
Explain how investigative psychology plays a role in statement analysis (or how it could).

Investigative Psychology: Statement Analysis as tool for Deception Detection and Investigative Cycle

Explain how investigative psychology plays a role in statement analysis (or how it could). How psychologists can be used to enhance interrogation techniques using statement analysis.

Handbook of Behavioral Criminology pdf contains a Forensic Linguistic article and the article by Tunkle regarding Criminal Profiling has a segment on Statement Analysis.

IP info comes from David Canter. He has the book Investigative Psychology: Offender Profiling and the Analysis of Criminal Action.

Discuss how these different approaches influence U.S. foreign policy.

The Great Depression and World War II.

Identify 3 aspects of U.S. foreign policy present during this time (the 1930’s through 1950’s).

Discuss how these different approaches influence U.S. foreign policy. Additionally, discuss how events or policies during this time have influenced policies today.

You must incorporate at least 3 scholarly citation(s) in current Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include books, legal cases, articles, the Bible, etc. Sources should be more substantial than basic internet dictionaries.

How else might this data have been displayed? Discuss pros and cons of 2 other presentation options, such as tables or different graphical displays.

step 1: Article title: Systolic blood pressure , diastolic blood pressure, and pulse pressure: An evaluation of their joint effect on mortality

Answer the following questions:

A. What type of study is used in the article (quantitative or qualitative)?

B. What type of graph or table did you choose for your lab? What characteristics make it this type?

C. Describe the data displayed in your frequency distribution or graph (consider class size, class width, total frequency, list of frequencies, class consistency, etc)

D. Draw a conclusion about the data from the graph or frequency distribution you chose.

E. How else might this data have been displayed? Discuss pros and cons of 2 other presentation options, such as tables or different graphical displays.

F. Give the full APA reference of the article you are using for this lab.

Examine the shortcomings of GDP in measuring a country’s economic health?

Gross domestic product (GDP) is defined as the value of final goods and services that are produced in a country’s territories within a certain time period, usually a year.

Assess GDP’s importance.

Examine the shortcomings of GDP in measuring a country’s economic health?

Discuss using GDP to evaluate the business cycle.

Examine factors that may affect the business cycle.

Evaluate the health of the current U.S. economy by its GDP, business cycle, and economic growth.

Examine the kind of information that would improve service to clients or advance the understanding of practitioners in your field.

Topic of Interest Research Project

Identify contemporary themes and topics you found in both the academic and professional literature as you prepared your Discussion Forum post earlier in the week and as you searched the scholarly literature for this assignment.
Speculate about why these themes and topics engage the practitioner community.
Based on your research and your own personal experience in your field of study,

Identify some of the contemporary challenges that confront practitioners in your field.

Examine the kind of information that would improve service to clients or advance the understanding of practitioners in your field.

Assess what you, as a scholar-practitioner, would like to know about your field of study.

Justify a topic of interest and a specific research focus (a general area of interest, not a specific question) you would like to pursue for purposes of work in this class (and, potentially, as a topic for your doctoral research project).

Analyzing African American history, examine the historical processes that led to Black Lives Matters.

Throughout the class we have examined that the African American communities have changed drastically as more Americans have become aware of the injustices faced by millions of people of color.

Analyzing African American history, examine the historical processes that led to Black Lives Matters.

How do the results from the study by Shelton et al. differ from the results of the study by Kim, Barak, and Shelton?

Answer the following questions:

1. In the first section (“The CSI effect defined”), do the authors ever give you their opinion on the CSI effect?

How do they support their definition and their expansion on the definition? How many different sources do they cite in this section?

2. From pages 86-88, the authors discuss lawyers, police officers, judges, and community members.

In this section, do the authors ever give you their opinion on any of the issues discussed?

3. Examine the section entitled “Verdicts”

How do the results from the study by Shelton et al. differ from the results of the study by Kim, Barak, and Shelton?

How do the results of the study by Baskin and Sommers differ from the results of other studies?


Describe the observations and results for lactose fermentation using MacConkey and EMB.

You will attach a discussion of your results to the table. This is the most important part of your unknown identification project.

This portion of your report is to be typed, double spaced, and submitted by the next lab session. In your discussion, focus on how you identified your unknown based on a process of elimination. The steps for writing your discussion are:

List all possible UTI bacteria used in this laboratory exercise.

Discuss your Gram staining results; describe if your Gram staining results allowed you to eliminate any of the possible bacteria as your unknown.

Describe the observations and results for lactose fermentation using MacConkey and EMB.

Distinguish fermenters from non-fermenters. Based on your results, explain what bacteria can be excluded & included as your UT unknown.

Discuss several tests that clearly allowed you to identify your unknown. Give reasons why certain organisms are excluded, and how you reached your specific decision on the identity of your unknown. Do not include a description of all the tests you performed.

Include only the most relevant tests, how they allowed you to eliminate the remaining bacteria that were not previously excluded and determine the identity your unknown.

State the unknown number and the identity of the unknown.

Conclude your report with a summary statement.

Identify the company’s e-CRM and social network channels linked with the website and provide recommendations/suggestions for further improvement with clear justification.

Assessment Tasks
Firstly, you must research and select a company website which has not been
selected by your peers.

• Note:  Do not start work on the company website until it has been approved by your seminar tutor.  Email your seminar tutor about your choice of company.

• The chosen company website will be allocated to students on a first
come first serve basis.

This assignment requires each student choose a website of a company and
research on their websites and online business strategies and,

1. Identify the E-business model that the website pursues Consider E-business concepts and approaches to comment on specific
strengths and weaknesses of your chosen website..

2. Identify competitive strategy and digital business strategy the company
has followed and provide recommendations/suggestions with clear

3. Identify their digital marketing strategies and options and provide
recommendations/suggestions with clear justifications .

4. Using similar web market intelligence platform (similar please
discuss the customer traffic data and provide recommendations/suggestions
for further improvement with clear justification (week 4 topic).

5. Identify the company’s e-CRM and social network channels linked with the website and provide recommendations/suggestions for further improvement with clear justification.

6. Identify the cyber security measures the company website has in place discuss if the company website comply with e-business ethics and provide recommendations/suggestions with justification (week 9 and10 topic).