
Describe how the new plans will affect the organization, both internally and externally.

21st Century Corporate Social Responsibility

Choose an organization that has their corporate social responsibility (CSR) statement, vision, and mission statements available on their website.

2. Quote the statement and describe what this means in your own words

3. Research a recent article on the organization that is related to their current and/or future CSR activities.

4. Describe how the new plans will affect the organization, both internally and externally.

5. Develop an idea for a new CSR endeavor for the organization based on the organization’s mission and vision.


Describe what you believe will be the most likely obstacles you will need to overcome in implementing your strategic plan and what potential actions you can take to address these obstacles.

Review the paper provided and add on to it by completing the 2 parts list below.

Part 1
Describe what you believe will be the most likely obstacles you will need to overcome in implementing your strategic plan and what potential actions you can take to address these obstacles.

Part 2
Then provide a conclusion for the the entire paper provided

What are the elements of a bloodstain pattern training program?What about the cost and time of such a certification process?

Crime scene investigation certification’s essay

To assist in making this possible, the laboratory operates a mobile crime laboratory that will respond to any crime scene.

The crime scene investigators collect, preserve and tag evidence, document the scene with photographs, video tape, crime scene sketching, and analyze evidence.

In addition to processing the scene of the crime, crime scene investigators also aid in crime scene shooting reconstruction and blood spatter interpretation.

The Sheriff’s Laboratory provides crime scene processing to any requesting agency in the county.

You want all your trained crime scene staff to be certified.  Consider the following:

• From the Crime Scene Investigation section above, it states, “there remains great variability in crime scene investigation practices, along with persistent concerns that the lack of standards and proper training at the crime scene can contribute to the difficulties of drawing accurate conclusions once evidence is subjected to forensic laboratory methods”. Does this present an ethical issue?

• Is there a lack of standards for crime scene investigations? Is this a problem?

• What are the elements of a certification program?

• What are the elements of a bloodstain pattern training program?

• What about the cost and time of such a certification process?

• Is it worth the cost? Should states or the Federal government mandate certification?

• Should it require an associate, baccalaureate, or no degree?

• Should it require training programs? How long? How often?

• Annual proficiency tests?

• Moot court training?

Read the below selections found in the Reading & Study folder for Module 4: Week 4 and then complete the essay assignment:

How did your perspectives or viewpoints change based on your research?

Politically or Religiously Driven in The U.S.
Briefly discuss/ outline the historiography of the Topic

Present your research

Discuss your findings based on the sources you have collected

Analyze your sources

Summarize your findings

Describe what your focus was and what you found. (Remember to do not use I)


Re-address your initial arguments.  Re-evaluate your discussions and the information presented in the article

Draw a conclusion based on your research.

Discuss your sources and how you used them. (Use impersonal responses)

How did your perspectives or viewpoints change based on your research? (Use impersonal responses)


Compile all your sources together

You should have a total of 10 sources (At least 5 primary and 5 secondary)

Divide your Bibliography into Primary and Secondary Sources sections (You do not need descriptions of the sources for each source just the citation)


Discuss how diversification is creating value for the organization and discuss potential incentives and resources that encourage that diversification.

Identify an organization that uses diversification and explain what kind of diversification the organization is using (levels of diversification and related/not related).

Discuss how diversification is creating value for the organization and discuss potential incentives and resources that encourage that diversification.

At least one source must be peer-reviewed journal articles

Additional sources can be from a trade journal or other source of your choosing

Identify one key stakeholder and explain how this stakeholder relates to your topic or proposed project.

Improving Workplace Violence in Nursing with Training

Integrate the assigned course textbook discussing the evidence-based practice model and stakeholder.

Use a maximum of one direct quote less than 20 words and multiple paraphrases as supportive evidence throughout the paper with in-text citations and matching references formatted in APA style.

Introduction (1 paragraph): Use the approved 3 research articles as sources to:

Identify and introduce a nurse-related topic of interest.

Clinical Question (1 sentence):  State your revised clinical question based on a nurse-related topic. Do not discuss the PICOT components.

Justification of the Topic (1 to 2paragraphs): Discuss two reasons why this topic should be investigated and provide in-text citations to support your claims for each reason.

Evidence-Based Practice Model (1to 2 paragraphs): Use the assigned course textbook as a source to select one evidence-based practice model for discussion:

Identify and describe the evidence-based practice model.

Discuss why you selected the model (provide in-text citations to support your claims).

Identify one key stakeholder and explain how this stakeholder relates to your topic or proposed project.

Discuss how the stakeholder aligns with the selected model.

Findings (3 paragraphs): Provide in-text citations and report a summary of the findings from the 3 approved scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In one paragraph, summarize each article by identifying the:


Which are the reasons why that diversification (related or not related diversification) is beneficial to the organization?

• Define the product and market the organization will work with

• Describe the level of diversification the team suggests the organization use for that product

• Which are the reasons why that diversification (related or not related diversification) is beneficial to the organization?

• Explain the value created with the diversification suggested

Should there be a Division of Male and Female Sports?

Should there be a Division of Male and Female Sports?

What is your assessment of the new team structure – i.e., the new structure for Disney Animation’s systems group? What are its strengths and weaknesses?

Disney and Pixar

What is your assessment of the new team structure – i.e., the new structure for Disney Animation’s systems group? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Is this the right structure for the work the group does? Why or why not?

Identify and explain the main factors causing change in values in different market sectors.


Knowledge and Understanding
Upon successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

Identify and explain the main factors causing change in values in different market sectors.

Apply conventional valuation methods to value freehold property interests for different purposes.

Apply conventional methods to value leasehold interests

Examine the RICS Valuation – Global Standards and understand when and how to use them

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills
On completion you will have had the opportunity to/will be able to:

Carry out in-depth conventional valuations.

Demonstrate ability in key skills to conduct property valuation.

Recognize the limitations of valuation techniques and evaluate their effectiveness in a wide range of circumstances