
Develop a script for a 4-5 minute entertaining speech on the topic you have selected from the template below.

2.2 Assignment: Plan your Script

Carefully read the purpose of the assignment, instructions, and criteria for success below before submitting your assignment.

We are in the planning stages again for our third speech. As you plan your speech, remember to SHOW, don’t just TELL your audience about the events. Use sensory language to put your audience at that exact moment with you, thinking about the smells, feelings, tastes, and sounds that surrounded you at the time. Include relevant details to powerfully make your point. Include organizational elements in your script, including an introduction, transitions, major points, and conclusion strategies that are covered in Module 3.

For this speech, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Your introduction will need to incorporate a big idea, and the conclusion will need to reference that idea again. You may choose to tell 1-3 smaller stories to explain your big idea, and those smaller stories would be considered your major points. On the other hand, you may wish to break down events in chronological order. Regardless of your approach, avoid hidden assumptions by exploring relevant background information that may be necessary for your audience’s understanding. Focus on your storytelling details in this speech as they help to show your audience the “big idea” you are explaining.


The purpose of this assignment is to develop a script for a 4-5 minute entertaining speech on the topic you have selected from the template below.


  • Critical thinking & reflection
  • Research
  • Purpose & audience
  • Organization & development of ideas
  • Professionalism


  • Canvas
  • Microsoft Word
  • Module 3 course materials


  1. Review the instructions within the template to determine your topic for your “big idea” in this speech
  2. Brainstorm the storytelling approach that you intend to use for this speech and begin planning your major points within the speech.
  3. In the spaces below, prepare a script that will fit within the 4-5 minute timeframe, aiming for 4:30.
  4. Press the submit button.

Describe research techniques (e.g., case studies, data collection methods and equipment) that you would use to carry out the project.


Research Practice

You are required to write a proposal of a small-scale research project. The project should be relevant to the subject that you are studying and should be completed by one researcher (yourself, full-time). Your proposed project should start on 1/5/2023 and finish on 31/10/2023 (6 months in total).


PART ONE [30 marks]

  • Write an abstract of your proposed project with a project title [6].
  • Write an introduction to the research area [4], problems to be addressed [4] and potential benefits to industry and/or society [4].
  • Describe the aims [2], objectives [4] and scope (focus) of your project [2].
  • Describe the novel points of your research (i.e., contribution to knowledge) [4].


PART TWO [40 marks]

  • Obtain copies of 10 references that are of direct relevance to your project. Review the references and write your comments. For each reference, you should write one paragraph about its main contribution to knowledge [20], and one paragraph about its shortcomings [10]. You should not take the Abstracts and Conclusions directly from the
  • Do NOT include the actual copies of the references in your report, use the Harvard referencing system to list the references at the end of your report, and cite the references in the main text [5].
  • Based on your comments on the 10 references, write an overall summary of research [5]
  • You should follow the above instructions. Do not follow the style of the ‘Background’ section of the example proposal used during


PART THREE [30 marks]

  • Describe research techniques (e.g., case studies, data collection methods and equipment) that you would use to carry out the project [5]
  • Make a work plan by defining the tasks [4] to be Schedule the tasks into phases [3] with milestones and deliverables [3] in a Gantt Chart [5].
  • Describe the tasks [4], deliverables [4] and potential risks of your project [2] in your



Submit your report in MicroSoft Word or PDF format including the Gantt Chart (in one single file).



  • The font size of the main text should be 11, single line spacing. The margins of each page should be 2.54 cm on all sides. Your report including the list of 10 references should not exceed 10 pages (A4). The report should have a separate title page including the title of your proposal, your full name, student number and the Programme you are studying. The title page, table of contents (if you have one) and the Gantt Chart are not counted for the total 10-page
  • Your report should not overlap with your final thesis, or any other published reports/documents by over 20%. You should avoid including the contents of this report (especially the literature review section) in your final thesis, otherwise you will have high
  • You should make sure that similarity of your report can be checked, g., if you use WPS Office to save your report, it will appear as a PDF image in the system, and similarity cannot be checked. Reports without similarity checked will not be marked.

Why were the Comanches so feared? How did they control so much territory? Why were they so hard to defeat? How did Quanah Parker become the last chief of the Comanche and what was the importance of his role as chief? How has legacy continued in Texas history?

Homework Hist 1302

Part (a) The Comanches were one of the most brutal and feared tribes in North America. They controlled a territory called Comancheria that encompassed parts of present-day New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. One of your sources states that the Comanches were the reason the Spanish did not go further north and why the East Coast and West Coast were settled before the Great Plains. After reviewing the assigned sources, please answer the following questions:

Why were the Comanches so feared? How did they control so much territory? Why were they so hard to defeat? How did Quanah Parker become the last chief of the Comanche and what was the importance of his role as chief? How has legacy continued in Texas history?

1. Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately

2. In your initial post, include at least one interesting question the readings raised for you

3. Reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts who selected different groups and attempt to answer their questions (100-word posts minimum)

Part (B) One of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by reviewing primary documents, scholarly secondary sources, and then creating an analysis of this research. After reading your text and reviewing the assigned materials, submit an analysis of the people that shaped the American West

You might want to consider the following questions, but you are not limited to them: It has been said by historians that the West shaped America. How has the West shaped culture? What surprises you most about the change in population in California? Which group’s contribution to the West most connected with you? Were there any groups that you feel have been underrepresented in your past studies? How can each group be acknowledged for their contributions?

Identify and briefly describe each chemical step required to create each neurotransmitter.

Assignment 2

  • Starting with the precursor substance tyrosine, draw three diagrams showing how the various enzymes convert this substance to serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.
  • Identify and briefly describe each chemical step required to create each neurotransmitter.



