
Explain how the financial statements would differ if another method were used to capture the costs.

Accounting Tools and Practices

Training Materials

As you prepare your training materials for John, use the examples you collected from the company’s Notes to financial documents to illustrate how you address the following items:

Explain how one or more of the following costs are captured:

Store opening. If store opening costs were capitalized, over what time period would you amortize them? Explain why you selected this time period.
Website development.

Analyze the importance of Notes to financial statements in interpreting financial statements.

Explain how the accounting method the company uses affects the financial statements.

Explain how the financial statements would differ if another method were used to capture the costs.

If you have a preference for capitalizing or expensing these costs, explain why it is your preference.

What do you send her? What kind of explanation or sample/draft do you send her so that she can get started?

Your Administrative Assistant Hassan is being reassigned to another Project. His replacement Kelly was told that you are expert in the use of Microsoft Project and the use of Social Media in projects. She pokes her head in the door and asks if you could send her some information on how to create a social media press release for the Vehix221 project.

You have about a half hour to find some information to send her. What do you send her? What kind of explanation or sample/draft do you send her so that she can get started?

What statements were utilized for formulating your proposal. Why?

 Final Project: Milestone Two

To complete this part of the assignment, the following items, as well as those listed above, must be addressed:

I. Budget ( Note: Respond to the following critical elements in the proposal outline, not on the Excel document)

A. Statements: What statements were utilized for formulating your proposal. Why? Select the appropriate statements for analysis and defend your

B. Expenses: What major expenses are associated with your proposal items?

C. Budgetary Accounts: What budgetary accounts (i.e., salaries) are impacted, and in what way?

D. Reasoning: Based on the previous year’s budget data, why did you select these budget items for adjustment over other options?

E. Ratios: Research the various ratio options (including ROI) used for reviewing financial statements. Determine what ratios you will use for your
proposal items and explain why.

F. Ratio Calculations: Using budget statements, formulate calculations that support each recommendation.

G. Projected Departmental Budget: Create a projected departmental budget for the upcoming year that incorporates the costs of the proposed


Estimate the human and other resources that will be needed to carry out your proposal.

 Time and resource allocation

A. Give an approximate time frame for the different stages and activities in your proposal.

B. Estimate the human and other resources that will be needed to carry out your proposal. You do not need to include specific dollar amounts, but you
should anticipate what each activity requires in terms of resources in general terms.

For example, you might need a certain number of full- or part-time
staff or the services of a contracted firm, specific software, hospital supplies, laptops, publicity materials, and so forth.

You may find it useful to use an Excel spreadsheet or other table for presenting this information.

A. Summarize the proposed change, its significance, and expected outcomes as a result of implementing the proposed change.

Why should US Company consider hiring offshore talent from your country.

Why should US Company consider hiring offshore talent from your country.

Compare and/or contrast the differences or similarities between the environmental factors of these two characters.

1.Define Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Perspective including all five (5) levels of systems, making note of each of the systems as they are expressed in the film. You can speak in generalities (i.e. – the microsystems for the boys include their caregivers), but make sure it is specific to the film.
2.Select 2 of the 4 main characters in the film.

3.Through either a multidimensional OR life cycle perspective.

Discuss how each system interacts with these characters to inform their functioning and development.

Compare and/or contrast the differences or similarities between the environmental factors of these two characters.

Use 3 sources from the attached list. Additionally use 5 external sources from peer reviewed journals that are relevant.

Do not include a synopsis of the movie. This is not a movie review. Only reference the movie as needed to directly to answer the prompts.

What ideas do you see repeated again and again? Feel free to quote the various sources to support your key points.

A review of the history (if applicable). For some issues or topics, you might need to explore how the ideas about this topic have changed over time. For example, if you were writing about the environmental health of the ocean, you might start by discussing how for many years scientists and citizens thought that the ocean was a safe place to dispose of trash, especially plastics.

Then you would talk about how that view is changing. For example, in the last few decades we have discovered that the garbage being spewed into the ocean is having detrimental effects on human health. (Be sure to include the source for the history on your works cite page.

It can count as one of the five sources you are required to include to complete the assignment.) Then you would briefly summarize the sources you have that support that history. Please note: not all topics will require this section, but many of them will.

Determine the key points. The next 3-5 paragraphs will discuss the key points you discovered from reading your sources. In your essay, answer the following questions. Don’t type this as question then answer, but formulate the answers into paragraphs. Refer back to the lesson on the AXES paragraph structure for help with this.

What are the key points that are repeated throughout all the sources?

What ideas do you see repeated again and again? Feel free to quote the various sources to support your key points.

What are some ideas that seem to be disagreements between the sources? You will have as many paragraphs as you have disagreements

Do you think the American Revolution changed the country more so than the Civil War? Why or why not?

Do you think the American Revolution changed the country more so than the Civil War? Why or why not?

 Explain how you viewed or understood the concept before completing the discussions.

Opportunity Cost, Scarcity, Production Efficiency, Allocative Efficiency, Human Capital, Specialization, Comparative Advantage, Income, Tastes, Prices, Household Budget, Information, Transaction Costs, Utility, Consumer Satisfaction, Profits, Markets, Competition, Market Structure, Labor Costs, Innovation, Entrepreneurial ability, Productivity, Government Regulations, Business Incentives, Economies of Scale, Product Differentiation, Brand Name, Advertising, Market Power.
General Instructions:

You are free to organize and arrange your sentences and paragraphs in any you see fit, but your response MUST at least have the following 5 elements:

It must state and define the concept or idea.

Explain how you viewed or understood the concept before completing the discussions.

It must explain your new way of viewing, or understanding the concept.

It must say the reason why your perspective, or understanding changed. In other words, what did you do, see, or hear as a result of completing the discussions that helped transform your opinion.

It must have information, data or facts, that supports the reason for your change. The information, data or facts can be presented in the form of an example, or as part of an explanation, but it must be explicitly connected to at least one of the graded discussions.

As you produce your response, you should also consider the following:

The implications of the change in perspective. In other words, now that you see this in this way, what are some of the things that will come after? What will you do differently? What follows? Also, analogies and metaphors are a great way to illustrate how one views a concept or an idea.