
Did nationalism exist before the nation state? Answer with reference to AT LEAST TWO societies.

Did nationalism exist before the nation state? Answer with reference to AT LEAST TWO societies.

What is a functional group in organic chemistry? What functional group does your unknown have?

Infrared-Spectrum .

Locate infrared spectra for each name you found in paragraph

1. Look at the structural formulas that are given with the names. You may either (1) match each peak from your unknown with peaks on each literature IR or you can (2) talk about the structure implied by your IR, which peaks support that structure, and whether there are matching structural peaks on the literature IRs.

When you analyze an IR, which peaks from your unknown are different from your choices and which are the same? A couple of questions that might help you with a structural discussion: what is an isomer?

Are the numbers in the name important, and if they are, what do they tell us about compounds? What is a functional group in organic chemistry? What functional group does your unknown have? If an identity does not have a reported IR, state that in the paragraph discussion. You must include a citation for each literature IR spectrum.

iscuss your choice with your first marker/learning set tutor.

Business Development Plan
A business development plan would enable you to explore a proposed or existing
project in depth. You will need to demonstrate your academic and research skills by drawing on relevant academic literature, market reports and other external data sources and will include some original research to show the viability (or otherwise!) of your project. Your plan could be for a business start-up or to grow an existing venture.
For the Business Plan format you can choose to utilize the Traditional Business Plan, or the Lean Start-up or Business Model Canvas.

Discuss your choice with your first marker/learning set tutor. For all formats you will be expected to complete financials, relevant market research etc.

Ensure you adhere to the principles of good academic practice and ensure you use the Harvard system to reference any sources cited in your presentation.

As per the example, the essay must be split in 2 parts : the first part must be a thorough research of the meal kit industry in Europe and its outlook (this part should be around 5,000 words), the second part must be a business plan for scaling up and further developing an existing meal-kit company in Greece (this part should be around 3,000 words)

 Discuss how you will take this information gained and implement and apply it to your clinical practice.

Leadership clinical application final paper

Over the last seven weeks you have reviewed literature that describes/defines leaders and leadership and critique those descriptions/definitions in terms of their usefulness.

The application of the knowledge learned about leadership and its application to your own clinical nursing practice will culminate in a final paper.

Compare and contract of the leader interviewed, the non-leader that was researched and yourself as a leader. (any nurse leader or something of the sorts would be great to include!).

The paper should focus on leadership skills, leadership styles, management skills, power, change, creativity, credibility, image, style, leader–follower interactions, conflict management, envisioning goals, affirming values, motivating others, managing, achieving a workable unity, serving as a symbol, explaining and representing a group externally, are appropriate to be reviewed and “interpreted.”

Utilize the review of the literature regarding leadership that you conducted in weeks 2 and 3.

In writing and developing this paper, you should self-reflect on your own leadership style and its application to clinical practice.

Include in the paper your feeling of how you as a leader can impact the nursing profession, contributions to nursing practice or theory, and any implications on current nursing practice.

Discuss how you will take this information gained and implement and apply it to your clinical practice.

Utilizing what you have learned from the entire course as well as from your analysis in this final paper, reflect on how these new leadership skills and your personal insights can be applied to your own practice.

Share with your colleagues and nursing leadership what you have learned and how you feel it applies to your own clinical practice and how you plan to implement these new leadership skills into practice.

Does the proportionality assessment required by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR”) give the courts too much power and influence in shaping the law on issues they should not be involved in?

Does the proportionality assessment required by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR”) give the courts too much power and influence in shaping the law on issues they should not be involved in?

Identify a nonviolent crime. Then describe the sanctions used for the crime in your state.

The criminal justice system uses punishment to deter people from committing crimes. Punishments may be minor (e.g., paying fines) or more severe (e.g., incarceration).

Some believe that punishment is an effective deterrent to criminal behavior, while others believe that punishment, particularly in severe forms, promotes anger and violence.

The restorative justice approach may include punishments, such as paying restitution or completing community service, but only for the purposes of meeting the needs of victims. Therefore, questions persist regarding whether a gentler, but more meaningful, restorative approach is as effective for deterring crime as traditional punishments.

In this Discussion, you examine whether a restorative justice approach is more or less effective for deterring crime compared to traditional punishments.

By Day 3

Post a response that addresses the following:

Describe the differences between general and specific deterrence.

Identify a nonviolent crime. Then describe the sanctions used for the crime in your state. Do the existing sanctions adequately deter crime? Why or why not?

Provide an argument about whether a restorative justice approach would be more or less effective to deter the nonviolent crime you selected.

Evaluate how the issues will affect stakeholders at an institutional, local, state, and federal level.

The Bill H.R. 2581 Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Safety and Quality Care Act of 2019

1. Evaluate how the issues will affect stakeholders at an institutional, local, state, and federal level.

2. Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to the bill.

When defining a vector, the orientation specifier [row] or [column] is optional – it can be omitted.

Computational Physics (Maple)
Exercise 1
For each of the following, what single-line command will create the matrix?
(1) M1:= (2) M2:=

Exercise 2

When defining a vector, the orientation specifier [row] or [column] is optional – it can be omitted.

What is the default orientation of a vector?

Explain the events that led to each of these regulatory measures.

Regulatory Measures

Note your PowerPoint presentation needs to have two separate parts.

First, you will examine the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO), the Sarbanes – Oxley Act (SOX), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the Foreign Corruptions Practices Act (FCPA). (See attached)

In your presentation

1. Explain the events that led to each of these regulatory measures.

2. Describe the impact these laws have had on business ethics.

3. Illustrate your understanding by including examples in your presentation to support your points.

4. For the second part of the assignment, use the University of Arizona Global Campus Library to choose an article that describes how one of the laws: FSGO, SOX, CFPB, or FCPA affected an organization.

5. Be sure to choose an article that describes how the chosen law has a positive or negative effect on the organization.

a. Summarize the article

b. Describe the effects on the organization.

Briefly discuss effective ways that nurse leaders can help alleviate these hazards in nursing practice.

From highest hazard to lowest hazard, rank the top five technology hazards out of ten that nurse leaders need to be aware of in their practice and justify your response.

Briefly discuss effective ways that nurse leaders can help alleviate these hazards in nursing practice. Are there additional hazards that you would include?