
What was the research question, and why was it important to study? What information was missing from previous literature that this study set out to provide?

one short paragraph (3-4 sentences) explaining why you selected this article and
how it is relevant to your final project. My research question was: is MBTI test reliable?
4. Summary of the article. This summary should include:

a. What was the research question, and why was it important to study? What
information was missing from previous literature that this study set out to

b. What was the method? How did the researchers answer their question?

5. What the study found

a. Provide a summary of the results in your own words. In other words, do
not include statistics. Imagine you’re explaining the results to a child with
no statistics or research background; what’s the take-home message you
would give them?

b. Is this what the researchers expected to find? Why or why not?

6. Your opinion of the study

a. Do you think the researchers did a good job of answering their research

b. Do you have any concerns about the method? Consider any issues of
validity, reliability, sampling, ethics, etc.

c. Do you think the conclusions the researchers drew were justified given their method and results? For example, consider whether the researchers
overgeneralized their results beyond the population they tested.

d. What do you think the research contributes to the field in general?

How do educational interventions to screening barriers (I), compared to no educational interventions (C), influence the improvement of the colon cancer screening plan (O)over eight months (T)?

Search strategy table & Evidence table

1.- Complete the Search Strategy Table and write a little narrative paragraph about how you did it. All based on the PICOT question provided.

In Kentucky population (P), how do educational interventions to screening barriers (I), compared to no educational interventions (C), influence the improvement of the colon cancer screening plan (O)over eight months (T)?

What is the potential of growing commercial fishing industry in the Bahamas?

Research questions and significance of the study
This paper will seek to answer the questions:

What potential is there for the creation and growth of this industry?

What is the potential of growing commercial fishing industry in the Bahamas?

How will it affect the Bahamian economy?

What are the benefits of developing Commercial fishing industry?

Will commercial fishing help or harm the crucial local fishing industry?

Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved.

1) Compare vulnerable populations. Describe an example of one of these groups in the United States or from another country.

Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved.

Discuss why these populations are unable to advocate for themselves, the ethical issues that must be considered when working with these groups, and how nursing advocacy would be beneficial.

2) How does the community health nurse recognize bias, stereotypes, and implicit bias within the community?

How should the nurse address these concepts to ensure health promotion activities are culturally competent? Propose strategies that you can employ to reduce cultural dissonance and bias to deliver culturally competent care.


Discuss how temperature influences sleep and what is recommended for a bedroom temperature.

Read the following piece by Dr. Matthew Walker.

iPads, factory whistles, and nightcaps: What’s stopping you from sleeping? In Why we sleep: Unlocking the power of sleep and dreams. New York City, NY: Scribner.

For this assignment, answer the following questions:

How did the invention of the light bulb affect our sleep cycles/circadian rhythms?

What is the particular wavelength of light we should be worried about?

Why is alcohol problematic for sleep—even at low levels?

Discuss how temperature influences sleep and what is recommended for a bedroom temperature.

What’s the (bad) deal with alarm clocks? Describe the impact this has on our body and how the “snooze” button impacts us.

What is one question you have about sleep?

How did the terror attacks on September 11th Change America? provide sources of Publications from The United States.

How did the terror attacks on September 11th Change America? Please provide sources of Publications from The United States.

How do your, or other’s, experiences and observations relate to and support this truth or lesson?

Quote to body of paper transition.
To help you think about your topic and to write a well-organized essay, consider (and answer) these questions:

What truth or lesson is being communicated by this quote?

Why is this truth or lesson so important?

How do your, or other’s, experiences and observations relate to and support this truth or lesson?

In what ways does this lesson make logical sense to you?

In what ways does this lesson make emotional sense to you?

How might this lesson be relevant to your, or others’, life and career?

Why do some fail to live as if this truth or lesson were important?

Why might some suggest this truth or lesson is not important?

How would you defend the truth of this lesson from those who disagree and believe the lesson is not important?

What can we do (at an individual, community, or society) to make this truth or lesson better recognized or practiced?

Discuss a time when you were involved with or were witness to a coaching situation. What coaching strategies were implemented? Were they effective? Why or why not?


What are the differences and similarities between coaching and mentoring?
Coaching is more performance-driven; this is where your supervisor will go over your stats over a period of time. This is designed to improve your on-the-job professionalism.

Mentoring is development-driven; this is looking more of a holistic approach to developing your career. The structure of coaching is scheduled meetings that are either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. With mentoring is pretty much informal and, on a need, to know basis.

Discuss a time when you were involved with or were witness to a coaching situation.
What coaching strategies were implemented? Were they effective? Why or why not?

At my last job, we coached monthly over things we need to improve or things we did right. We focused on the agenda of meeting goals, the time frame we needed to meet those goals.

This was used to improve behavior, enhance the customer experience by refreshing our skills, improve or address our behavior.

It was effective because it gave us a guide on what we need to improve and how long we have to get it correct we also knew what our consequences were if we did not get it corrected.

What suggestions might you give the coach for future coaching?
Always stay connected to your subordinate. You have to be motivative, and empower the team to be the best they can be, no only for the sake of the company but mostly for themselves.

Briefly discuss the impact of health literacy on quality of care-write as the professor is asking.

Briefly discuss the impact of health literacy on quality of care. Write as the professor is asking.

What can we do aside from political efforts or major social/societal changes to help those of low-SES stay healthy?

When discussing Cardiovascular Disease ,we have learned there are many disparities between people of higher and lower Socioeconomic Status (SES) in terms of resources, stressors, and outcomes (e.g. higher mortality).Read the following journal article from Current Directions in Psychological Science:

Socioeconomic status and health: What is the role of reserve capacity?
Minimize File Preview

Then, answer the following questions:

a. What is reserve capacity? How does it relate to health outcomes? (In other words what is the main point of the article?)

b. Use an example to explain in your own words how reserve capacity can help buffer the negative effects that low Socioeconomic Status has on health.

On page 271, the authors state that “a conceptual limitation of the literature is the focus on a single factor [perceived control or social support]. What is the problem with only looking at one factor?

As a society, we sometimes make efforts to address socioeconomic status in order to improve the overall health of the population. What are the benefits of this “prevention” focus? What are the drawbacks? Think in terms of both economics and health for individuals, the taxpaying public, and health insurance purchasers.

What can we do aside from political efforts or major social/societal changes to help those of low-SES stay healthy?