
List the advantages and disadvantages of discussing your research ideas with internal stakeholders

Business Investigation

List the advantages and disadvantages of discussing your research ideas with internal stakeholders

Compare the sensitivity and specificity of the NIH and WHO measurements by sex and age group.

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Compare the sensitivity and specificity of the NIH and WHO measurements by sex and age group.

Explain any limitations or bias within the data based on the study design.

Describe the relationships between the immediate cause, the causal factors, and underlying factors relating to the failure in civil engineering terms.

Transport engineering

Thoroughly read and evaluate the whole of the RAIB report for your selected failure and develop an understanding of the immediate cause, the causal factors, and underlying factors relating to the failure in civil engineering terms. This will require you to draw on a wide range of knowledge and understanding you have acquired already on Civil Engineering course, for example including structures, geotechnics, materials, hydraulics as well as transport engineering.

• Chapter 1 Introduction. This chapter should state clearly the reasons why you have selected the case study you have chosen, in contrast to the other two possible case study candidates you considered.

• Chapter 2 Analysis of the failure. This chapter should summarize and evaluate the RAIB report you have selected for detailed consideration. Briefly describe the failure location and what occurred.

Describe the relationships between the immediate cause, the causal factors, and underlying factors relating to the failure in civil engineering terms.

You should prepare and develop your own appropriately annotated and dimensioned hand-drawn sketches to show, as appropriate, plan, cross-section, long section, and detail.

You should develop, if it is appropriate, some approximate calculations which show why the failure occurred.

You should ensure that you bring your own knowledge to bear, that is to say you must evaluate what you are reading in the report using the engineering knowledge and skills you have developed to date on your civil engineering programme.

• Chapter 3 Conclusion. Summarize what you think has been learned from the failure by the engineering community.

What did you find most interesting? What did you already know? What did you learn?

El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific Ocean [also called El Niño-La Niña Cycles] is associated with a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific.

El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is perhaps the most important ocean-atmosphere interaction phenomenon to cause cyclic global climate variability.

Go online and find a recent (published within the last 2 years) article from a reputable source regarding ENSO.

Submit a one page (approximately 250 word) summary of the article. What did you find most interesting? What did you already know? What did you learn? Was there anything that surprised you in the article.

ow might your skills as a human service professional establish realistic and clear treatment goals for group members?

In Chapter 11 in your textbook, you examined the skills you will need as a human service professional when working with various types of groups. You will engage in interpersonal communication daily.

This includes talking with colleagues, responding to clients, and giving directions in group settings. You also examined the skills a human service professional should obtain in order to understand group dynamics and process.

The professional needs to understand how various group settings can be useful when working with different work populations.

As a human service professional, you will find yourself utilizing interpersonal communication skills both nonverbal and verbal. These skills allow you to be effective in forming successful personal and professional relationships.

Respond to the following:

How might your interpersonal skills be utilized to obtain valuable interaction in group settings?

How might your skills as a human service professional establish realistic and clear treatment goals for group members?

You have read the different stages of groups which include the grouper stage, initial stage; transition stage, working stage, and final stage do not always provide easy transition.

What tasks will you as a human service professional utilize to become an effective group leader?

What skills and/or strategies will you use for challenging and resistant group members?

Explain how FERPA violations could be considered unethical behavior.

Describe FERPA and what is considered protected information. Explain how FERPA violations could be considered unethical behavior.

Give specific examples. How can educators avoid FERPA violations?

Guided Response: Choose two peers to respond to. Include your thoughts regarding their examples. Share with your peers at least two additional ways they can avoid FERPA violations.

Explain how the social issue aligns with the group’s ultimate goals.

Introduce your social advocacy group. This is an advocacy group of your own creation.
In other words, if you were to establish an advocacy group dedicated to the work of
your issue, what does that advocacy group look like and what are its ultimate goals
(e.g., public awareness, political action,social action, changing laws)?

Explain the work the group does related to the topic area.

Explain how the social issue aligns with the group’s ultimate goals.

The name of my social advocacy group is Mental Health Is Not A Prison
Sentence Alliance.

The purpose of my group is to show that not all people with mental illness belong in prison.

A goal is to show society that mental illness is not to be feared and that not all people with mental illness are criminals. Another goal is to promote awareness that inmates with mental illness need to be treated for their illness to help them with their

It also needs to be shown that inmates with mental illness will not be as receptive to the rules like the rest of the general population without proper treatment.

How were the studies were carried out (methods)? What have the findings been?

Theories and Methods
First, find three journal articles that are actual studies (not review articles, background information, etc.) that are from your field of interest.

Discuss what research questions have been asked in your field. How were the studies were carried out (methods)? What have the findings been? What questions still remain? NOTE: For the articles that you find for this section, don’t write about each one separately. Rather, synthesize the information.

Next, propose your own study to answer a specific research question from your chosen field. What is your research question? Be as specific as possible.

Why is this an important question or area to study? What are two specific hypotheses stemming from your research question?

Finally, discuss the specific research methods needed to answer your research question. Give some detail. Why is this the best method to use? What kind data will you collect? What is / are your IV(s) and DV (if applicable)?

Summarize the complaint and verdict and then explain how it would be useful for today’s teachers to be aware of it.

Protests and Walkouts

Choose a case from this week’s readings or choose one of your own that relates to this week’s topics that would be relevant in our classrooms today.

Summarize the complaint and verdict and then explain how it would be useful for today’s teachers to be aware of it.

Guided Response: Choose two peers to respond to. Find one scholarly source or education reference that would support their response. Explain why this resource would further your peers’ posts.