.

• Clearly explain how the theory or conceptual framework aligns with your problem, purpose, and research questions. What ties them together?

• Provide a research question.

Cite References in APA Format

 Identify how the case study relates to the broader political questions addressed by the module.


Write 500 words on each of your chosen case studies. Your portfolio will have four sections/paragraphs. In each paragraph, you should:

Choose a quotation from one of the main theoretical texts addressed in that week’s session. Choose something that develops your understanding of the case study or makes you see it in a new light.

Identify how the case study relates to the broader political questions addressed by the module. Once you have picked your quotation, write it out and then reflect underneath on:

(1) what the quotation means and why you are drawn to it

(2) how it invites you to think about that week’s case study, including some close analysis of important moments/details in the case study At the very bottom of your document (after all four entries are complete),  include a bibliography.

It is sufficient to engage with one critical source per each of your chosen case studies.

But, should you wish to cite from other works you may do so, making sure to include footnotes. Footnotes and the bibliography are not included in the word count.

How do you see leadership skills integrated into your future nurse educator role?

Nursing Leadership role

Consider a nurse leadership role you are familiar with and describe how the nurse educator role collaborates with leadership in an institution (choose a setting you are familiar with). Considering NLN’s competency 8, how do you see leadership skills integrated into your future nurse educator role?

Discuss article Critique on menopausal symptoms and physical activity in multiethnic groups of midlife women.

Discuss article Critique on menopausal symptoms and physical activity in multiethnic groups of midlife women.

Discuss explanatory/Informative article on Second Amendment topic McDonald v. Chicago.

Discuss explanatory/Informative article on Second Amendment topic McDonald v. Chicago.

Outline and discuss a broad range of adult health conditions and consider how healthcare policy and legislation impact on the management of safe and effective care and individuals quality of life.


Outline and discuss a broad range of adult health conditions and consider how healthcare policy and legislation impact on the management of safe and effective care and individuals quality of life.

Plan, deliver and coordinate safe and effective care for adults with acute and long-term needs, as part of multidisciplinary teams in a range of settings.