In your essays, you should reference both the reading AND the podcast and/or documentary. Provide in-text citations using APA formatting. Write a reaction essay in response to 13th.

13th assignment

Due Tuesday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting an external tool
Watch 13th – Available on Netflix and YouTube

Reminder: In your essays, you should reference both the reading AND the podcast and/or documentary. Provide in-text citations using APA formatting.
Quizzes Write a reaction essay in response to 13th. Your essay should Grades 0 be at least 500 words. The reaction essay is NOT an opinion Synch Grades with essay or a film review (e.g. do not simply summarize the content Self-Service of the documentary or restate the content). Instead, your assignment is to critically evaluate the material presented as it relates to the course. In other words, discuss the documentary in the context of the course readings, materials, and other class discussions. For example, discuss how the issues raised further our understanding of the readings and other material in class.

At the top of your submission, include your name, the name of the documentary, and the word count of your essay. Be sure to use APA formatting including in-text citations when referencing the reading materials.

Respond to the following response. Explain why you think some visions fail?

Response Gabrielle

Respond to the following response.  Explain why you think some visions fail?

Good morning,

Visions fail for several reasons such as being too specific, too complex, too vague, inadequate, irrelevant, blurred, unrealistic, and a rearview mirror. Visions can fail also if the leaders do not do much to implement the vision. When management talks about the vision and how great it is but does not back it up with actions that is when visions will fail. Poor planning can also lead to vision failing. Poor planning can mean several different things such as the visions being unclear, too broad, too specific, lack creativity, or cannot be measured. Visions need to be thought out and specific to the organization or the organization will have trouble implementing the vision.

Visions can also fail when they are too complex, inadequate, or irrelevant to the organization. When visions are too complex, they can be difficult to understand which will make them hard to implement. Visions must be idealistic, realistic, and tangible this would make it easy to incorporate for everyone and allows for all employee to be on the same page about the vision. If visions are inadequate, it does not fully address the problem going on. If visions are irrelevant, then the team will not implement them since they do not relate to the organization.


Palmer, I. (2021). Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).

Discuss the significance of the planned change and its impact on the organization.

Marketing Question

Required readings:

  • Chapter Two: Nature of Planned Change
  • Chapter Three: Organizational Development Practitioner

Textbook: Cummings, T. Worley, C (2015). Organization development and change. (10th ed.). Stamford, Connecticut: Cengage Learning. ISBN#: 13 9781133190455 (print), ISBN#: 13 9781285800967 (e-text).

Recommended readings:

Pregmark, J.E (2022, February 21). Renewal models for change. Learning Organization, 29(3), 255-274.

2.3 Test your knowledge (Question):

1 Discuss the significance of the planned change and its impact on the organization.( words400 -600)

-Write at least one reference.

Explain how the Protagonist learns the concepts of “inverted entropy” through the Behavioral modeling process.

Writing Question

In about 4 to 5 pages (Times new roman, 12, double spaced) answer the following questions based on the movie Tenet and connect the concepts of learning and decision making in Chapter 8 to the plot and characters of the movie.

1. Explain how the Protagonist learns the concepts of “inverted entropy” through the Behavioral modeling process. (Hint, see figure 8-3 in the book and associate it with the formal or informal learning shown in the movie).

2. There are multiple decisions that the Protagonist has to make throughout the entire film. Select ANY ONE decision made by the Protagonist in the movie and explain whether it was a Programmed Decision **(lean more towards a Programed Decision)** or a Nonprogrammed Decision.

3. Summarize your thoughts on movie and the concepts of learning and decision making presented in the chapter.

Discuss at least two I-O psychology concepts you learned about in this week’s module that you think are reflected in this research. What recommendations would you make to employers concerned about drug use?

Psychology Question

Write an “essay” about how an IO psychologist might approach, discuss, etc. drug use and/or drug use policies in the workforce.

Step 1: Read this article about work related stressors and drug use. work stressor and drug use.pdf

STEP 2: In your own words, write a summary of the reading. (About 4-5 sentences)

STEP 3: Discuss at least two I-O psychology concepts you learned about in this week’s module that you think are reflected in this research. What recommendations would you make to employers concerned about drug use?

What interpretive programs (tours, school programs, exhibits, etc.) do they do? Is the site owned publicly (like by a city government or park service) or privately? Who owns it?

Parks and Preservation: Oceania

Search online for a preservation area, historic place, or national park in the region of Oceania. These could be historic public buildings, national parks, wildlife preserves, museums, monuments, memorials, tourist destinations, etc. Use the park/museum/reserve’s OFFICIAL website (not a trip advisor page or something) to answer the questions below. Try to find one with a lot of information to make it easier to get the necessary details. This doesn’t have to be super structured, the objective is to get you exploring a little bit and zoom in on a place in Oceania. Give us a bit of a tour! Have fun with it!

Include at least one photo of the place and a map that shows its location in your post. (How to embed image tutorial)

1. Significance of the park/site (Why is it important?)

2. The site location (Where is it? What is the physical landscape like? Is it rural or urban?)

3. Who or what is the site’s central goal or topic? (What histories do they tell? What is the site dedicated to protecting? Why is it important?)

4. What interpretive programs (tours, school programs, exhibits, etc.) do they do?

5. Is the site owned publicly (like by a city government or park service) or privately? Who owns it?

6. Fun thing (Do they have a nifty virtual exhibit? Neat project they’re doing? A cool event?)

7. Would you want to visit? Why?

When you respond to two (2) of your classmates, find ones that cover a different place from the site you chose! Share with them something about the site you researched, something you learned from their post, and/or some connection between the two!