
Explain how you would minimize these issues through the policy.

Human Resource Policy and Manual

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a Human Resource Manager for a mid-size corporation with 200 employees and develop a company HR Policy and Manual.

Prior to beginning the assignment, review the 10 “Employee Relations Scenarios.” Assess eight relevant employment and labor laws (e.g., OSHA, FMLA, Affirmative Action, ADA, Title VII, FLSA, ERISA, and/or EEOC) as they relate to the issues set forth in the ten employee relations scenarios.

Explain how you would minimize these issues through the policy.

The HR Policy and Manual should be clearly organized and include the following.


What would be a first step to find the root cause of the problem of lack of teamwork? What first set of questions might you ask in your search for answers?discuss.

Read and respond to the following classmates’ discussion posts. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions. Be sure to use at least 175 words, FULL APA references, and in-text citations.

1. Managers encourage cooperation among various generations of employees and lead to achieve quality results. It takes a team functioning together and in sync in order to achieve the quality initiatives required, as you well point out in your post.

Class: Suppose you were the lead manager of an organization and cooperation among various employees from different generations was lacking, and as such was a barrier to making progress in quality initiative areas. What would be a first step to find the root cause of the problem of lack of teamwork? What first set of questions might you ask in your search for answers?  discuss.

2. This week as we think about employee satisfaction and working together to bridge generational differences,  Communication is an important element of bringing generational differences to a common point. In our businesses sometimes deficiencies in communication may not be addressed properly therefore supporting a continual need for improvements.

This course and our material causes me to stop and think about the possibility of generational differences being part of the communication deficit; if this is true then addressing the differences and finding commonalities might be a way to support lasting solutions.

Do you think there is an alternative to public employees striking? Why or why not?

Strikes may be rare, but it is noteworthy that they have been occurring more frequently in recent years.

It is prudent for HR professionals to consider including a strategy for responding to picket lines and protests in their company’s operational plan, especially given the compliance risk and remedies for situations that are not handled properly. In your initial post, analyze whether public employees should have the right to organize and have the right to strike.

If yes, what groups should be permitted to have the right to strike and which should not have the same right and why?

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies early during the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in the discussion.

Provide additional or different opinions as to whether public employees should have the right to organize and strike. Why or why not? Do you think there is an alternative to public employees striking? Why or why not? Support your statements with scholarly and/or credible sources.

Explain whether public employees should have a right to organize and strike. Provide a rationale for your statements.

Collective Bargaining Agreement

Collective bargaining is a process in which negotiations between employers and a group of employees occur and are aimed at reaching agreements to regulate employment/working conditions.

Typically, the interests of the employees are representatives of a trade union to which the employees belong.

For this assignment, you will take on the role of an employee union representative tasked to draft a CBA based on the initial negotiation with the employer, who is an athletic organization.

Evaluate what (if any) issues should be permissive versus mandatory within a CBA.

Compare and contrast why the said issues should be permissive versus mandatory.

Explain whether public employees should have a right to organize and strike. Provide a rationale for your statements.

Assume that the current CBA is set to expire in six months. Based on your research,

Analyze key issues that should be included in the new CBA.

Construct terms for each mandatory subject of bargaining (i.e., hours, wages, terms, and conditions of employment).

Design a grievance procedure and policy within the CBA for each party to follow if disputes arise under the CBA.

Explain whether the NLRA should be modified to include ADR to prohibit lockouts and strikes, or whether the NLRA should modify the bargaining agreement to require interest-based bargaining.

National Labor Relations Board and Act
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) extends rights to many private-sector employees, including the right to organize and bargain with their employer collectively.

Employees covered by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) are protected from certain types of employer and union misconduct and have the right to attempt to form a union where none currently exists.

Prior to beginning this discussion, review the Taft-Hartley Act and NLRB Announces New Pilot ADR Program articles.

For your initial post, analyze what impact the NLRB and courts had in their attempt to generate equality of bargaining power between union and employers (if any). Analyze the pros and cons of including “alternative dispute resolution (ADR)” in the NLRA.

Explain whether the NLRA should be modified to include ADR to prohibit lockouts and strikes, or whether the NLRA should modify the bargaining agreement to require interest-based bargaining. Support your statements with at least three (3) scholarly and/or credible sources. Your initial post must be three paragraphs in length.

What identifying factors contribute to low morale within functional teams?

Write a case analysis from the attached paper.

What identifying factors contribute to low morale within functional teams? Answer the 2 questions below.

How will these recommendations for innovation affect the company’s competitive advantage?

For this assignment, you will act as a consultant for your employer or the company of your choice. Your assignment is to prepare a slide presentation with three to five change recommendations for addressing customer needs and building an ecosystem for innovation.

To do this, you will need to answer the following questions for your recommendations.

Where will your innovations take the company in the future?

How will the changes help the company to reach consumers and the right time?

How will these recommendations for innovation affect the company’s competitive advantage?

Your answers should be brief and provide a well-developed recommendation.

Why does Joseph boyden use two narrators to tell the story of “three day road” ? what effects does he create interweaving niska’s and Xavier’s narrative ?

Three day road

Why does Joseph boyden use two narrators to tell the story of “three day road” ? what effects does he create interweaving niska’s and Xavier’s narrative ?

Why does Joseph Boyden use two narrators to tell the story of Three Day Road?

Three Day Road


1. Why does Joseph Boyden use two narrators to tell the story of Three Day Road? What effects does he create by interweaving Niska’s and Xavier’s narratives?

2. Niska tells Xavier about the stories her father told her family. “Sometimes his stories were all that we had to keep us alive” (p. 35). What role do stories play within the novel?

3. Why does Niska spend so much time telling Xavier stories of the past? Why does she say that she “feeds” him stories? What effect do her stories have on him?

4. Early in the novel, Thompson asks Elijah if he likes combat and killing, to which Elijah, “It’s in my blood.” But Thompson doesn’t ask Xavier, who thinks, “Does he sense something? How am I different?” (p. 75). How is Xavier different from Elijah? How do they each feel about combat and killing? In what ways are they alike?

5. Elijah has a dream in which three of his dead fellow soldiers tell him: “Do what you can.There is nothing sacred any more in a place such as this. Don’t fight it. Do what you can” (p.282). How does Elijah interpret this? Are these spirits right in suggesting that in war nothing is sacred and that a soldier should do whatever he can—even if it involves killing innocent people—to survive and win?

6. In what ways is it significant that Xavier and Elijah are Cree? How do their fellow soldiers perceive them? What aspects of their traditional ways of life affect how they perform during the war?

7. How does Niska begin to cure Xavier of his despair and morphine addiction? What does this cure suggest about the difference between Native Canadian and Western views of medicine and healing?

8. Niska has the gift of receiving visions. What do her visions reveal to her? How do they guide her?

9. What does the novel as a whole say about war and what it can do to those who must kill in war? How are Elijah and Xavier changed, physically and spiritually, by their experiences in war?

10. In what ways is Three Day Road relevant to our own time and circumstance?

Explain the various stages and the key components associated with each stage in the policy process.

Health Care Policy: The Past And The Future

The policy cycle approach provides lawmakers with a pathway for developing a policy and guiding it through the institutions of our government. The cycle starts with identification of a targeted problem and ultimately ends up with providing a specific course of action.

Along the way, the outcomes of a policy are subjected to various levels of review, evaluation, and revisions that result in a continual loop.

In essence, the policy cycle consists of a series of interlocking steps that actually serves as a dialogue between the main stakeholders.

As a health care administrator, it’s important to have a working knowledge of the process and how the process ultimately leads to implementation of health care laws that eventually will have an impact on what you do.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that explains the policy process. Be sure to do the following in your paper:

Explain the various stages and the key components associated with each stage in the policy process.

Discuss formulation, legislation, implementation, evaluation, analysis, and revision.

Identify who the main stakeholders are for each stage in the policy process.